The most active NC club is the Burlington Checker Club that meets every Thursday from 4:00 pm until 11:00 pm at Mc Donalds in Whitsett, NC in the Stony Creek Mall at Exit 135 off I-40 between Burlington and Greensboro, NC. Call: Mike Ross 336-584-8652, JR Smith 336-288-6620, Teal Stanley 336-273-7314, McDonald's: 336-449-0790 and get more information under contents: calendar.
Murphy, NC Phone Bill or Teddy Cook for information: (828) 837-7491. (also see calendar for more information)
5 Checker Tournaments held in Greensboro, NC including the NC State Open on May 17-18, 2013, and including our District 4 in Lexington, NC held November 1 & 2, 2013.
North Carolina Checkers
North Carolina Checkers
A Checker Friend, JR Smith