McP checks in

Introduce yourself to the other members of the forum. Tell us why you enjoy checkers and why you want to participate in the ACF forum.
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:20 pm
What do you like about checkers?: Mostly the good memories with my grandparents! Now that I've got children of my own who are old enough to learn about the game, I'd like to know a bit more about it and be able to teach it in a better way.

McP checks in

Post by McP82 »

Hello everyone!

I've joined this forum as to freshen up my knowledge about checkers, since I haven't played since my grandfather passed away 11 years ago, and even then, it was rare, as I mostly played when I was a kid and young teen, back in the early 90s. And since my son is now the same age I was when I discovered that game, I figured it would be time to introduce him to checkers! But I'm not as familiar with the game as I used to be, and I'd like to be as knowledgeable about it as possible to teach it to my kid.

Thanks in advance, and see you on the forums!
George Hay
Posts: 1018
Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:41 am
What do you like about checkers?: Checkers is a game of pure logic.
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Re: McP checks in

Post by George Hay »

Hay McP, welcome to the ACF Forum! In today's The Checker Maven column, Checker Jargon (04/11/20), PowerPoint presentations are portrayed as "stultifying," something many of us can relate to! However, The Checker Maven does feature an exceptional exception of a PowerPoint presentation. This is a checkers PowerPoint presentation for kids of all ages by Bob Murr. It is NOT "stultifying." :) If you link to The Checker Maven home page at and then look at the lower half of the right hand column under "Downloads" you will find "Bob Murr Teaches Checkers." This is a thoughtful PowerPoint presentation about checkers that is fun and educational!

--George Hay
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