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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Chexhero »

John to answer your question on facebook, I don't think there is anything wrong with a political discussion in the forum as long as it stays here where other topics besides checkers are allowed to be discussed, as long as it happens in a civil manner.
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by rich beckwith »

G’day Steven/Wavuti…. I don’t normally comment on Broken Boards, but there is much “spin” that needs put in proper perspective to help clarify. Thomas Jefferson coined “separation of church and state” (often confused with what our 1st amendment actually says), knowing it was disrespectful for government to push into the boundaries of practicing one’s religion (not the other way around). Gov. is also supposed to oversee the needs of the people, and it cannot do this near as efficiently without its partnership with religious-based charities that assist internationally in the areas of health care, education, assisting the poor, etc., at least that is the relationship here in USA. Also, I see no evidence of Christians/Repubs. supporting mass genocide. Most churches here already condemn bullying of gays. In contrast, look also at the mass killings in the millions in the last 100 years by non-/anti-religious regimes (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot), in addition to a whopping 40 million annual global elective abortions going on today, even when science tells us the heartbeat forms 22 days after conception.

Yes, they may have been one or two relatively-unknown state Repub. candidates who did not speak eloquently on a rare abortion scenario, but their statements do not necessarily represent the center-right US population. (Paul Ryan spoke the most eloquent on this issue in VP debate, speaking of science and reason to back up his position.) If anyone is being extreme, I point to other side’s platform that indirectly tax-payer funds international one-child policies that brutalize women with forced abortions, or who won’t denounce human right abuses like sex-selective abortions, partial-birth abortions, and unprecedented gov. coercion by forcing religious healthcare workers to provide controversial services that violate their faith.
Richard Beckwith
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Steven, last surveys show that more than 85% Americans, either Republican or Democrats, assosiates themselves with some Religion. So, it would be be correct message to say that today United States of America is deeply religion-oriented country.

All most important decisions people make - in politics, business, private life - depends mainly on their faith and belifs and this cannot be ignore.

I voted in last Elections for Barak Obama because there is obvious improvement in economy and light at the end of tunnel. Giving Obama 4 more years and chance to finish his job - was my choice.

But I definetly do not define myself as "comrade" ! And I am not crazy with this. Mainly my choiice was based on issues and personality of candidate, not party preferences.

Regarding abortions ... I have daughter 13 years :D Her life, health and freedom are important for me. I can't dictate her (and all other woman) what to do. This is their CHOICE indeed. The only thing I can do as good father - share with my daughter and teach her good values.

And finally ... John Acker is a great man and I am proud to be his friend for many years ! Me and John have different age, personality, background, but much more things are in common and one of them - we both love checkers and wish it best !


Alex Moiseyev
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Chexhero »

If anyone is being extreme, I point to other side’s platform that indirectly tax-payer funds international one-child policies that brutalize women with forced abortions, or who won’t denounce human right abuses like sex-selective abortions, partial-birth abortions, and unprecedented gov. coercion by forcing religious healthcare workers to provide controversial services that violate their faith.
This is the kind of thing Obamacare promotes and one of the many ways in my view it violates the US Constitution.
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Ingo_Zachos »

Talking about comrades... what is the best term to call someone who is playing your game?

In chess, it is a chess player, so checker player or draughts player looks fine, but in the USA they also used the term checkerist.
In a light mood , some writers also used the word woodpusher, like in chess, but maybe there are even more common words for a checker/draughts player?

Suggestions apreciated!

Greetinx from mild, but cloudy Germany,

Ingo Zachos
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Ingo_Zachos wrote: but in the USA they also used the term checkerist.
Hey, I am using nick "checkerist" on some forums quite often ! Good word.

But I am not an English expert :D , it is better to ask John Acker - English literature and English Writing college teacher (soon - professor) and Ryan Pronk - journalist.

I am playing checkers, not chess.
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Re: Welcome comrades

Post by Danny_Alvarez »

i have watched this thread and resisted my impulse to jump in on the debate .... at least until it was safe to walk in hahaha

I find the polarity and aggression displayed by both sides of the political spectrum quite shocking and strange. I am neither a left leaning person, nor right. Yet i share point of views with both sides. I consider myself a political moderate, even though moderation has escaped from politics in the last decade or so. I respect a woman's right to choose, i condemn the statements from those 3 republican candidates. I support homosexuals right to marry, despite the fact that i am a christian. By the same token, i think that history has shown that most republican governments have been financially stable and had less debt and more job creation. In Australia the difference is remarkable and every Labour (left) government has been deeply in debt, while most Liberal (right) governments have made sizable surpluses.
I wanted Romney to win for purely financial reasons... (it is hard to dine on righteousness and the knowledge that you support a cause)

The point is this.... whether your candidate won or not, you still share the same country. You still should work together. You shouldn't just project hate because your brother thinks differently. In Australia the day after the election nobody threatens to live the country, or make wild accusations or predict the end of the world... or even worse cease contact with family or friends of a different party. Politicians come and go..... we all suffer their decisions and blunders together.... why not do so with (pardon the word lol) comraderie and good will????
Amateur Checkerist, Professional Lover of the Game
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