Watch Movie Online "THE CHECKER KING"

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Watch Movie Online "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

"The Checker King"

If you haven't seen this movie, which was partially filmed August 14th through the 18th, 2000 during the Asa Long Memorial ACF 3- Move Nationals Checker Tournament in Toledo, Ohio, click on the link at the bottom of this post.

"At the age of 68, Harold O'Brien met the love of his life and married for the first time. Except when he was drafted into World War II, Harold had never ventured far from his farm and hometown, but Norma convinced him to enter the Iowa state Checkers Championship. With her encouragement and faith, and against very long odds, Harold won the championship. Only a few months later, though, Norma died, and Harold began a six-year struggle with severe depression. At one point, realizing that he was suicidal, he had himself hospitalized. One morning, in his eighty-first year, Harold awoke thinking about how disappointed Norma would have been with his floundering life. In her memory, he decided to enter the National Championships."

The movie is 39 minutes long.
(You'll have to sit through a 30 seconds sponsor's ad before the movie starts, but it's worth it.) :lol:
Last edited by Palomino on Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
CHECKERS: The Mind Sport of Kings and Ordinary Men.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by George Hay »

Pal, thank you for posting this, a five star movie! *****
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

Some may not know.

When the player starts you can move your cursor arrow to the bottom of the player screen and a control panel will pop up.

On the far right you will see a mute/volume control button and just to the left of that is a

"GO TO FULL SCREEN" button Image click it for what I think is better viewing.
CHECKERS: The Mind Sport of Kings and Ordinary Men.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Irma Sierra »

And was a pleasure to see Wade Holder!!!!
just lady.......
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

I thoroughly enjoyed it Pal .... again, thanks for sharing it with us.... :)

Danny Alvarez
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by dustinbelcher »

Thank you so much for this. I started playing checkers the same year this film came out in 2000. I remember when they made this film and always wanted to see it but never had HBO in our cable package so I never got a chance to watch it until now. Very inspirational and a joy to watch. Again thank you very much!
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Remind me when I was 12 years younger :lol:, no grey hairs, just hit 40 and won my 1st 3-move National. Memorable time. I was able to beat Ron King first time having red pieces in opening 10-15, 21-17, 15-18.

This tournament eventually determined my opponent, Elbert Lowder (finished 2nd) in the world title match in 2002.

I also wll remember forever picnik which A. Long family organised and served for all players at the end of tournament. Many, many thanks for keping our memory alive.


I am playing checkers, not chess.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

Alex wrote:
Remind me when I was 12 years younger , no grey hairs...
Alex, too bad they haven't yet come up with a pill that will take 12 years off our age! Until then I guess we'll just have to rely on "movie magic". :lol:

To George, Irma, Danny, Dustin and Alex, All I can say is you're welcome, after having found this link I thought it would be good to post it.

It falls into the category of things I most enjoy posting here on the forum and the sort of thing I believe brings all checker player together something we all can enjoy and agree on. Which is not always the case as we all know.

Last edited by Palomino on Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

Palomino wrote:Alex, too bad they haven't yet come up with a pill that will take 12 years off our age! Until then I guess we'll just have to rely on "movie magic". :lol:

To George, Irma, Danny, Dustin and Alex, All I can say is you'll welcome after having found this link I thought it would be good to post it.

I falls into the category of things I most enjoy posting here on the forum and the sort of thing I believe brings all checker player together something we all can enjoy and agree on. Which is not always the case as we all know.

Pal you are so right... I have a vast collection of quotes from American President's and I have found this one which applies to you... (while Tricky Dick isn't everyone's cup of tea... the quote is still fabulous)

"The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker." - Richard M. Nixon
Pal you are a peacemaker and i sincerely wish i could be less like me and more like you...
cheers from sunny Australia
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by jaguar72 »

Pal Bucker, the Number 1 Good Guy on this Forum, called me and requested I move the following comments on The Checker King movie, which I originally posted a few days ago on the Al Darrow in Rehab thread, to this thread and I was more than happy to do so.

I'll say again, If you haven't yet taken a look at this fine film, you really should do so. Palomino has done us a great service by posting the link.

And also, if you haven't yet read the Al Darrow in Rehab thread (under the Broken Boards topic), you should do that, too.

There you have it.


Gary Jenkins/Jaguar72

This is an exceptional film, Pal, as I'm sure you well know. Poignant and sad, it says a lot about the human condition and the human spirit and about the redemptive power of the game we play. Amazing.

Here is Mr. O'Brien, eighty-one years old, in poor health, wife gone, isolated, alone, and, by his own acount, with nothing much left to live for, saved (I can think of no other way to express it) by the beauty and mystery of checkers.

I was not familiar with this movie at all (very professionally produced, by the way; a fine piece of work); had never even heard of it (which surprises me), so thanks for the link, Pal. Just another service (of the many) that you perform for the game and the ACF.

All people who play checkers should watch this film (it is only thirty-nine minutes); perhaps even more importantly, people who don't play checkers should watch it as well; it might tell them something about the impact and importance of our game.

Thanks again, Palomino. It is always a pleasure.


Gary Jenkins/Jaguar72
Last edited by jaguar72 on Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Palomino »

Hmmm, I not quite sure what to say.

Danny and Gary, I won't quote you here, :oops: you're too kind with your praise of me.
But I think I will carve what you've said on a rock and sit it on a night stand next to
my wife's side of the bed, lest she forget what a lucky gal she is to have me. :lol: No!,
It's me who is lucky; she is the most kind, caring and selfless person I know. For any
peace and good I bring into this world it's because of her having pointed me back towards
Christ Jesus and it is He who gives direction to my life.

I'm far from perfect and always try to keep in mind that I have lots of room to be and do
better and can if I put some effort in that direction. We all can!

Believe me, it's not easy when every morning, you get up, look into the mirror and this face
is looking back at you.
Image :lol: Just kidding of course.

Gary, your critique of this documentary movie is far better than any other review I have read and
I thank you for sharing your thoughts with us here.

Last edited by Palomino on Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
CHECKERS: The Mind Sport of Kings and Ordinary Men.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Irma Sierra »

I like it....should be an option like facebook
just lady.......
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

Palomino wrote:Hmmm, I not quite sure what to say.

Danny and Gary, I won't quote you here, :oops: you're too kind with your praise of me....
...For anypeace and good I bring into this world it's because of her having pointed me back towards
Christ Jesus and it is He who gives direction to my life.

I'm far from perfect and always try to keep in mind that I have lots of room to be and do
better and can if I put some effort in that direction. We all can!

Pal, for a long long time I have heard him calling me and i have turned away time and time again.... for many many years i have called myself an agnostic
(someone who isn't sure if there is a God....different from an atheist, who is sure there isn't one) the last couple of years i have witnessed too many times how
he has protected me from harm. I haven't returned to church yet (i went last week but thats a one off for now) but i intend to.
A week and 2 days ago i fell off a scaffold that was in excess of 5 metres high... ( i fell off 4.5 metres high , which is almost 15 feet) .... not only did i walk away from that( just a scrape on my elbow) but the place where i fell was surrounded by dangerous stuff and i fell in the 1 square foot that was clean and safe. When i went to church the plan was to testify, but all i could do was cry and sign (i meant to write SING not sign) hymns with the congregation.
I have a long way to go... im only human .... i havent decided to which church i will go... my parents are seventh-day adventist (thats the church i grew up in) and most of my other relatives and wife are catholic, to me that doesn't matter.... all that matters is that i want to come back and i want my kids to know him. Thanks for your post Pal.

PS I agree Irma the 'like' button would be a good feature like in facebook
Last edited by Danny_Alvarez on Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Pal, my religious concept is mainly based on the famous quote:

even if I don't believe in God, it shouldn't stop him to help me !

I am too far from perfect but trying to do my best to improve this world.

I am playing checkers, not chess.
jeff webster
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Re: Link to movie "THE CHECKER KING"

Post by jeff webster »

My favorite part was that Classic Elbert Lowder pre tournament rant. Anyone who went to tournaments that Elbert attended can recall them very well. We really miss Elbert at the NC tourneys along with a couple of guys that were shown quite a bit in the movie, Wade Holder and Merle Vaughn, just one more reason to encourage anyone who enjoys playing checkers to come to the tournament, the prize money may not be large but the friendships made and the good times of fellowship will give you a lifetime of memories. I'm lucky enough to have seen Tinsley, Lafferty, Oldbury, Asa Long, and many other greats of the past at tournaments and there are many pleasant memories to me.
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