ACF Election 2015.

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by tgf »

Does not look like this page was updated in the last 5 years, it is full of links pointing to sites long gone, while omitting new checkers sites and pages.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Irma Sierra »

Alex_Moiseyev wrote: Idea #1 on my list things to do - listen people. I can't say - I am ideal, perfect listener, but I am learning.
It will take some years... :shock:

I don't doubt that Mr. Alex is "honest", "accounting capacity", "business skill", etc., etc. but I think the checkers community should be represented by a "whole person." A person besides having those skills is very important to have the ability to deal with all kinds of people with utmost respect and professional courtesy....
To my way of thinking, and sometimes reading this forum, I conclude that Mr. Alex only cares about money.
I have seen and lived the fact that he doesnt respect women... Moreover Mr. Alex doesnt care about majors or minors players.
If somebody dares to say something contrary to his view, he attacks with no mercy and he even has his counsel deffending (Mr. John Acker).
Mr. Alex is a very good player but in my view, not an "example" of a very good person.
I believe Mr. John as president of the ACF would do better without the influence of Mr. Alex.... of course if he tries to moderate his "passional" attacks when somebody disagree with him...

It is the only team that has been proposed to chair the presidency and treasury???
just lady.......
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Irma Sierra wrote: ...
Hi, Irma ! I also don't have any doubts about your honesty. And I listen you :D

Financial questions are only part of things I plan to do if will be elected. This is important but doesn't cover everything. Actually absolutely everything must be done because absolutely nothing was done in the past years ! You can say that current ACF administration doesn't pay much attention for money and this is true - because they don't really pay attention to anything ! (There are only few exceptions).

Concerning woman and my "disrespect" - I can assure you: these are only rumors and legend which is repeated for years. And this legend is inaccurate My treatment for everyone is the same.

Back to business - In ACF woman checkers sport is at ground zero today. Do you have ANY ideas - how this can be improve ? I heard in the past an idea - checkers players should bring to event and encourage to participate their wives / daughters / girlfriend. What do you think ?

I also personally invite you to participate in elections and cast ballot (whoever you vote for): it is important that people come and make decision - what and how they want to see ACF in the next couple years.

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Chexhero »

Alex_Moiseyev wrote:
Back to business - In ACF woman checkers sport is at ground zero today. Do you have ANY ideas - how this can be improve ? I heard in the past an idea - checkers players should bring to event and encourage to participate their wives / daughters / girlfriend. What do you think ?
This is a good idea and I recommend that everyone should be encouraged to invite any member of family, friends, etc. They don't have to be a checker player even. And If you can get enough beginners at one tournament, you can have them compete in a beginners division. Just need to motivate them to come and offer worthy prizes.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Irma Sierra »

I can't less than smile Mr. Alex.. you are brave!
The first time I went to a tournament we were a bunch of minors, 23 or 24 if I remember well and many majors days the financial situation for many players have changed and the lack of encouragment for "that level of players" has helped too....
When somebody gives the results of one day on a tournament, only gives the results of masters....hmmmm the other players don't count, do they??? Imagine I am a wife that wants to know how my husband did that day... well, no results, he is not a master....
About disrespecting women when I said I have lived it, just remember the day that I was beeing harrassed in others day "kurnik" and you were watching all and you didn't stop them as an adult would do it, you just were sitting there enjoying all..... I took pictures of that day and showed it here.
Your way to say things are far from beeing nice or cordial, is like if your word should be the last, maybe now it changes because you are not anymore the world champion??
John Acker sent me a message in facebook today, of course deffending you as if you couldnt, I told him: what I said is what I think, and I could corroborate that John's mind works with high quantity of hormones and can't help it and he runs fast and says whatever his "heart" is feeling, I was trying to answer to his speech but he blocked me, jajajaja.... that will bring problems to him.
I really hope the best for the ACF, hope whoever gets the chair will do their best to get more players because the oldies are dying and soon the beautifull game of checkers will die here in America and like it or not....THE MONEY WILL BE LESS! SOOOO HURRY UP!
just lady.......
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Irma Sierra wrote:About disrespecting women when I said I have lived it, just remember the day that I was beeing harrassed in others day "kurnik" and you were watching all and you didn't stop them as an adult would do it
Dear Irma, this is certainly not a "woman issue", because If instead harassing you, they would harass any man, I also would never step up. My treatment for man and woman is the same.

We were not in the office or on the street or in normal public place, internet is complete different world often with low morality. Many times these kids harass me, use dirty language. If I don't like it - I would leave this place and never come back. But I am coming here (Kurnik) to play checkers.

If I would say anything for your (or anyone) protection, this more likely would generate another dozen of dirty replicas ... that's all about. I have strong, more than 15 years, online experience, including deals with trolleys and other bad people. The only thing they want - make you angry by any way. If I start talking with them this means - I accepted their rule of game. But I don't accept - that's why I didn't say anything when they harass you.

Case close, or you still think I am partial to woman ? :D

Do I have your vote ?
Irma Sierra wrote:I believe Mr. John as president of the ACF would do better without the influence of Mr. Alex
You know what is most funny thing ? Several people told me that they would vote for me if I get "separated" from John ! But this is quite impossible. Me and John know each other more than 15 years, have many things in common, have very good, strong experience to communicate and very good relations.

All after all - how I can dump one of the most valuable contributors and editor of "Sixth" ??? :D :D :D

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Irma Sierra »

It would be sad that checkers comunity in all USA can't propose another team...
What about:
George Gerhauser
James OGrady
Alexander Weaver
Joe Moore
Roger Blaine
Jim Morrison
Nick Boatman
etc., etc., and I bet there are some young ones that would like to participate... Or maybe nobody because then they will be criticized by "someone"... You are right, maybe you and John are the only option, in that way you wont be able to be part and judge at same time...

I hope you can get more players because the things don't look too good for checkers... :(


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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by neilwenberg »

It is good to see that everybody is cutting everybody else down and arguing. That is what makes being a member of ACF so stimulating! And also seems to accomplish little of a constructive note!
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by kiwinurse »

I don't see that at all Neil,every member has a right to question the committee of the acf,particularly when election time comes,and also where the moneys gone.That makes good sense to me.There has not been enough questions asked,and too much silence.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by neilwenberg »

Nurse, so you feel that free expression even at the risk of creating friction and dissention is the way to go? I feel the ACF which I have belonged to for more than fifty years, is an organization to promote friendly competition between checker players. It is not a place on this forum to constantly argue and bicker over who should do what or who did wrong in trying to promote our great game Alan took the presidency , which is an unpaid position, in order to promote this great game. Yet it seems like the forum has turned into a site for slamming and arguing with those who have a different point of view than someone else. I feel Alan has done a good job and if others feel they can do better it is the election that should decide who the officers are, not the person who can argue and cry the loudest. I think the reason for the election is to promote harmony in the ranks, not dissention.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Last edited by Alex_Moiseyev on Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

I believe we can do both - keep harmony and speak respectfully for business.

Alan Millhone, my long time friend in the past, present and hopefully in the future, did many good things for checkers and ACF since he took office in 2003, but being relatively inactive in the past several years. John Acker has his own vision, although he doesn't plan to change and destroy everything. John is proportionally pro-active and conservative at the same time. Why not giving him a chance ?

People should feel proudly that they are playing checkers, that's why I changed my slogan tonight :D

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by kiwinurse »

Alan is a friend of mine as well ,Neill,and has been for many years.But there is a silence on the financial running of the organization,and that's not good.Every thing should be open and above board,pardon the expression,a financial statement should be published every year,to its members.Im not here to attack anybody,but as a member ,even though im an overseas member, I have that right to ask for a treasurery statement,and so is every member of the acf,without it being seen as stirring,or causing trouble.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

kiwinurse wrote:there is a silence on the financial running of the organization,and that's not good.
After John Acker was elected as ACF Treasure two years ago (and before his resignation), he prepared ACF financial report, perhaps first time for 6-8 years or so (one was submitted by Richard some years ago). This report was posted on this site but it was gone after John ACF forum account was deleted.

It wasn't 100% complete report, because there were some "black holes" here, as John mentioned and some information was unavailable even for ACF Treasure !

We need regular financial report every 2 years. Perhaps publishing this report can be link to Election year. If I will be elected as ACF Player representative, I will do my best to update ACF-BY-LAWS - definitions of ACF officer responsibilities. There are few more places in ACF-BY-LAWS which look obsolete today and must be updated.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

I can only repeat the same thing again and again: you have to come and vote ! Your vote is counted, it is extremely important and valuable. If you want changes - you have to cast ballot. Big election turnover is crucial.

Neither my nor John opponents are very active with campaign and issues, perhaps hoping low turn will make them a victory. And they are absolutely right: it is easy to manipulate with passive people.

Lets make this 2015 ACF Elections exceptional !

I am playing checkers, not chess.
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