Jan Mortimer request from checker community

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Lindus Edwards
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Lindus Edwards »

Jan asked me to post two photographs. She is shown in these with her very lovely family.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/130304369 ... 421607805/
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by George Hay »

Lindus, thank you for posting, Jim and Jan must be very proud of their family.

Jan, thank you for sharing your family pictures with the checkers community.

--George Hay
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Lindus Edwards
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Lindus Edwards »

Hi George,

Yes, Jan has the most wonderful family.


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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Irma Sierra »

Thanks for sharing Jan!
just lady.......
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Patrick Parker »

love the photos of family
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Thankyou guys ,my family is pretty precious to me,and I guess everyone else's is too. The wee children love challenging me in checkers,and I have the 20 dollar challenge going wth them,that if they beat me they'll get 20 dollars.THe boys especially, try hard.ILl be returning to Boys Highschool after my treatment in the next fortnight or so,to continue the challenge with them once a week,playing checkers in the library.If I get my wish for a world qualifier in New Zealand 2016'theyll make up part of the youth group.
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Last night my wee grandsons Jacob,and Noah stayed the night with me, and played checkers with me the next morning after breakfast. Now Noah in the picture is the little boy with the blue shirt and tie on,and I was touched he put it on for the photo,because I had bought it for him ages ago,and he decided to wear it for nanna.Jacob is sitting right beside him,and they are the best of buddies.Well, you should have seen their wee faces when I said I would play them after breakfast, because they love playing checkers,although Jacob loves playing chess more,and hes a chess champion at his school,and goes away to nationals for that every year.
Now,i always have that challenge going with them with the 20.00. And they are so keen to win it,but being a naturally tight old nanna I don't just let them win. Well I decided to play them both at once,with two boards, so it was fun for all,and they didn't have to wait their turn.Neither boy has got close to winning before,but this morning Jacob nearly won,i was two down! None of the highschool boys I play has ever got that far with me. So Jacob was doing exceedingly well. You should have seen the look of concentration on his face,and his grin.That 20.00 looked closer than ever. Meanwhile, Noah was doing well too,and nearly getting a draw with me. But alas alack, I spoiled it,i took Jacob down in a 3 for 1 shot,and drew the game,and a 2 for 1 shot with noah,so they had to settle for a chocolate instead.
But, wont be long before Nanna bites the dust. Noah is 10 years old,and Jacob is 8. They will be ready for the youth qualifier when I get it here. 8)
Last edited by kiwinurse on Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lindus Edwards
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Lindus Edwards »

Jan, that was such a lovely post and one I enjoyed immensely. It is always great to hear of youngsters having an interest in checkers. If they keep improving like that then your twenty dollars will be won by one of them in the not too-distant future ! New Zealand will be the most wonderful venue to hold the qualifiers in more ways than one. Such a beautiful country. Thank you for that post Jan. Thinking of you all the time.
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Thankyou Lindus, Yes we must safeguard this game of ours for our children,and that is a grandparents job these days,i reckon.who else has time? Today I go to Dunedin for a week for radiotherapy, so I hope all goes well,and smoothly.Ill be relying on all my friends for prayer this week,so ill effects arn't felt too much. Home Friday,saturday,
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Lindus Edwards »

God bless you Jan. I will be with you in thought throughout every waking second. You will be just fine.
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Lindus Edwards »

Radiotherapy has began on Jan's pelvis. Apparently it was a painful experience. Let us all hope and pray that the next treatment will not be anywhere near as painful. Jan says that the hospital staff are all lovely.
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Today's treatment went well,no pain,and I expect it to go well for the rest of the week.thankyou guys for praying for me,much appreciated.regards jan
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by Palomino »

Hi Jan,
I'm so very glad your treatment went well today (I guess it is yesterday now) anyway I'm happy about that as I am sure you and Jim are also.
Just got back from a week long trip, we stopped at Cracker Barrel to eat and I found a Route 66 calendar in the gift shop and thought of you and Jim. Will be mailing it to you shortly along with a card I got for you sometime back.
You are still in my prayers. I pray everything will continue to go well. God Bless and be with you... "Pal'
Last edited by Palomino on Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Oh pal hats lovely of you,Jim is with me at the moment,we just got back from hospital and my morning session,he will love that calendar, and will display it proudly in his office,Thankyou pal
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Re: Jan Mortimer request from checker community

Post by kiwinurse »

Back from Dunedin hospital,fighting fit, ,feeling well,and this Tuesday im going into Boys Highschool to continue playing checkers with them. Really looking forward to it.And I think they will too,be lining up to play. Its the little things like this,(and theyre not so little,because they start ideas in young lads heads of maybe I can be good at this,etc,)But they put a spark into life,and ignite ideas,and competition,which every lad likes.And its great for me, because it continues to motivate me,
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