Watch Movie Online "THE CHECKER KING"

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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

Alex wrote:
even if I don't believe in God, it shouldn't stop him to help me !
Good friend, and I mean that, you are a good friend to me. Keep in mind that your famous quote should work both ways. So don't let your disbelief stop you from giving God credit (As Danny did.) when you feel you've received help from someone greater than yourself.

Anyway this famous quote you shared with us brings to mind an old joke which was put to rhyme.

TYPICAL By Waddie Mitchell

Out on the cliff’s edge farther than he’d ever been before
A cowboy sat with his legs a danglin’ high above the valley’s floor.

He was lost in his own thoughts while drinking in the grandeur of it all,
When suddenly a big gust of wind unseated him and he began to fall.

“Twas a desperate situation and he didn’t dare think slow,
For it was certain death awaiting him on the rocky crags below.

So he called upon a friend; I guess the only one he could
The one we all seem to forget about when things are going good.

He said, “Oh God, if you will help me, I’ll quit my sinful ways;
I’ll do the things you’d have me do; I’ll work hard all my days;

I‘ll quit the booze and cigarettes and I’ll start helpin' my loving wife;
I’ll spend more time with my children I’m going to turn around my life;

I’ll work hard to help the needy, yes Sir, I promise you I'll repent...”
Just then, a tree limb caught a hold of him and stopped his fast descent.

Whilst hanging there from this tree that grew out from the rocky shelf
He looked skyward and said, “Hmmm, never mind God, I handled it myself!”

Click the below link to hear an audio version of Waddie reciting this poem:

Here's a video clip of Waddie.
Last edited by Palomino on Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
CHECKERS: The Mind Sport of Kings and Ordinary Men.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

Danny wrote:
Pal, for a long long time I have heard him calling me and i have turned away time and time again.... for many many years i have called myself an agnostic ...the last couple of years i have witnessed too many times how he has protected me from harm. I haven't returned to church yet (i went last week but thats a one off for now) but i intend to.

A week and 2 days ago i fell off a scaffold that was in excess of 5 metres high... ( i fell off 4.5 metres high , which is almost 15 feet) .... not only did i walk away from that ( just a scrape on my elbow) but the place where i fell was surrounded by dangerous stuff and i fell in the 1 square foot that was clean and safe. When i went to church the plan was to testify, but all i could do was cry and sign hymns with the congregation.

I have a long way to go... im only human ....i havent decided to which church i will go... my parents are seventh-day adventist (thats the church i grew up in) and most of my other relatives and wife are catholic, to me that doesn't matter... .
Danny, I'm glad, very glad, you weren't hurt by that fall but we can't forget that you could have been, which makes what you said about your kids that much more important.
...all that matters is that i want to come back and i want my kids to know him.
Danny I saw the picture you posted of your lovely family. You have two beautiful and precious daughters.

So, I want to share with you a quote by Albert Schweitzer.
It's a good one and I think it would be a good thing if everyone would to commit it to their memory.

"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It's the only thing."

My very best to you and your family..."Pal"
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Re: Watch Movie Online "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

Palomino wrote:Danny I saw the picture you posted of your lovely family. You have two beautiful and precious daughters.

So, I want to share with you a quote by Albert Schweitzer.
It's a good one and I think it would be a good thing if everyone would to commit it to their memory.

"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It's the only thing."

My very best to you and your family..."Pal"
Thanks a lot Pal... it is a very good quote and I assure you I will keep it in mind....
I hope you have a great week :) my 'working monday' is done now off to enjoy a few hours this afternoon with my little munchkins :)
Danny Alvarez
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Re: Watch Movie Online "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by RMDionisio »

wow, this movie brings back memories. i was also never able to view it due to lack of cable tv. that was my 2nd tournament ever, and i remember playing harold o'brian, or as i remembered him as, the pink cowboy shirt wearing trash talker, lol. he sure could trash talk, and i was only 16 at the time. kinda glad i took him 3-1-0, because he didnt have much to say after that :) very nice man, and a well made movie about him.......i had no idea he was going through such emotional stress; it really makes you think about the players you meet and the lives they live.
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