Rare checker book collection for sale...

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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Rare checker book collection for sale...

Post by Chexbibliophile »

Been collecting for 20 years now and throwing the idea around of possible selling some books or selling them together to the right person or private library. Price would be commensurate to the amount of books. Obviously many of these books are difficult to come by by any stretch. I know several books the CPL doesn't own yet. Some items I have are unique as well. Ultimately I want the right person or place to continue what I started and appreciate the books as well. I have hundreds of original rare books in many languages with a emphasis on Spanish, English, and some French and Russian dropped in. I have many magazines as well. I won't list everything but show some books off. Serious inquiries can contact me for longer list and discussion.

***I am selling books individually now. Inquire about price****


Not a complete or inclusive list but just some of the books.I have many more.

Spanish Books
Canalejas, Juan Garcia. Libro del juego de las damas, dividido en tres tratado.
En Caragoca. A costa de su autor. 1650. 1st edition
Canalejas, Juan Garcia. Libro del juego de las damas, dividido en tres tratado.
En Zaragoca. A costa de su autor. 1650. 2nd Edition
Cecina Rica, Pablo y Fergel. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria (Christmas tree pro
logue). Madrid. 1759
Cecina Rica, Pablo y Fergel. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria (L Prologue). Madri
d. 1759
Cecina Rica, Pablo y Fergel. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria (Manuscript)
Cecina Rica, Pablo y Fergel. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria. Madrid. En la impr
enta de collado. 1819
Cecina Rica, Pablo y Fergel. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria. Madrid. Villa Nuev
a. 1718
Flaquer, Enrique. Quiere Usted Aprender a Jugar a Las Damas (First edition). F.
Granada y C. 1909
Flaquer, Enrique. Quiere Usted Aprender A Jugar a Las Damas (Second Edition). Ed
itorial Atlante. 1909
Frau, Francisco Lozano. Nuevo tratado del Juego de Damas. Madrid. 1872
Garcez, Joseph Carlos. Libro Nuevo juego de damas; dividido en tres tratados. Ma
drid. Goncalez de Reyes. 1684
Kruijswijk. K.W. Damwerk Timoneda 1635 in transcripte. Rosmalen. 1989
Padrino, Jose. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria, que ensena a jugar a las damas c
on espada y broquel, dividida en tres tratados. Reimpresso en Sevilla. A costa d
e Jose Padrino. 1740
Perez, Enrique Moya y. Tratado Completo Del Juego De Damas. Valencia. 1875
Rovira, Luis Soler y. Armas contra la espada y broquel de don Pablo Cecina Rica
y Fergel. Madrid. Espinosa. 1819
Rovira, Luis Soler y. Armas contra la espada y broquel de Don Pablo Cecina Rica
y Fergel. n.d
Sabater, Dr. Manuel Carceles. Tratado Del Juego De Damas. Madrid. 1905
Valls, Lorenzo. Libro del juego de las damas por otro nombre el marro de punta d
ividido en tres tratados. Valencia. 1597
Vindel, Francisco. Solaces Bibliograficos. Madrid. 1942

Barteling, L. Traite Theorique Du Jeu De Dames. Amiens. 1901-1902
Bizot, Stanislas. Manuscript of Best Games from 1909-1927
Bizot, Stanislas. Manuscript of Games in 19101911
Bolze, F.J. Theorie du Damier; Trois dames contre une. 1901. Lyon
Bonnard, M. Manuscript of Coups en Jouant et Coups Pratiques. 1911
Bonnard, Marcel. Manuscript of Parties Notees Lyon. Notes
Chavanon, A. Manuscript from French Problemist A. Chavanon. 1884. Tarare
Commard, Laurent. Deux cents nouveaux problems recreatifs du jeu de dames a la p
olonaise, avec leus solutions. 1823
Delauney, Julien Felix (Laun). Petit Traite du Jeu de Dames. 1884. Paris,
Dufour. Recueil de coups de dames et de fins de parties difficiles. Paris, Evera
t. 1808
Gregoire, G. Guide-Manuel Illustre du Jeu De Dames. Paris. 1884
Jongh, Herman de. Technique Moderne Du Jeu De Dames (Exemplaire L). Paris. 1937
Jongh, Herman de. Technique Moderne Du Jeu De Dames (Exemplaire No. 144). Paris.
Jongh, Herman de. Technique Moderne Du Jeu De Dames. Paris. 1937
Kruijswijk, K.W. De Poolse Kunst Het Klassieke Franse Damgedicht (1750). Amersf
oort. 1991
Kruijswijk, K.W. Het Van Embden Dammanuscript 1803-1805. Rosmalen. 1990
Kruijswijk. K.W. Algemene historie en bibliografie van het Damspel. Den Haag. 19
Kruijswijk. K.W. Verzameling Van Damstanden in manuscript nagelaten door Blanken
aar en Van Emden. Utrecht. 1970
Lallement, J.G. & Gregoire, G. Traite complet illustre du Jeu de Dames. Paris. J
. Brouillet, Librarie. [1862]
Lallement, J.G. Les quatre jeux de dames, polonaise, egyptien, echecs, et a trio
s personnes, etc. Metz. 18011802
Lamarle, E. Recreation Mathematique. Solution d'un coup singulier du jeu de dame
s. Bruxelles. 1852
Manoury, M. Le Jeu de Dames a la polonaise. 1850. Paris, Au Café Manoury
Manoury, par. Essai sur le jeu de dames a la polonoise. Circa 1900. Paris. Chez
Knapen & Delaguette,
Manoury, par. Essai sur le jeu de dames. 1770
Manoury, par. Traite de Jeu de Dames. n.d. (1872) Paris. Delarue, Libraire-Edite
Manoury. Le Jeu de Dames a la Polonoise. 1787. A Paris
Poirson-Prugneaux, Q. Encyclopedie de jeu de dames. Commerci C. Cabasse. 1855
Reigner, Alfred. Recueil des Coups brillants & fins de parties publiés par Blon
de dans sa brochure de 1798
Schaap, Philip de. Catalogus van de Damcollectie in de Universiteitsbibliotheek
van Amsterdam bijeengebracht door. Amsterdam. 1990
Sijbrands, Ton. Le Grand Livre de Baba Sy = Het groot Baba Sy Boek. Voorst. 1989
Van Embden, Ephraim. Verhandeling over het damspel. Amsterdam. J.A. Crajenschot.
Van Tenac, Charles. Regle du jeu de dames. Paris. Delarue. 1850
Van Tenac, Charles. Regle du Jeu de Dames. Paris. Delarue. N.d. 1868 accepted
Vardon, Joseph. Jeu de dames a la polonaise notes d'un amateur. Amiens Typograp
hie Delattre-Lenoel, 1889
Weiss, Isidore. Le Damier Tactique strategie du jeu de dames. 1910

English Books
Anderson, Andrew. Anderson's Guide to the Game of Draughts, Containing upwards of seven hundred games. Lanark. Printed by R. Wood. 1848
Anderson, Andrew. Checkers. New York. n.d. Dick & Fitzgerald
Anderson, Andrew. The Game of Draughts Simplified (Fifth Edition). Glasgow. 1887
Anderson, Andrew. The Game of Draughts Simplified (Seventh edition). Edinburgh. 1905
Anderson, Andrew. The Game of Draughts Simplified (Sixth Edition). Edinburgh. N.d. c.1894
Anderson, Andrew. The Game of Draughts Simplified (Third edition). Glasgow. n.d. 1878
Anonymous. The Peoples Draught Book. n.d. 1898 accepted
Atkinson, Mathew. New Bristol Part 1 and 2. Bristol. J.A. Kear. 1889
Atkinson, Mathew. White and Coloured Doctors. Bristol. Preface dated 1892
Atwell, Richard. Scientific Draughts. Bristol. 1905
Baker, E.T. & Reed, J.P. The Alma Opening (First Edition). Chicago. Preface dated Feb 1888
Banks, Newell Williams. Morris-Systems Scientific Checkers. Detroit. 1923
Barker, C.F. & W. R. Barker's World Checker Book (2nd EditionRevised). Boston. 1879
Barker, Charles Francis. The American Checker Player (1st Edition). Boston. 1880
Barker, Charles Francis. The American Checker Player (Third Edition). Boston. n.d. c1907
Belasco, Albert. An Elementary Guide to the Scientific Game of Draughts (1st Edition). London. Preface dated 1888
Bohn, Henry G. The Handbook of Games comprising new or carefully revised treatises on Whist, Piquet, Ecarte,... 1850
Boland, Ben. Boland's Border Classics. Brooklyn, NY. 1957
Boland, Ben. Boland's Masterpieces on the Game of Checkers. Brooklyn, NY. 1947
Boland, Ben. Checkers for the Millions. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1939
Boland, Ben. Checkers in Depth. (Special Edition). Livingston Manor, New York, 1974
Boland, Ben. Corrections, Appendix, Additions, and Supplements. Various dates published
Boland, Ben. Famous Positions in the Game of Checkers (First edition). Brooklyn, NY. 1940
Boland, Ben. Famous Positions in the Game of Checkers (Limited edition). Brooklyn, NY. 1965
Boland, Ben. White and Black Doctors. New York. 1984
Bowen, Roland Edwin. Bristol. Worcester. 1880-1881
Bowen, Roland Edwin. Checkers The Authors' Bristol. Philadelphia. 1889
Bowen, Roland Edwin. Checkers The Fife Opening. Philadelphia. 1886
Bowen, Roland Edwin. Cross Opening. Worcester. 1878
Bradley, Luther. Bradley's Bristol. West Derry, N.H. n.d. 1895 accepted
Brown, Melvin. Edinburgh. Checkers in Manuscript. Unknown dates or place of published
Brown, Melvin. Kelso. Checkers in Manuscript. Unknown date or place published
Cady, Howard A. Checkers A treatise on the Game. New York, NY. 1896
Call, William Timothy. Ellsworth's Checker Book. New York. 1899
Call, William Timothy. R.D. Yates, Checker Player. New York. 1905
Call, William Timothy. The Common Checker Player. Second Double Corner. New York. 1905
Call, William Timothy. The Literature of Checkers. New York. 1908
Call, William Timothy. The Safe Checker Player The Black Side. New York. 1906
Call, William Timothy. The Safe Checker Player The White Side. New York. 1907
Call. William Timothy. Vocabulary of Checkers.. A Dictionary of Words, Terms, and Phrases Used in the Game Called Checkers, or English Draughts. New York. 1909
Crawley, Captain. Chess Its theory and practice; to which is added a chapter on Draughts. London. Preface dated 1858
Cunningham, J. Gavin. The Draughts Pocket Manual. London. n.d. c. 1896
Denvir, J.T. & Bradt, Percy M. Denvir and Bradts Second Corner Book (Special Publishers Copy)
Denvir, J.T. & Bradt, Percy M. Denvir and Bradts Second Corner Book. Chicago. 1891
Denvir, John T. Denvir's Lessons on Checkers. Chicago. 1899
Denvir, John T. John T. Denvir's Traps and Shots. Chicago. 1905
Denvir, John T. Single Corner. Chicago. 1892
Denvir, John T. The Black Doctor Opening (revised edition). Chicago. 1892
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Falkirk. 1838
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Glasgow. 1851
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Glasgow. 1861
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Glasgow. 1866
Dunne, Frank. Draught-Player's Guide and Companion. Warrington. 1890
Dunne, Frank. Draughts Praxis or Modern Match Games. Warrington. 1905
Dunne, Frank. Draughts-Player's Guide and Companion (American Reprint). New York. n.d. c1891
Durgin, Edwin A. Durgin's Single Corner. Chicago. 1894
Fortman, Richard. Basic Checkers. Springfield, Ill. 1978-1983
Fraser, W.R. The Inferno of Checkers. Los Angeles, CA. 1959
Frazer, Robert. The International Draughtplayer Part 1 The Ayrshire Lassie Game. Glasgow. Preface dated 1887
Gillespie, Samuel W. Gillespie's Draught Players Text Book. Ayr. Ontario. Preface 1901
Gould, Joseph. Problems, Critical Positions and Games (First Edition). London. 1884
Gould, Joseph. Problems, Critical Positions and Games (Second Edition). London. 1894
Gould, Joseph. Problems, Critical Positions and Games (Second Edition. Paper Covers). London. 1894
Gould, Joseph. Problems, Critical Positions and Games (Third Edition). London. n.d
Gould, Joseph. The British Draught Player (Second Edition). Preface Middlesbrough June 29, 1900
Gould, Joseph. The British Draught Player (Second Edition). Preface Middlesbrough. N.d
Gould, Joseph. The British Draught Player (Third Edition). Philadelphia. David McKay Company. n.d.(Presumed 1906)
Gould, Joseph. The British Draught Player (Third Edition). Preface Middlesbrough. n.d.(Presumed 1906)
Gould, Joseph. The British Draughts Player (First Edition). Preface Middlesbrough. 1896
Gould, Joseph. The Most Important Matches from Anderson-Wyllie (1847) to the Present time (First Edition). London. 1888
Gould, Joseph. The Most Important Matches from Anderson-Wyllie (1847) to the Present time (First EditionContributors edition). London. 1888
Gould, Joseph. The Most Important Matches from Anderson-Wyllie (1847) to the Present Time (Second Edition). London. 1898
Gregg, John. Guide to the Game of Draughts. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1901-1903
Hay, William. The Draught Player in four parts. Edinburgh. 1842. Preface dated 1862
Hester, Gordon. Transposition Studies in 3-move checkers. Austin, Texas. 1958
Hill, James. Hill's Pocket Manual (Second Edition). London. Preface dated 1893
Hoffman, Professor & McCulloch, R. Dominoes and Draughts. London. 1899
Howe, Walter Henry. Everybody's Book of Indoor Games, etc. London. Saxon & Co. n.d
Hutzler, Julius E. Catalog No. 3 Works on the Game of Checkers or Draughts. Cincinnati, OH. N.d. c. 1930s
Jacob, H. & Strudwick, J.H. An Analysis of the Kelso. London. Preface dated 1905
Janvier, Julian Darragh. Joshua Sturges's Collection of Critical Positions. Brooklyn, NY. 1881
Janvier, Julian Darragh. The Game of Draughts Simplified. Brooklyn, NY. 1881
Jones, Charles. Hoyles Games Improved. London. 1826
Kears, James A. Kear's Reprint of the Scottish Draught Player (Second Edition). Bristol. 1892-1895
Kears, James A. Kear's Reprint of the Scottish Draught Player (Third edition). Bristol. 1899-1902
Kears, James A. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts (First Edition). London. 1895
Kears, James A. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts (Second edition revised and Reprinted). London. 1904
Kears, James A. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts (Second Edition revised). London. 1899
Ketchum, Preston. Flora Temple. Madison, Wisconsin. 1898
Kilkeel Chess and Draughts Club. Beat that Neighbour...at Draughts. Kilkeel, Co. Down, 1948
Lawson, Charles. Lawson Switcher Guide. Providence, R.I. 1899
Lees, James. A Complete Guide to the Game of Draughts (First Edition). London. 1892
Leggett, W. & Gardner, W. Will-o'-the-Wisp (Second Edition). Aberdeen, 1885
Leggett, W.G.W. All Sorts of Conditions and Problems. Middlesbrough. 1900
Lovell, Kenneth. Draughts Books of the Twentieth Century. Tipton, West Midlands. 1990
Lyman, Henry Darius. The Game of Draughts Selected Problems. Worcester, Mass. 1881
Massina, Alfred Henry. Australian Parlor and Club Room Games. Melbourne. A.H. Messina & Co. 1887
McCulloch, R. McCulloch's Guide to the Game of Draughts. Glasgow. 1888
Measrs, Welen, Wendemuth, & Gilday. Fife. New York. 1903
Moiseyev, Alex. Sixth Vol. I. Kharkiv. 2006
Offer. P. An Elementary Guide to the Game of Draughts. Sydney. n.d. (c. 189-)
Oldbury, Derek. The Complete Encyclopaedia of Draughts. A Master Class for the Informed Player.. Devon. 1978-1983
Pardon, George Frederick. A Handbook on Draughts with a chapter on Backgammon (Second Edition). London. New York. 1863
Pardon, George Frederick. A Handbook on Draughts with a chapter on Backgammon. London (First Edition). 1862
Pardon, George Frederick. Backgammon and Draughts or _Checkers_. 1889
Passey, Frederick. ABC of Draughts. Brisbane William Brooks & Co., 1906
Patterson, W. The Game of Draughts (Second edition). London. n.d. 1879
Payne, Roger. Rules and Directions for the Game of Draughts. London not published. 1813
Payne, William. An Introduction to the Game of Draughts. London, 1756
Peachey, Henry W. Saxon's Everybody's Guide to Chess and Draughts. London. n.d. 1895 accepted
Peel, W.H. _Berkeley_. Draughts and Backgammon. London. 1898
Phillips, Barnet _The Major_. The Checker Primer including Backgammon and Dice. New York. 1887
Phillips, Barnet _The Major_. The Checker Primer. New York. n.d. c1887
Pierce, George A. Single Corner. 12-16 Line. Minneapolis. 1904
Pike, Prof. De Lyons. Draughts & Dominoes. The Art of Playing. London. n.d
Pohlman, J.G. The Polish Game of Draughts. London. 1811
Reed, James P. The Game of Checkers. Cross. Pittsburgh, PA. 1892
Reed, James. P. The Game of Checkers. Single Corner-Part 1. Pittsburgh, Pa. Preface dated July, 1893
Reisman, Arthur. Championship Checkers. The Pioneer System. Boston. 1942
Richmond, J.L. Single Corner and Alma. Middlesbrough. Preface dated 1901
Riley, Thomas J. The 31-27 Line in the Souter. Bathgate. 1892
Robertson, John. Guide to the Game of Draughts. Edinburgh. 1888
Root, Stephen. From Novice to Expert. Rochestor, N.H. preface dated May, 1897
Ryan, William F. Tricks, Traps, and Shots of the Checkerboard. New York. 1950
Scattergood, D. The Game of Draughts or Checkers. New York. Dick & Fitzgerald. 1859
Schaefer, Dr. A & Kelly, Charles. Ayrshire Lassie Part 1 and 2. Woonsocket. 1887
Schaefer, Dr. A & Kelly, Charles. Single Corner. Brooklyn. 1887
Schaefer, Dr. A. Dyke, Fife, and Wisp. New York. Collection of all three openings. Includes Dyke. 1900., Fife
Schaefer, Dr. A. Fife 26-23 line. New York. 1906
Schaefer, Dr. A. Will o' the Wisp. New York, 1902
Short, Bob. Hoyle Abridged. A Treatise on the Game of Draughts with Laws of the Game. London. 1828
Spayth, Henry. American Draught Player (3rd Edition). New York. 1864
Spayth, Henry. American Draught Player (4th Edition). New York. 1866. Dick & Fitzgerald
Spayth, Henry. American Draught Player (5th Edition). New York. 1869
Spayth, Henry. American Draught Player (6th Edition) Bound with The Game of Draughts (4th Edition). ADP New York. 188
Spayth, Henry. Appendix to the Checker Player. Buffalo. 1899
Spayth, Henry. Draughts or Checkers for Beginners (Second Printing). New York. 1869
Spayth, Henry. Draughts or Checkers for Beginners. New York. Preface dated 1865, Copyright 1866
Spayth, Henry. The Checker Player (First Publishing). Buffalo. 1895
Spayth, Henry. The Checker Player (Second Publishing). New York. 1895
Spayth, Henry. The Game of Draughts (First Edition). Buffalo. 1863
Spayth, Henry. The Game of Draughts (Second Edition). Buffalo. 1864
Spayth, Henry. The Game of Draughts (Third Edition). New York. 1863
Stayman, Dr. J. Complete Analysis of Black Doctor. West Derry, N.H. no date. 1896 accepted
Stearns, Lyman & Brogan, Zach. One Hundred Selected Situations. Chicago, Il. n.d. c1892 accepted
Stearns, Lyman. Stearn's Book of Portraits Vol. II Appendix. Manchester, N.H. 1909
Stearns, Lyman. Stearns Handbook. West Derry, N.H. 1895
Stearns, Lyman. Stearns' Book of Portraits Vol. I (1st edition). Derry, N.H. 1894
Stearns, Lyman. Stearns' Book of Portraits Vol. I (3rd edition). Derry, N.H. 1894
Stearns, Lyman. Stearns' Book of Portraits Vol. II. Derry, N.H. 1895
Stearns, Lyman. The Draught Marvel and Twentieth Century Checker Compendium. Manchestor, N.H. 1909
Stearns, Lyman. The Granite State Checkers Series No. I Laird and Lady. No. II Single Corner. No. III Match Games and Positions, etc. 1889.1890
Sturges, J. & Walker, G. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts. London. 1850
Sturges, J. & Walker, G. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts. London. 1835
Sturges, J. & Walker, G. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts. London. 1864
Sturges, J. & Walker, G. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts. New York. 1845
Sturges, Joshua. Guide to the Game of Draughts. London. 1800
Sturges, Joshua. Sturges's Critical Situations in the Game of Draughts. London. 1808
Sweet, I.D.J. The Elements of Draughts; or Beginner's Sure Guide (Decorated Boards). New York. Preface dated 1859
Sweet, I.D.J. The Elements of Draughts; or Beginner's Sure Guide (Flexible Covers). New York. Preface dated 1859
Sweet, I.D.J. The Elements of Draughts; or Beginner's Sure Guide (Second edition). New York. Publisher note dated 1872
Tescheleit, M. Francis. Master Play of the Draught Board Part 1-6
Truax, Dr. Walter Edward. The Black Doctor Opening. Breckinridge, Minn. 1888
Walker, Donald. Games and Sports. London. 1840
Wehman Bros. How to Play Checkers also Dominoes. New York. n.d
Wendemuth, F.R. F.R. Wendemuth Largest Dealer and Publisher of Checker Books in the World. Chicago, IL. n.d
Whyte, William. The Problemists' Guide. Dundee. 1901
Wormbald, Robert B (An Oxford Amateur). The hand--book of of Chess and Draughts. London. n.d. not later than 1866, nor earlier than 1860
Wyllie, James. The Game of Draughts. The Switcher Opening. Glasgow. 1881

English Matchbooks
1st through 5th Scottish Draughts Championship Tournament. 1893-1897
1st through 7th Scottish Draughts Championship Tournament in One Volume. 1893-1899
7th Scottish Draughts Championship Tournament. Lees, J., Buchanon, G., & Ballantyne, T. Glasgow 1899
Barker-Martins. International Match Games. Glasgow. 1888
Barker-Martins. International Match Games. Glasgow. 1888. and Boston 1888
Barker-Reed. Restricted Match Games. Chicago, Il. 1891
Barker-Smith. Match Games of England v. America. Warrington. 1889
Beattie-Smith. Match Games. (Second Edition). Spennymoor, 1882
Bryden-Ferrie. Match games. Championship of Scotland. Tillicoultry. 1891
Campbell-Reed. Match Games. Preface dated Leeds, 1887. Cover 1888
Championship of India. Fourth Correspondence Draughts Tournament. Aladras, 1902
Clute-Macindoe. Match Games. New York. 1871
Complete Record of the Games Played in the First American Tourney. Boston. 1907
Dykes-Labadie Match Games (Second Edition). Chatham, Ontario. 1909
Ferrie-Jordan. Match Games. Championship of the World. Glasgow, 1896
Ferrie-Wyllie. Match Games. Championship of the World. Glasgow. 1894
Fifth Draughts Tournament. Championship of England. Warrington, 1900
Fourth Tournament. Championship of England. Bristol. n.d
Freeman-Barker Match Games. Woonsocket, R.I., 1890
Freeman-Barker. Match Games. Providence, R.I., 1885
Gardner-Strickland. Match Games. Leeds, Preface dated June, 1886
International Draughts Match. England v. Scotland (First Contest, First Edition). Glasgow. 1884
International Draughts Match. England v. Scotland (First Contest, Second Edition Revised and Extended). Glasgow. 1890
International Match Games. England and Scotland (Fourth Contest). Bristol. 1903
International Match Games. England v. Scotland (Second Contest). London. 1894
International Match Games. England v. Scotland (Third Contest). Glasgow. 1899
International Match Games. Great Britain vs United States. Boston, MA. 1906
John T. Denvir's Report of the International Games Played at Boston, Mass. Chicago, 1905
Jordan-Barker. Match Games. Grangermouth. 1900
Jordan-Stewart. Match Games. Glasgow. 1897
Kear and Freedman. Match Games. Bristol. June 21, 1899
Last Battle Between Wyllie and Martins. 1889
Martins-Wyllie. Match Games. 1864-1867-1872. GlasgowLeeds. 3v in 1
Ninth Annual Tournament. Championship of England. Bristol. 1907
Priest-Dick. Match Games. Philadelphia. 1883
Reed v. Barker. American Championship Match. Chicago. 1889
Tournament Games. Championship of England (1st Edition). London and Teddington, 1891
Tournament Games. Championship of England (2nd Edition). London and Teddington, 1892
Tournament Games. Championship of England. Third Contest. Kew and London. 1892
Twenty-eight match games, played at Spennymoor, between A. Jackson and J. Smith for œ100 and the championship of England. Edited by James Smith. Spennymoor. 1886
Wyllie-Jordan. Match Games. Played in May, 1892

English Magazines
A Compilation of Games from Various Sources. Derby. May 1915-1919
American Checker Player. New York. 1875-1878
American Checkers. Chicago, Illinois, January 1911 to March 1912
Bristish Draughts Clipper. Leytonstone, Essex, February 1913- June 1914
California Checker Chatter. Los Angeles, May 1945 to September 1966
Checker News. Mckeesport, PA. September 7, 1905 to July 1906. Charles Dougherty, Editor
Draught Players Quarterly Review. Bristol, September 1888- May 1906
Draught Players Weekly Magazine. Glasgow. 1885-86
Draughts Players Weekly Bulletin. Bristol. November 7, 1896- March 20, 1897
Elam's Checker Board. Mount Sterling, Kentucky. January 1947 to July 1971
International Draughts Magazine. Bristol. January 1888-May 1892
Jordan's American Checker Player Volume 7-8. Wallaceburg, Ontario. January 1913- January 1914
Leeds Weekly Draught Player. Leeds. 1882-1884. W. and F. Bownas, editors
Morris-Systems Checkerist. Detroit. August 1923 to December 1926
National Checker Journal. Boston. 1878
New England Checker Player. Webster, MA.; Wilsonville, Conn., and Worcester, Mass. Monthly. 1876-1881
Rube's Checker Clipper. Indiana. November 1911- August 1912
Schaefer's Checkerist. New York, October 1900; September 1901
The American Checker Player. Boston, December 1, 1899 to June 15, 1900
The American Checker Review. Chicago, May 1, 1888; August 1, 1894. Edited by James P. Reed, Charles Hefter, John T. Denvir, and L.S. Head
The Analyst. St.Louis, IL and Leavenworth, Kansas. Sept 1878-Jan 1879
The Board. Elmira, NY. 1885, Williamsport, PA., 1887. Edited by Elmer E. Burlingame
The Bristol Draught Player. Bristol. 1872-1874,
The Canadian Checker Player. Manson D. Teetzel. 1907 to 1912
The Checker Courier. Otwell, Indiana. March 8th to December 6th 1910
The Checker Friend. Philadelphia, Pa., October 7th 1907 to December 1911. Editor. Charles Lawson
The Checker World. Manchester, N.H., June 1906 to February 1910
The Checkerist. Zellwood, Fla., and Tavares, Fla., April 16, 1887 to August 23, 1888
The Draught Board. 1869-72. Burlingame
The Draughts Review. November 1924-December 1934
The English Draught Player. Bristol. 1878-1882
The Guide Post. Minneapolis. November 1902 -November 1904
The New Draughts World. Blackburn, November 1936 to MarchApril 1950
The North American Checker Board. Derry Depot, N.H. May 15, 1896- December 1901
The Philidorian. London. December, 1837; May, 1838
The Scottish Draughts Quarterly. Glasgow. 1896-1899
The Weekly Checker Journal. Pittsburgh, PA. December 1891-March 1895
The Yorkshire Draught Player. Howden, 1879. Editor C.Powell
Wood's Checker Player. Gary, Indiana, December 1936 to September 1946
Woods Checker Studies. Gary, Ind., May 1934 to September 1939

American Checker Player. New York. 1875-1878
Anderson, Andrew & Paterson, John. The Game of Draughts Simplified (2nd Edition Pirated) . Glasgow. 1852 1855. Published by Henry Spayth, the reputed issuer
Anonymous. The Complete Checker Player. Published by Street & Smith. New York. 1891
Attenborough, W.E. The Draught-Players' Manual. Melbourne, Australia. 1890
Baker E.T. & Reed, J.P. The Alma Opening (Second edition) and 8 Page corrections. Chicago. 1893
Barker, Charles F. Alphabet Checker Problems. Boston. 1880
Barker, Charles Francis. The American Checker Player (2nd Edition). Boston. 1888. DeWolfe and Fiske Co
Belcher, W. The Games Played in a Simultaneous Exhibition. Brighton, no date. 1902 accepted
bowen cross opening
Bowen, Roland Edwin. The Fife Opening (3rd Edition). Sussex, NJ. 1924
Breda, Alphons von & Gregoire, Gregoire. Polnyj samoutschitel schachmatnoj igry i igra w russkija i polskija schaschki . Sostawleno po rukowodstwam Breda,... Philidor. Moskva. 1872
Butrimov, Ivan. O Shakhmatnoi igrie. St. Petersburg. Russia. 1821
Chadwick, Henry. De Witts American Chess Manual and Checkers. New York. 1880
Checker News. Mckeesport, PA. September 7, 1905 to July 1906
Chequerist. How to Play Draughts Well. London. No date. 1894 accepted
Deans, James. Analysis of the Whilter Opening Part 1 and 2. Reprinted from the Auckland Chornicle. No date, 1885 accepted
Drinkwater, F.W. Seventy Critical Positions and Problems. Cardiff. 1883
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Falkirk. 1838
Drummond, John. The Scottish Draught Player. Glasgow. 1853
Dufresne, Jean. Der Junge Schachspieler. Weimer. 1886
Eureka Checker Player. September 1919 to May 1920
Garcez, Joseph Carlos. Libro Nuevo juego de damas; dividido en tres tratados. Madrid. Goncalez de Reyes. 1684
Gardner, Willie. Blindfold Draughts-Playing. Leeds. 1908
Hayelwood, H. A Concise Manual of the Game of Draughts. London. No date, but commonly considered as having been issued about 1845
Hill, James. Brief history of the Magpie Draughts Club (2nd Edition). London. 1902
Hill, James. Hill's Pocket Manual (Third Edition). London. Providence
Hill, James. The Synopsis of Draughts Openings (Fifth Edition). London. New York. 1908
Hunt, Edwin F. 3 Move Manuscript
Index to the games of the International Draughts Match, England vs. Scotland, played at Glasgow, in April, 1884. London. 1890
International Draughts Match. England v. Scotland (First Contest, First Edition, Subscribers Copy)
Izidoro da Silva, G. & Cardoso Guimaraes, J. Ciencia e Tecnica do Jogo de Damas. 1940
J.B. Hanson Vs. B. Jeruchemson. Huntington Beach, California. 1928
Janvier, Julian Darragh. Joshua Sturge's Guide to the Game of Draughts. Brooklyn, NY. 1881
Janvier, Julian Darragh. The Game of Draughts Simplified. Brooklyn, NY. 1881
Kears, James A. Kear's Reprint of the Scottish Draught Player (First Edition)
Lovell Twentieth century draughts
Lyons, J.K. Draughts. The Theory of The Vantage or Move. Seacombe. 1896
Mancini, C. Il Giuoco della dama all'uso italiano dimonstrato in quell grandioso,.. Napoli. 1859
Padrino, Jose. Medula Eutropelica Calculatoria, que ensena a jugar a las damas con espada y broquel, dividida en tres tratados. Reimpresso en Sevilla. A costa de Jose Padrino. 1740
Pardon, George Frederick. A Handbook on Draughts with a chapter on Backgammon (Third Edition). London. New York. 1865
Payne, Roger. Rules and Directions for the Game of Draughts. London not published. 1813
Pohlman, J.G. The Game of Draughts. London. 1823
Reed, James P. Reed's Checker Praxis. 1939
riley, thomas The souter
Sivetts, Frank. Sivetts' Original and Infallible Method of Discovering the Moves to Form Any Position or Problem in the Game of Draughts or Checkers. Oberlin, O., no date. 1894 accepted
Stearns, Lyman & Brogan, Zach. One Hundred Selected Checker Problems. Chicago Not dated. 1892
Stearns, Lyman M. World's Problem Book. West Derry, N.H. 1900.1901
Stiles, John B. The Expert's Manuscript (Complete). J. Hall Thompson, Minneapolis. 1938
sturges guide 1808
Sturges, J. & Walker, G. Sturges Guide to the Game of Draughts. London. 1835
Sturges, Walker, & Carleton. The Draught Player's Hand Book & Backgammon. Philadelphia. undated c1852
The Draught Board. 1869-72. Burlingame
The Draughts World. A. Bryson and Co., Glasgow, September 1892 to June 1913
The New York Checker Monthly. New York. October 1881-August 1883
The Pocket Checker Magazine. Manchester, N.H. January to October, 1911
The Recreationist. Leeds. 1873-1874
The Weekly Checker Journal Reeds
Tournament Games. Championship of England (1st Edition). London and Teddington, 1891. & Tournament Games. Championship of England 8 Page Supplement. Third Contest. December 1892

Last edited by Chexbibliophile on Sat Mar 25, 2023 7:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

more photos.
If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

Ben Boland...
If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

I have the original hand painted artwork George Limbrey made of the checker artifacts he found as he went through the British Museum that later were used as illustrations in his book as well as his hand written manuscript of the book that he later printed. The book I'm referring too is "the ancient history of the game of draughts 1913." see attached photos. He was quite the painter too and had some other paintings tucked in it as well. This was printed in a limited amount but I do have about a dozen of his copies never sold that came together with this. I attached some photos of this amazing collection. I've never seen anything like this for a checkers book.

New site for rare books.mostly hard to find expensive ones now but will add cheaper ones too.

If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale possibly..

Post by Chexbibliophile »

updated the first post with a short list of books. see above.
If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
Posts: 18
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What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale...

Post by Chexbibliophile »

Bump if anyone needs a checker book that didn't get anything for Christmas they wanted. I have many books not listed. Just send me a list via email of what your looking for and I'll try to help you.da

If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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Location: Honolulu, Hawai'i

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale...

Post by chipschap »

Wow, an enormous and breathtaking collection of items, some of which look pretty rare. Of course they are priced at collector's prices and maybe are not for the average Joe Checkerist.
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:37 am
What do you like about checkers?: Books and history of checkers

Re: Rare checker book collection for sale...

Post by Chexbibliophile »

chipschap wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:06 pm Wow, an enormous and breathtaking collection of items, some of which look pretty rare. Of course they are priced at collector's prices and maybe are not for the average Joe Checkerist.
Thanks for the kind words. Some books are quite rare but all prices are negotiable if someone contacts me. I sometimes have a duplicate I can sell for cheaper if they want too. I also have many books I post on ebay for much cheaper. You can find them in the link below. I just add some randomly from my book bins when I get a chance. I try to post some stuff not on my website.

If you have any old draughts books pre 1900 or looking for a book email me. thecheckercollector@gmail.com
Check out my site for rare books... https://thecheckercollector.square.site/
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