Good News to share

General Discussion about the game of Checkers.
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kim willis
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Good News to share

Post by kim willis »

I wanted everyone to know what has happened in my attempt to get the word out about our game Checkers. As you all know I have been working on getting into the schools to teach more and more kids on how to play Checkers. And I have to say I was asked to attend The High On Life Event in our Middle school. This event had over 500 kids attending, many were bused in for this day. I was 1 of 50 presenters of hobbies and many other presenters showing what they did in their everyday life.

Some were farmers with engines as trackers which they had built, animals as small minature ponies, LLamas, sheep etc etc. Some were card makers, and many other talents which they showed these 6th,7th, and 8th graders, And I was asked to come present mine which was Checkers.

I had my own room in which I had placed all my trophies, pictures of countries I had traveled too. I also got the chance to speak to all of these kids about the one thing i loved playing Checkers.

From 8am to 2:30pm, Every 30 mins I had a group of 30 to 50 kids come into my room and sit and listen to my presentation. I spoke of many things and then these kids got to play checkers. At first I thought how many of these kids would listen to me. I found that from the start not only did they listen they asked questions and then asked if they could play checkers. This is when I had my breath taken away but the reaction. I then set up all the boards I had and I played all at once. Most of these kids did not want to leave my room, Why you ask, is because they wanted to stay and play this game. I had teachers playing, students, and many come into my room not knowing what to expect but in our 30mins found many who wanted to really learn how to play.

As the day continued some of these kids asked if at lunch time if I would set up boards in the lunch room for then we would have an hr to play. So I played them all. That is all that had asked me too. Many at the beginning of the day were laughing because they seen I had a checker board and supplies. But then it all changed as 1 class came in and left the word got out. Teachers came into the room saying the words out you were here Kim and they wanted to skip one room just soo they could get here to see you. many took pictures of me playing. Some of those teachers said, I had influenced many kids that day.

The councelor and principle wanted me to come again for they had heard and seen how I had worked my magic as they said when I was speaking about Checkers. threwout that day I found just 30 mins was not enough but I had opened the eyes of many boys and girls. Now they want me to teach them how to play.

Every 30 mins I had a new bunch of kids, and it was amazing. Many were bused there and many now have told their parents about me. Yesterday many parents came into my work and asked if I was available to teach their son or daughter how to play. I was shocked. I said of course yes. I do not know how many that will be but the city of Eldon contacted me and said I could have free access to our Community Center this summer just for me to start teacher checkers. But this does bring some concern to me for I do not have enough equipment to supply all. If anyone has any boards, checkers, that you would like to donate it would be appreciated because now I am at a point where it is critical to obtain anything I can get.

Come Monday afternoon I will be on our local radio station also to speak about once again Oma Noma Days at the Bagnell Dam Festival. I have been asked to attend this on May 14, and they will be setting up tables for me to play anyone coming threw. This will be my 3rd year doing this. The first time I played 20, last year 36, this year they want me to attempt to play 100 to mark this as a first in Oma Noma history. I told them I didn't have 100 boards but I would take on as many as possible at one time.

Hope I didn't bore you all but I am excited :)

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Re: Good News to share

Post by william »

Well done Kim

that is what we need!!!! Keep up the good work and let's hope that other individual attempts to attract youth into this fabulous game are forthcoming.

Bernard Coll
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Re: Good News to share

Post by Bernard Coll »

William, the Glasgow and Renfrew draughts clubs in the early 1970's initiated a draughts youth programme from which you actually emerged as a "World Class" player! If memory serves me correctly, the late Jimmy Rankin, the evergreen Bill Ferguson and Jack Coll felt it was their responsibility to promote what was already seen in those days as a dying game and spent countless hours trying to introduce young players into the game. Kim, I congratulate you on what you have ventured, and I wish you every success. William, you must surely know that you had / have a natural talent for this wonderful game. The great John McGill recognised this in your formative years and under his guidance you developed into the player you are today. Without John's input and his ability to pass on his knowledge (not always appreciated by pupils) you may have just been a "run of the mill player" like most of us. William, I know you are studying for your career. but maybe you, personally could give something back to the game we all profess to love by trying to introduce even one new player? Regards, Bernard
Jason Solan
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Re: Good News to share

Post by Jason Solan »

Great to hear Kim! If the group checker sets sold in the ACF Store will suffice for you needs I'll gladly donate a few sets to your cause.
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Re: Good News to share

Post by kiwinurse »

Have you got the email for the organizer of this school programme Kim,id like to get in touch with them,as my daughters a teacher and its a grand idea,id like to present it to her and we can run it here,so whose the organizer of it,and where can i contact them?
kim willis
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Re: Good News to share

Post by kim willis »

hello Jan, Nice to hear from you. I can get you this information but will have to contact our school.

if you would like to look at the pictures posted you can go too vernon publishing that is our newspaper scroll down and click on the high on life pictures. then you can see. I will get back to you or may I give them ur e-mail address?

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Re: Good News to share

Post by william »

Bernard Coll wrote:William, the Glasgow and Renfrew draughts clubs in the early 1970's initiated a draughts youth programme from which you actually emerged as a "World Class" player! If memory serves me correctly, the late Jimmy Rankin, the evergreen Bill Ferguson and Jack Coll felt it was their responsibility to promote what was already seen in those days as a dying game and spent countless hours trying to introduce young players into the game. Kim, I congratulate you on what you have ventured, and I wish you every success. William, you must surely know that you had / have a natural talent for this wonderful game. The great John McGill recognised this in your formative years and under his guidance you developed into the player you are today. Without John's input and his ability to pass on his knowledge (not always appreciated by pupils) you may have just been a "run of the mill player" like most of us. William, I know you are studying for your career. but maybe you, personally could give something back to the game we all profess to love by trying to introduce even one new player? Regards, Bernard
Good evening Bernie

yes indeed , those were the days!!!! But hold on a second :shock: I'm only 43 and started in the club in 1981 :D This was the TUC centre on the banks of the Clyde. There was also Big brian Kilgour, Wee Jimmy McMonagal and old Angus mcClellan ( did you ever meet those guys? well I mean the las t two mentioned?) There was a smell in that club ... the boards , the men that still give me colorful memories even today 30 years on up the road. In those days there was Young Kilgour, wee Sammy , Joe and steven from Glasgow , and Ronnie Winton had a strong youth player of his own up north called Vernon. I remeber us all going down to Birmingham in the train and wiping out the English youth team in early 1982.Unfortunately Sammy , joe and Steven just slipped away as many do...

I don't believe that the return on investment was what it should have been for the effort put in by those guys.

I guess that when you start playing any sport around the age of 4 or 5 ( well before the two hemispheres of the brain have sealed) that there is a high probability that you are left with some sort of " trace "which I guess is what we call talent...

John put a lot in and every time I had my results from a ty i would call him and thank him...

I usually go and see him when i go up to Glasgow, he is keeping fine ,but has not looked at a draughts book in years and the only games he plays now are against me on my rare visits once every two years.

If i could i would teach the whole of scotland to play draughts but as you say i am otherwise occupied right now , PLUS i am in France so that does not help matters either. This is the reason why my ultimate goal is to bring back the title to scotland no matter what the cost!!! It will be for scotland for me and for all of those guys who believed in me...

Bernie as you mentioned I am at school right now and as part of my course I am going to Dublin for 3 weeks in September this year. is there a club down there??

Greetings to all


(( i still have all of those 1981 TUC, 3 way match , Switcher ty games played against those guys too !!!)))
Bernard Coll
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Re: Good News to share

Post by Bernard Coll »

Thanks William, or I personally think Willie is more Scottish!! It is good to see you remember the auld lads. Yes I do indeed remember old Angus and Jimmy McMonagle. They were my tutors when I started my draughts venture in the clubs you just mentioned. And who could forget big Brian!!?/ Incidentally I met Brian in Dublin last October, having not seen him for about 20 odd years. We had both drifted from the game, but the pull to return was still there, such a magnetic game draughts is. Not sure what colour his hair is this week? LOl. You say you are coming to Dublin in September. You will get my email adress from recently revived SDA newsletter or feel free to PM me.I am more than willing to be of any assistance to you. There are 2 clubs in Dublin, one meets on a Tuesday night, yes Tuesdat night rather than evening, too late for me to bother with. The other club meets on Thursday evenings at 8-30 sharp where I play. Nice bunch of lads, unfortunately most are on the wrong side of 60. Regards, Bernie
kim willis
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Re: Good News to share

Post by kim willis »

William and Bernie, thank you for the history of the years in which you both have. I find this a breath of fresh air and as i read your posts I too have wondered of the past players who have mentored many and what has happened to them. I guess the cycle of life has turned many to other things like you william studying to better yourself in this life. But I have to say when we were in China I watched you so serious and played as well as any master. I hope that you never stop playing this game for it is apart of you.

As for me I have thought of how i have went from a beginner as my students to a average player. But still have dreams i want to fullfill. I may never win a World Title, but i have to thank those who helped me in my travels to be apart of something many do not achieve (a dream). It has taken me from a little town of 3000 to countries in which I would have never thought i would go too. Or to even meet people, players and see countries millions of miles away from my home.

I may never attend another World Qualifier or travel out of the country again but I have the best memories ever. And i have many thoughts of what is to come of my venture now. For I seriously have thought about quitting competitions and good head strong on my goal to strive and teach children our game. This is not of those in the past has done but to keep this game alive. To use my knowledge and spread it to anyone who will listen. For my checker game will never end.

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