Absolutely correct, Liam!liam stephens wrote:Tie Break - Result between the players takes precedence.
WCDF Statutes 5.9 i. The result between the individual players – mini league if appropriate,
Current standings:
1. King 11, 101 S/B
2. Beckwith 11, 88 S/B (direct encounter: 2-2)
3. Borghetti 10, 96 S/B
4. Price 10, 70 S/B
5. Kondlo 10, 64 S/B
6. Durdyev 10, 63 S/B (minileague incomplete)
7. Francis 9, 75 S/B
8. Bernini 9. 73 S/B (no direct encounter)
9. Martynov 8, 68 S/B
9. Morrison 8, 68 S/B
11. McCosker 8, 64 S/B
12. Moran 8, 57 S/B
13. Colin Young 8, 45 S/B (minileague incomplete)
14. Bryan 7, 61 S/B
15. Rose 7, 40 S/B (no direct encounter)
16. Layne 6, 44 S/B
17. Graham Young 6, 41 S/B (Kent Layne also beats Graham Young 3-1 in direct encounter)
18. Joliff 5, 23 S/B
19. Morgan 5, 31 S/B ( John Joliff beats John Morgan 3-1 in direct encounter!)
20. Boyle 4, 28 S/B
Note that all players on 8 points also have worse S/B then most players on 9, 10 or 11 points, ie their chances to win the event are only theoretical, as they do not only have to close in 3 points, but their chance of having a better tie-breaker in this case is considerably reduced.