Please Publish More Games

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Please Publish More Games

Post by jimloy »

I would like to see many more games published (annotated or not). U.S. Nationals and World Qualifiers and World Championships are now routinely published on these pages without annotations. And games from the Nationals are annotated and published in the pages of the ACF Bulletin. Other tournament games routinely disappear into a swirling black hole. Let me invite tournament directors to please publish games (some or all) that you have collected. Type them or send them to me and I will type them. And you individual players, please submit your best or most educational games (annotated or not). Personally, I feel that a game that has not been published might as well have never been played. Four of Andrew Anderson's matches were never published, and it is hard to care who won, when we cannot ever see the games. The games are the treasure, and much of this treasure is gone.
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Re: Please Publish More Games

Post by mclark »

I also would like to see more games at a variety of levels posted here. Does anyone know what happens to games that are turned in at GAYP nationals on odd-numbered years? It seems that they are collected the same way as in 3-move years but I never recall seeing them published. Obviously there are more games at GAYP nationals that aren't worth putting in the bulletin because they are well-known draws. I remember in 2015 looking forward to seeing some specific games in print but never saw anything on the forum or in the bulletin. Even if the games aren't annotated, maybe once every two years the ACF bulletin could include a column on the top ten (or more) best games from the most recent GAYP tourney that contain a previously unpublished line.
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Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Please Publish More Games

Post by jimloy »

I am working on a booklet of annotated games of the GAYP Nationals. I have not yet added the last few years of games. And some of my files are missing. I should finish the book this year or next? A few of the non-annotated games can be found somewhere on the FORUM (tournament discussion) and elsewhere on the ACF WWW site.

Since I sent this reply, I have decided to publish some of the GAYP Nationals here. So far I uploaded up to 2009.
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