"Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

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"Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Dear Checker Friends and Critics, Throughout checker history there has been many men whose contributions cover every field of endeavor known to mankind in checkers and all of these men have had one thing in common: their "critics". These self appointed critics seem to have preconceived ideas that govern every aspect of other peoples lives. I am not a Marion Tinsley, Walter Hellman or Asa Long, all of which had their own critics I am sure, but I am myself. At times some of you see me as not being very tactful in my dealings with other people--well this is my manner and one can either accept that or reject it--this is your choice to make. Constructive positive criticism in checkers is always welcomed and we grow from it. Negative criticism is just that--and it does more harm to than good for checkers. Fortunately I have very broad shoulders so when negative criticism is sent my way I just consider its source and let it go--there is no sense carrying it around and dwelling on it day after day. If checkers is going to grow we must work together to make that happen. You can be part of that growth if you want or you can sit back and do nothing. Presently only a few dedicated individuals are trying to make a difference in checkers. So instead of hurling negative criticisms day after day why not join in and give a helping hand--and then you to can help make the difference in checkers. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
Last edited by Alex_Moiseyev on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by william »

:shock: :? :roll: :| :lol:

William Docherty
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

2 links + excerpts from them.... none of these are my words... i'll reply next.

http://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/dissent/ ... pathy.html

"Sociopathic individuals are extremely self-confidant, intelligent, charismatic and persuasive of others as well as themselves. They inspire those around them and create a dysfunctional culture, - often dizzy and disoriented by its success. Success is proof of the accuracy of any claim they make. Words and sometimes bizarre ideas become a substitute for reality. They surround themselves by supporters who worship them and believe they can do no wrong. These loyalties persist even when their world collapses around them. The community admires them. The system of justice seldom pursues them.
They have enormous drive and ambition but few qualms about how they accomplish their objectives.They are focussed. They deal with conflicting evidence, by selective perception, compartmentalising, rationalising, by attacking its credibility, or by demonising the messenger."

"Callousness/Lack of Empathy Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Grandiose Sense of Self Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Glibness and Superficial Charm"
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

Alex , I agree we should all do more for checkers...

I have a few questions for you...

1) Should we care about other's feelings and how the things i say affect them ?

2) do you think every kind of criticism is negative? could you give me an example of each from past forum posts?

3) do you think we should all accept our nature and not aspire to be better?

Danny Alvarez
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Bernard Coll »

Alex, Could I just point out to you that your opening line is I feel really inappropriate. "Dear checker friends and critics". On reading this line , one must assume you have the George W. Bush mentality, "You are either with us or against us" declaration he so infamously made after "9-11". This is wrong. A critic is entitled to his or her opinion. In all honesty I believe there is NOBODY on this forum qualified to criticise your playing abilities on the board! It is offboard you problems stem. I presume I am considered as one of your critics? My main reason for becoming so vociferous against you was because of your rude, disregarding comments you have made on countless occasions to any poster to who you thought were cannon fodder for your beligerrent attitude. Alex, If you really want to know what a critic looks like, I suggest you look in the nearest mirror. In the meantime, I hope the best checker player wins the forthcoming match. Regards, Bernard.
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Chexhero »

It seems to me people are more concerned about Alex's character than the game actually growing. Sad. Not everyone is a perfect person. But I can tell you I met Alex in person and he was one of the nicest people at the tournament. He welcomed me when I first got there at the front desk. And he gave me pointers over breakfast. I think we should put our differences and viewpoints aside and just talk about what we can do, for checkers.
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

Joe, I agree , we should put differences aside. Posting more and more stuff like this on the eve of the WCM just begs the question if maybe Alex isn't willing to let differences go. We are all his friends or his enemies. No middle ground.

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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Bernard, "These self appointed critics seem to have preconceived ideas that govern every aspect of other peoples lives." And this is exactly what you came forth with in your post. I never said anything about critics not being able to express themselves, You want to harness my opinions because those opinions are not acceptable in your eyes and don't meet your criteria. People that know me accept me for who I am and I do the same for them. No matter how hard one tries you can never please everybody. You may see me as being a critic deluxe--that is fine, but at the same time I am a very caring and thoughtful person who has tried my best to make a positive difference in checkers--to me ones actions speak louder than words. Respectfully , Alex Moiseyev
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Dennis Cayton
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Dennis Cayton »

Alex_Moiseyev wrote: So instead of hurling negative criticisms day after day why not join in and give a helping hand--and then you to can help make the difference in checkers. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
Greetings Alex Moiseyev:

I have a question for you:

How does referring to other checker players as "trash people" lend a "helping hand" to the game?

Don't your own "negative criticisms" toward other players apply to your statement above as well?

You also wrote:
Alex_Moiseyev wrote: Negative criticism is just that--and it does more harm to than good for checkers.
Does this include referring to other checker players as "trash people", as well as the hurtful negative criticisms you have publicly made against Jan Mortimer and other players?

Or do your own "negative criticisms" enjoy the sanctity of immunity?

Please take a break and read the following:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pot_callin ... ttle_black

Personally, I would like to see you practice what you preach.

Based upon your following statement below, however, I am not feeling very optimistic.
Alex_Moiseyev wrote: At times some of you see me as not being very tactful in my dealings with other people--well this is my manner and one can either accept that or reject it--this is your choice to make.
Very Sincerely,

Dennis Cayton
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Dennis viewing the past and more so the most recent happening on the ACF Forum I can guarantee you that I will not be the last of the outspoken checker players on the block. And the fact that I do not conform with others stereotypes as to what a World Champion should or should not be does not in any way make me be a bad person. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
I am playing checkers, not chess.
Dennis Cayton
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Dennis Cayton »

Alex_Moiseyev wrote:Dennis viewing the past and more so the most recent happening on the ACF Forum I can guarantee you that I will not be the last of the outspoken checker players on the block. And the fact that I do not conform with others stereotypes as to what a World Champion should or should not be does not in any way make me be a bad person. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
Greetings Alex Moiseyev:

Thank you very much for your reply.

Unfortunately, you did not answer any of my questions.

Your original post in this thread spoke out against those negative criticisms which have been directed at YOU.

Yet, you continue to excuse, justify, rationalize, and give yourself a "free pass" for the negative criticisms you have directed at others.

To wit:
Alex_Moiseyev wrote: At times some of you see me as not being very tactful in my dealings with other people--well this is my manner and one can either accept that or reject it--this is your choice to make.
Alex_Moiseyev wrote:Dennis viewing the past and more so the most recent happening on the ACF Forum I can guarantee you that I will not be the last of the outspoken checker players on the block. And the fact that I do not conform with others stereotypes as to what a World Champion should or should not be does not in any way make me be a bad person. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
It sounds to me like you have no intention to change.

I do agree with you on one of your points:
Alex_Moiseyev wrote:If checkers is going to grow we must work together to make that happen.
As we do work together toward the growth of our game, please allow me to remind you of the famous proverb:

"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

In closing, let me shift to a more positive note, by wishing you the best of enjoyment and pleasure from the meals you will be eating, at the restaurants you previously mentioned, during your World 3-Move Title Match.

Bon Appetit!

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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by n1ck »

Alex is preparing for a meaningful and important match-up, stop wasting his time with pithy comments.

If you want to compete intellectually with pointless back and forth nit-picking, create a new thread and I will personally waste my own time to satisfy your entertainment with an "educated reply." My babysitting services are free of charge and apply to all.
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Dennis life is not unlike checkers in that we make good decisions and bad decisions in what seems at times to be a futile attempt to attain a better life. Some seem to feel that life is a popularity contest in which one must try to please everyone around them in order to be accepted. This is without doubt a no win undertaking. I don't live in a glass house and as all of you know I don't always present myself verbally in a way that you would like or want me to, but such is life for all of us. And I do not intend to spend the rest of my life justifying myself to others. I have better things to do with my life than sitting around finding faults in others. We all need to make improvements in our character, myself included for like others I am not perfect. So in saying this I will continue to be myself--and you may accept me as I am if you wish--this is your choice to make. Respectfully, Alex Moiseyev
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Perhaps after this coming weeks World Championship Matches I will sit down and relax--and read Dale Carnegie's 1936 book--"How to Win Friends and Influence People". Alex
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Re: "Checkers Today and Tomorrow"

Post by tommyc »

REJECTED ................AND YOU ARE A NEGATIVE POSTER. Only you can change YOU ,YOU dont live in a BUBBLE in this world.And the sooner you see this the better.

The word respect comes to mind.............perhaps you will make a study of this word and apply it to people on this forum regardless whether they agree with you on NOT.

On the other hand you might prefer to act like the OVERGROWN CHILD you present yourself as.
Always read "Cannings Compilation 2nd Edition" every day.
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