Jimmy Grant

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Jimmy Grant

Post by tommyc »

Sad news of the passing of Jimmy Grant Scotland.....RIP One of Scotlands finest player and a lovely man..
News fro G.Young this mornin.....
Always read "Cannings Compilation 2nd Edition" every day.
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Re: Jimmy Grant

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

He was a good player and great man. My deep sympathy to all Scottish and European players and family members.

I am playing checkers, not chess.
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Lindus Edwards
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Re: Jimmy Grant

Post by Lindus Edwards »

I am deeply saddened to hear this news. I met Jimmy at the Great Britain and Ireland v USA International Match at Bournemouth, England, in 1973 and took an instant liking to him. He was about the most friendly player one could wish to meet. I will always remember Jimmy as he requested Walter Hellman to “play on” when the former asked for a draw in what was to be his final major event game. Walter then took a fast draw and Jimmy said, “Yes, it is a draw.” After the game Jimmy said, “You just don't ask a world champion to play on.” We all had a good laugh about that. Just one of the many wonderful memories I have of the polite gentleman who was incredibly gifted as a player. His knowledge was immense and his steady play of fine moves made him the great player he was. Jimmy won the English Open at Morecambe in 2007, ahead of Tom Watson and myself with his usual display of great play. This was the last time I saw him, following a friendship of many years. The checker-playing world has lost a lovely gentleman and great player. RIP dear friend.
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JR Smith
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Re: Jimmy Grant

Post by JR Smith »

Jimmy's Obituary by Donald Oliphant

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Re: Jimmy Grant

Post by S_McCosker »

I first met Jimmy in 2006 at the British Open in Stonehaven. Although I never had the pleasure of facing him across the board his manner and temperament alone showed great character and one of the great champions of Scottish Draughts.

One of my favorite players in the game and a true gentleman RIP.

Shane McCosker
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Re: Jimmy Grant

Post by williamdocherty »

Jimmy Grant was one of the strongest players that Scotland ever produced and ranked alongside Britain's best such as Oldbury, McGill, Watson, Edwards to name only a few.

I first met and played him in the 1983 Scottish championship. Despite being only 15 and having been in serious competition for only 2 years I did manage to get a draw from him (with the weak side !!! always frustrating!!). This win enabled Jimmy to take the title on a tie break on our result, as we were both on 29 points...
He was a modest winner, and a reserved person but definitely a pleasure to meet and talk with.

In recent years he did not participate in tournament or match play due to back pains I believe and I can imagine that this would have been frustrating for him.

Jimmy's death is a very sad loss for Scottish and world draughts.
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