ACF Election 2015.

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ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

I think it's a right time to start conversation about upcoming ACF elections. As most or all of you are aware - me and John Acker are running for positions ACF Player Representative (myself) and ACF President (John Acker).

Most important thing - I highly invite all of you just come and vote, no matter where your vote goes, your participation is important and crucial.

Below is email from John F. Herberger which I (and some of you) received recently.

This may help you to make a right decision.


Greetings; I John F. Herberger wish to nominate John Acker for ACF President. I went to the national tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. It was disgraceful and an outrage. The crowd there was only 19 players. The conditions were deplorable. There was only one bathroom without a lock on the door. One of the players constantly urinated on the toilet seat. There was a large group of college kids there. They were playing cards and shouting obscenities at the top of their lungs. The 4 letter F Word was constantly being shout out loud. There were about 40 college kids there. The noise was so loud that it sounded much louder than a noisy tavern. I went over to tell some of the kids there to quiet down. I was told to go F myself. One man there grabbed his private spot and yelled out loud- Suck on this. My wife was there and was disgusted and outraged with the obscene conduct. Mr. Holmes lied to me over the telephone. He said there would be about 35-40 players there. There was only 19 there. My wife and I were advised to stay at the Quality Inn. We did. It was 5 miles from the playing room. It is the good thing that I made it back to my hotel before dark, otherwise I would not have been able to read the street signs and not known what streets I was driving on. Mr.Holmes also advised me that he has never heard of a quiet tournament. How can anyone concentrate on a game of checkers when somebody 5 feet away is shouting-F--- You? Finally where did all the money in the 200 Club go? Where did the $17,000 in the Oldbury Fund go? Considering that Mr.Holmes went the extra mile to prove that he is incompetent and dishonest, it is apparent that new leadership is needed. Please vote for John Acker and Alex Moiseyev. Please vote for new leadership. There was no news media there. No newspaper, nor t v coverage. Let's vote for new leadership. The grand old game of checkers is headed towards hell in a hand basket. DON'T YOU DARE NOT VOTE. I complained to the tournament director about the noise. He said that it was out of his hands. My wife and I when we left on Friday night, she had a pounding headache and was sick to her stomach because of the noise.. Mr. Holmes should never be allowed to promote another tournament. Sincerely-John F. Herberger
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Michael Holmes »

I also promoted the WCDF tournament after the national. Several players did like that WCDF venue. I did not think there would such conflict with others using that room in the National but it was not good. As far as the money stuff you mentioned someone else will need to address that issue as I didn't, and have never, touched those funds.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

ACF should probably run elections every 1-2 months in order to get administration more responsive :D

I also don't understand how ACF Exec Committee member, one out of four most powerful people in ACF, doesn't know anything about funds. However, I trust Michael in this case. And this is ridiculous and very suspicious. Nobody knows well what happened with funds, including some Execs.

This particular National, 3-moves 2014, along with horrible GAYP Match with Barbados in 2013 - classic marks and signs of current administration. This is great disrespect to players and to game, serious degradation of everything. Are there any more lows ??? Should we play National soon in one day at gas station ???

To all ACF members: If you really and truly want changes and want to see improvements in our small fraternity - you have to come and vote.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Michael Holmes »

You are making false statements again moisvey.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Michael Holmes wrote:You are making false statements again moisvey.
This is typical Mr. Holmes behavior - switching conversation from business route onto personal accusations where contest left behind and words come forward ... Nothing unusual. It is almost impossible to talk with Michael about any serious topic - he doesn't accept any critics, and in most cases - doesn't even listen you. He tries to bring army command methods to ACF organization. But the problem is - he is not general and we are not soldiers.

His behavior and methods of governing ACF - is exactly what we don't need at all.

If you want changes in ACF and if want to see any reasonable future for this organization - come and vote!

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by George Hay »

Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Holmes learned something about leadership and building good morale in the U.S. Army.

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by steve »

Without taking sides in the coming election.I'm sure Michael did the best he could.From personal experience in holding Ohio tournaments-it's difficult to fine a reasonable [$$]place to hold a tournament.The lack of players can be explain by many reasons beyond Michael controll.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

steve wrote:From personal experience in holding Ohio tournaments
Michael is perfect candidate for the President of Ohio State Checkers Association! :D But for the federal (National) level it's hard to match. And .. if administration can't do any better, maybe we just don't need it at all ? Lets discontinue ACF and run state events standalone based on enthusiasm of some people.

Financial aspects is only one (though big) piece of puzzle.

If you believe that Michael is good enough to keep his post - you definitely have to participate in election. We need people opinion. Maximum worse happen when only few ballots casted out of several hundred active ACF members. This year we have turning point in elections. People should make a choice and decision - if we have a right course and directions today or need changes.

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Chexhero »

Alex, you have talked a lot about lack of professionalism in the current administration, but that is what you are demonstrating yourself right now. It seems to me that instead of telling everyone what you have to offer, you instead have been doing nothing but running a smear campaign against Michael Holmes, trying to tear him down regarding anything he has ever done as player rep. You are correct that Michael Holmes hasn't been perfect. I for one was disappointed with how nationals went. I also recognize however, that it was a bold move on Michael's part to try something different. By the sounds of it, it seemed like it could have been a great marketing opportunity for us. However, it turned out we only had bratty loud obnoxious teenagers to work with. Instead of harping on Michael, I and probably many more people would like to hear what you are offering. What things are you looking to accomplish besides trying to put more of the prize money in masters so you can win more money. That will not win my vote.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Chexhero wrote:besides trying to put more of the prize money in masters
Did I say this ??? This is not my goal at all because there is no money for now. And there is no enough members. In position of Player Representative (if elected) I plan to raise both. You are talking about money, but there are more important things - honor, respect, patriotism, professionalism. These are my priorities, not $$$$$$

I don't accuse Michael personally, I criticize him in terms of business.

Lets talk about International GAYP Match USA vs Barbados 2013, which we badly lost 42:56. I had organize previous match in 2004, that's why I am partial to this subject. It took me several months and significant efforts to get all (most) strong USA players to participate. And even in this case we won very narrowly only 3 games ahead out of 180 games !

Now, in 2013 we had a lot of "tourists" on USA team, only really few masters and 2 grandmasters (Richard and Jim). My opinion Is simple - if we were unable to build a strong team, we shouldn't play this match. Period. This is professionalism.

You said that I criticize everything Michael had done, but he didn't do as much and almost everything - fiasco. The only are where he had obvious success - youth area. If I will be elected as ACF Player representative - I will be first to nominate Michael as ACF Youth Director. Yes, all after all - I am open to work with him and anyone else in ACF to build strong organization.

Regarding prices - we can talk about this when we have any $$$ ... but it seems like there is nothing much left ... although due to miserable interests. We have to find sponsors first - private and corporate.

I will put more here for my and John Acker campaign plan and issues. This is only beginning. John was kicked off this forum, so - I will post it here on his behalf.

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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Chexhero »

Alex, you have talked a lot about the master division in past on this forum. One of the things you have brought up on multiple occasions is increasing prize funds in masters and lowering it in majors and minors. You even suggested that players that finish low in minors should win no prize money. You did state this in this forum, but I don't know exactly where it is. I don't see how that best represents players. It is the lower level players that we are losing the most and I want to know that you have their interest in mind as well.

You talk about honor, respect, and professionalism, but my point is you are not showing it by degrading Michael. It is fine if you feel he has not been a good player rep, but you have harshly degraded his efforts and are personally trying to make him look bad in order to benefit yourself. I do not respect your approach in trying to get elected.

Yes, I and others would like to know how you plan to improve the ACF and best represent the members of this organization.
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Joe, thanks for your posting and input. I totally agree with you - lets stop talking about Michael and move forward. Please, email me your proposals. We badly need new ideas and new people. United we are stronger then ever.

Thing #1 on my list - listen people.

Many thanks in advance.


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George Hay
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by George Hay »

I am proud of USA Team efforts in USA vs Barbados 2013.
USA vs Barbados 2004 First International Match was won by USA, and took place in Barbados.
USA vs Barbados 2013 Second International Match was won by Barbados, and took place in Barbados.

This may be seen in USA vs Barbados 2004, and Checkers 2014 ICHF Annual Magazine.
The score for the 2004 (first) match is listed as:
USA, 30 W, 27 L, 123 D. Barbados 27 W, 30 L, 123 D.
The Score for the 2013 (second) match is listed as:
USA, 10 W, 16 L, 26 D. Barbados 16 W, 10 L, 26 D.
USA 46, Barbados 58 "2 pts for a win, 1 pt for a draw."

If we use the standard 2 points for a win, and 1 point for a draw we get:
2004 USA 183, Barbados 177, a three game margin of victory with 180 games played.
2014 Barbados 58, USA 46, a six game margin of victory with 52 games played.

I hope the new ACF Administration supports a 3rd USA vs Barbados International Match, and other international matches.
I would even like to see the new ACF Administration support a Checkers Olympiad.

-George Hay
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Eric Strange »

Acker was forced to resign as treasurer because of his lack of integrity and professionalism... Can just anyone apply to be President of ACF? The guy isn't even allowed to post in the forums... is this a joke? I know we've been scraping the bottom of the barrell... but this is a little ridiculous lol
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Re: ACF Election 2015.

Post by Alex_Moiseyev »

Hi, Eric !

One of my "crazy" campaign ideas is - create in ACF District #10 - Internet District. What you and other think about this idea ?

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