2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

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2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

These are the Men's games. There should be some corrections later. But I need some help to complete several of the games. An error (illegal move or missing move) is usually easy to resolve (knowing that 31-27 is sometimes 2-6 or that 8-4 is sometimes 4-8 or that 7-11 is sometimes 7-10; also by studying later moves, by comparing the other scoresheet, by checking to see what the book moves might be, or by experimenting with likely moves). But an error followed by further errors is much harder. And today, in most tournaments, there are MANY missing scoresheets. An example, Ron King should have learned to record a game by now. I'm getting fed up with that dude.

My thanks to Sergio Scarpetta for the Bernini - King games in round 2. Bernini didn't remember them but Sergio did remember them.

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 10-14 19-10 14-23 26-19 7-14 24-20 6-10 22-17 9-13 1/2-1/2 {published play}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 2-6 21-14 8-11 26-22 4-8 22-18 16-20 30-25 11-16 31-26 6-10 25-22 10-17 22-13 7-10 26-23 1-6 23-19 16-23 18-15 10-19 27-18 20-27 32-16 8-12 16-11 1/2-1/2 {J. Richmond, Duffy's Single Corner v.103G}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 5-9 29-25 9-14 23-18 14-23 27-11 8-15 17-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 32-27 7-11 26-23 3-7 24-19 15-24 28-19 6-10 30-26 10-17 25-21 2-6 21-14 6-10 14-9 10-14 27-24 14-17 24-20 17-21 23-18 21-25 9-6 1-10 18-15 11-18 22-6 25-29 6-2 7-11 2-7 13-17 7-16 29-25 19-15 12-19 26-23 19-26 31-13 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 28-24 9-14 22-17 6-9 17-13 1-6 23-19 15-18 26-23 14-17 21-14 10-17 23-14 9-18 31-26 11-16 20-11 7-23 26-19 17-22 25-21 2-7 21-17 6-10 32-28 10-15 19-10 7-21 24-19 3-7 28-24 7-10 24-20 4-8 20-16 21-25 30-21 22-26 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 23-19 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 25-22 7-16 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 28-24 4-8 29-25 16-20 31-27 8-11 26-23 11-15 17-13 1-5 13-9 6-13 25-22 14-18 23-7 2-11 30-26 11-16 26-23 16-19 23-16 12-28 27-23 5-9 21-17 20-24 23-18 15-19 17-14 19-23 14-5 24-27 18-14 27-31 14-9 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 8-11 27-23 11-16 29-25 4-8 31-27 9-13 17-14 6-9 22-18 8-11 27-24 11-15 18-11 9-27 32-23 16-20 24-15 7-16 15-11 1-6 25-22 6-10 22-18 10-15 26-22 2-6 11-7 3-10 18-11 10-14 11-7 6-9 22-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 16-20 29-25 10-14 18-15 4-8 27-24 20-27 31-24 9-13 24-20 7-10 22-18 3-7 18-9 5-14 32-27 14-17 21-14 10-17 25-22 7-11 23-18 17-21 27-23 2-7 19-16 12-19 23-16 7-10 16-7 10-19 7-3 8-12 3-7 19-24 7-11 24-27 18-14 27-31 11-15 13-17 22-13 31-22 15-11 22-18 14-9 6-10 9-6 10-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
12-16 22-18 16-20 26-22 10-14 24-19 8-12 30-26 4-8 28-24 7-10 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 25-18 6-13 32-28 11-16 19-15 10-19 24-15 3-7 29-25 1-6 25-22 16-19 23-16 12-19 21-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 15-10 6-15 18-4 17-21 22-17 13-22 26-17 21-25 4-8 25-29 8-11 29-25 17-13 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 4-8 29-25 10-14 18-15 16-20 22-18 7-11 26-22 20-24 27-20 9-13 18-9 11-27 32-23 5-14 22-18 8-11 18-9 6-10 30-26 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 15-19 16-11 19-24 20-16 24-28 16-12 28-32 1-0 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 10-14 0-1 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 25-22 16-20 24-19 8-11 19-15 10-19 23-16 4-8 16-12 5-9 28-24 11-16 26-23 7-10 24-19 8-11 30-26 10-14 19-15 1-5 15-8 16-19 23-16 14-30 8-4 30-25 4-8 25-18 27-24 20-27 32-14 9-18 8-11 18-23 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-10 7-14 29-25 3-7 25-22 1-6 22-18 6-10 27-24 11-15 18-11 7-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 20-16 14-18 16-11 18-22 11-8 22-25 8-3 25-29 3-8 29-25 8-11 9-14 32-27 25-22 11-16 2-7 16-23 10-15 23-26 22-25 27-23 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 29-25 4-8 25-22 6-10 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 2-6 27-24 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-17 9-13 17-14 11-15 31-26 1-6 30-25 15-19 24-15 7-10 14-7 3-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 6-10 32-27 10-14 27-23 19-24 22-18 24-27 18-9 5-14 1-0 {First Position}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 17-14 15-24 27-20 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 23-19 6-10 22-17 13-22 26-17 8-11 31-26 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 7-11 14-7 3-10 26-23 11-15 17-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 7-11 19-15 10-19 24-15 5-9 29-25 1-5 26-23 3-7 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-18 22-15 7-10 23-19 2-7 28-24 14-17 21-14 10-17 25-22 17-26 31-22 6-9 27-23 7-11 15-10 9-14 10-6 11-16 22-18 14-17 18-15 16-20 23-18 20-27 32-23 17-22 6-2 22-25 2-7 25-30 7-11 30-26 18-14 13-17 14-9 26-31 23-18 31-27 11-16 27-23 18-14 23-18 16-11 17-22 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 17-13 15-18 23-14 9-18 21-17 10-15 24-20 4-8 26-23 18-22 25-18 15-22 23-18 7-10 27-23 12-16 32-27 8-12 30-25 10-15 27-24 6-10 24-19 15-24 28-19 2-6 18-14 5-9 14-5 22-26 31-22 10-14 17-10 6-24 23-18 16-19 13-9 19-23 18-15 11-18 22-15 23-26 15-10 26-30 25-21 30-26 29-25 26-23 9-6 23-18 6-2 24-27 21-17 27-31 1/2-1/2 {missing moves; maybe 17-13 (10-6 1-10 5-1 draw, J. Loy) 31-26 25-21 26-23 13-9 23-26 2-7 26-22 7-11 18-14 11-7 14-18 7-11 18-14 10-6 1-10 9-6 14-18 7-2 10-15 5-1 15-19 1-6 19-24 draw, I. Martynov}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 22-17 2. 8-11 17-13 3. 15-18 23x14 4. 9x18 21-17 5. 10-15 25-21 6.
18-22 26-23 7. 4-8 24-19 8. 15x24 28x19 9. 7-10 27-24 10. 11-16 24-20 11. 8-11
32-28 12. 3-7 28-24 13. 11-15 20x11 14. 7x16 24-20 15. 15x24 20x11 16. 12-16
11-8 17. 24-27 31x24 18. 16-20 24-19 19. 10-14 17x10 20. 6x15x24 23-19 21.
24-27 8-4 22. 27-32 4-8 23. 32-27 19-16 24. 20-24 16-11 25. 24-28 8-3 26. 28-32
3-8 27. 27-23 21-17 28. 22-26 8-3 29. 26-31 29-25 30. 31-26 25-21 31. 26-22
17-14 32. 2-6 3-7 33. 6-9 13x6 34. 1x10x17 21x14 35. 23-18 14-10 36. 18-15 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 2. 9-13 25-21 3. 8-11 24-19 4. 15x24 28x19 5. 11-16 29-25 6. 4-8
17-14 7. 10x17 21x14 8. 16-20 23-18 9. 6-10 25-21 10. 10x17 21x14 11. 2-6 27-23
12. 6-9 30-25 13. 1-6 25-21 14. 6-10 22-17 15. 13x22 26x17 16. 12-16 19x12 17.
9-13 14-9 18. 13x22 9-6 19. 8-11 6-2 20. 22-25 18-14 21. 10x17 21x14 22. 25-29
23-19 23. 29-25 19-15 24. 11x18 2x11 25. 18-23 14-10 26. 23-26 31x22 27. 25x18
32-27 28. 5-9 10-6 29. 9-13 6-1 30. 13-17 1-6 31. 17-22 6-10 32. 22-26 10-15
33. 18-22 15-19 34. 26-30 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 8-11 24-20 4-8 17-13 15-19 23-16 12-19 22-17 11-15 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 20-16 19-24 28-19 15-24 26-23 7-11 16-7 2-11 29-25 3-8 25-22 11-15 23-19 8-12 32-28 5-9 30-26 14-18 17-14 18-25 14-7 25-30 19-10 30-23 28-19 6-24 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-19 8-12 22-18 10-14 26-22 7-10 22-17 16-20 17-13 3-7 31-26 12-16 19-12 4-8 12-3 14-17 21-14 10-17 3-10 6-31 13-6 31-24 28-19 1-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 6-9 30-25 9-14 24-19 15-24 28-19 5-9 32-28 7-11 19-15 10-19 17-10 2-7 23-16 11-20 27-23 7-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 8-11 23-18 12-16 21-17 9-13 18-14 13-22 25-18 16-19 29-25 19-23 25-21 23-27 31-24 20-27 21-17 27-31 10-7 3-10 14-7 31-26 18-14 26-22 17-13 4-8 13-9 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 10-14 18-15 19-23 26-19 7-11 28-24 11-18 19-15 9-13 24-19 5-9 27-24 2-7 31-26 7-10 20-16 18-22 25-18 14-23 26-22 8-12 29-25 10-14 16-11 1-5 15-10 6-15 19-10 23-27 32-23 14-17 21-14 9-27 11-7 27-31 24-20 31-27 7-2 3-8 10-7 12-16 20-11 8-15 7-3 27-23 2-7 15-19 22-18 23-14 3-8 4-11 7-23 14-10 23-19 5-9 19-23 10-15 25-22 9-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-14 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18-9 5-14 19-16 12-19 23-16 11-15 25-22 14-17 21-14 10-17 27-23 17-21 23-18 15-19 18-15 19-24 15-11 6-10 13-9 10-15 22-18 15-22 26-17 7-10 11-7 2-11 16-7 10-15 7-2 15-18 9-5 18-22 17-14 22-25 14-10 25-29 2-7 29-25 31-26 24-27 32-23 20-24 23-18 24-27 26-22 27-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 24-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 16-20 22-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 17-13 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 10-15 1/2-1/2 {American Draught Player 1860 p.256 v.12}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 18-14 9-18 24-19 15-24 22-8 4-11 27-20 5-9 21-17 9-13 28-24 13-22 25-18 6-9 29-25 10-15 25-22 7-10 32-28 1-5 26-23 9-13 24-19 15-24 28-19 5-9 30-25 3-7 25-21 10-14 31-27 11-16 20-11 7-16 18-15 14-18 23-5 16-32 15-11 32-27 5-1 27-23 1-5 23-19 11-8 19-15 8-3 12-16 5-9 15-10 21-17 16-20 9-14 10-15 14-18 15-10 3-8 20-24 18-23 24-28 8-11 28-32 23-26 32-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 10-14 19-10 14-23 26-19 7-14 24-20 6-10 1/2-1/2 {American Draught Player 1860 p.116 v.53}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 16-20 28-24 8-12 19-15 4-8 25-22 7-11 22-17 11-16 17-10 16-19 23-16 12-28 26-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 27-23 20-24 30-26 6-9 22-17 2-7 23-19 7-11 17-13 11-18 13-6 18-23 26-22 23-26 32-27 26-30 27-20 30-25 22-17 25-22 17-13 22-18 6-2 18-15 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 4-8 22-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 16-20 25-22 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 15-19 22-18 14-23 27-18 19-24 21-17 24-28 30-25 6-9 13-6 2-9 26-23 9-13 25-22 1-5 18-14 10-15 23-18 15-19 31-27 19-24 16-12 1/2-1/2 {long game mostly unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 10-14 25-22 11-16 29-25 16-20 18-15 4-8 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 7-10 25-22 3-7 22-17 13-22 26-17 7-11 17-13 10-14 18-9 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-14 18-22 31-27 11-16 19-15 6-10 14-7 2-18 9-6 1-10 27-24 20-27 32-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-20 15-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 10-15 22-17 6-10 0-1 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 23-19 6-10 26-23 1-6 23-18 11-16 18-11 16-23 27-18 7-16 22-17 10-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 4-8 30-26 8-11 24-20 15-19 28-24 19-28 26-23 3-7 29-25 9-13 17-14 16-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 6-9 31-26 19-24 26-22 24-27 32-23 11-15 18-11 7-16 20-11 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 7-11 29-25 3-7 23-18 14-23 27-18 11-16 18-11 8-15 17-14 10-17 22-13 16-20 32-27 4-8 26-23 7-10 30-26 8-11 25-22 5-9 23-18 10-14 26-23 6-10 13-6 2-9 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 18-15 14-18 23-7 16-32 15-10 20-24 7-2 32-27 2-7 9-13 7-11 27-23 11-7 24-28 1/2-1/2 {something is illegal around here}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-19 16-23 27-18 11-16 28-24 8-12 31-27 6-9 26-23 16-20 24-19 7-11 25-21 11-16 30-26 2-7 1/2-1/2 {J. Wyllie - J. Kear, two places in J. Duffy's Single Corner, v.55E and v.119}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-14 25-22 8-11 29-25 11-16 23-18 14-23 27-11 16-19 24-15 10-19 22-18 7-16 25-22 4-8 18-15 5-9 22-18 9-13 17-14 3-7 31-27 16-20 14-9 12-16 27-23 7-11 32-27 1-5 30-25 5-14 18-9 11-18 23-14 8-12 27-23 20-24 23-18 24-27 26-22 6-10 14-7 2-11 18-15 11-18 22-15 27-31 25-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 WQT "]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 24-19 2. 15x24 28x19 3. 8-11 22-18 4. 11-16 25-22 5. 16-20 22-17 6. 4-8 17-13 7.
8-11 26-22 8. 9-14 18x9 9. 5x14 22-18 10. 1-5 18x9 11. 5x14 30-26 12. 11-15 19-16 13. 12x19
23x16 14. 14-17 21x14 15. 10x17 29-25 16. 7-10 16-12 17. 2-7 25-21 18. 10-14 26-23 19.
7-11 27-24 20. 20x27 31x24 21. 15-18 23-19 22. 18-23 24-20 23. 17-22 19-16 24. 11-15 16-11
25. 23-26 11-8 26. 26-31 8-4 27. 22-25 4-8 28. 25-30 8-11 29. 15-18 11-15 30. 18-22 20-16
31. 30-26 32-28 32. 22-25 16-11 33. 25-29 12-8 34. 3x12 11-7 35. 31-27 7-3 1-0

[Event "2019 WQT "]
[Date 2019""]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 23-19 2. 9-13 22-18 3. 15x22 25x18 4. 7-11 19-15 5. 10x19 24x15 6. 5-9 29-25 7.
1-5 26-23 8. 3-7 30-26 9. 9-14 18x9 10. 5x14 26-22 11. 11x18 22x15 12. 7-10 23-19 13. 2-7
31-26 14. 14-17 21x14 15. 10x17 27-24 16. 17-21 24-20 17. 21x30 28-24 18. 30x16 20x2 19.
6-9 15-10 20. 9-14 2-6 21. 14-17 6-9 22. 17-21 9-14 23. 21-25 10-7 24. 25-30 7-3 25. 30-25
24-20 26. 25-21 32-27 27. 8-11 27-24 28. 13-17 24-19 29. 17-22 3-7 30. 4-8 7x16 31. 22-26
14-10 32. 21-17 10-7 33. 17-14 7-3 34. 14-18 19-15 35. 12x19 3x12 36. 18x11 12-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 9-14 22-18 5-9 25-22 8-11 27-24 11-16 29-25 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 4-8 24-20 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-23 26-19 9-13 30-26 6-9 26-23 9-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 28-24 11-15 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 8-11 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 27-23 8-12 26-22 6-10 30-26 10-17 22-13 2-6 26-22 7-10 25-21 10-14 22-17 11-16 17-10 6-24 28-19 1-6 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-26 3-7 26-22 19-23 22-17 5-9 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 8-11 24-20 15-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 4-8 23-16 8-12 17-13 12-19 22-17 11-15 20-16 19-24 28-19 15-24 26-23 24-28 29-25 10-15 17-10 7-14 16-11 5-9 25-22 1-5 23-18 14-23 31-27 6-10 13-6 2-9 27-18 10-14 11-7 14-23 7-2 9-13 2-6 15-19 6-10 19-24 21-17 24-27 17-14 3-7 10-3 27-31 22-18 31-26 14-9 5-14 18-9 13-17 3-7 26-22 7-11 22-18 9-6 18-22 11-16 22-26 16-20 26-31 0-1 {unreadable in time trouble; one sheet says WW, the other says RW}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-20 8-12 27-24 3-8 23-18 9-13 18-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 7-10 20-11 10-19 32-27 8-15 21-17 13-22 25-11 6-10 27-24 10-15 26-22 19-23 24-19 15-24 28-19 1-6 29-25 5-9 22-18 6-10 25-21 12-16 19-12 10-15 21-17 15-22 17-13 9-14 13-9 14-17 9-5 2-6 5-1 6-9 1-6 9-13 6-10 22-26 31-22 17-26 10-14 26-31 12-8 31-27 30-25 23-26 25-21 27-23 14-9 23-18 8-3 26-30 11-7 30-26 7-2 26-22 2-7 22-26 7-11 26-22 3-7 22-26 7-3 26-22 3-8 18-23 8-12 23-18 12-16 18-23 11-15 23-18 15-19 22-26 16-20 26-22 20-24 4-8 24-27 22-26 27-31 18-23 31-22 23-16 21-17 16-19 17-14 8-12 14-10 12-16 9-14 16-20 10-6 20-24 6-2 24-28 22-26 28-32 26-31 19-24 2-7 32-27 31-26 27-32 7-10 32-27 10-15 24-28 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 11-16 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 17-13 16-20 29-25 4-8 26-22 7-10 24-19 11-16 25-21 8-11 30-26 10-15 19-10 6-15 13-6 2-9 21-17 3-7 17-13 1-6 27-24 20-27 31-24 16-19 23-16 12-19 32-27 7-10 22-17 15-31 24-8 31-24 28-19 9-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 22-18 13-22 26-17 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 25-22 6-10 31-26 10-17 22-13 2-6 19-16 12-19 23-16 6-10 29-25 10-14 18-9 5-14 13-9 11-15 25-21 15-19 27-23 19-24 23-19 14-18 26-23 18-27 32-23 24-27 23-18 27-31 18-15 31-27 9-6 1-10 15-6 7-10 6-2 10-14 2-6 27-23 6-10 14-18 19-15 18-22 15-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 25-21 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 26-22 16-20 29-25 8-11 22-18 6-9 30-26 11-16 25-22 1-6 19-15 7-10 14-7 3-19 18-15 19-24 15-11 6-10 11-8 16-19 23-16 12-19 8-3 19-23 26-19 10-14 22-18 14-23 27-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 1/2-1/2 {WW}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 28-24 9-13 23-19 6-9 27-23 9-14 32-28 1-6 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 19-16 12-19 24-8 4-11 29-25 3-8 25-22 8-12 22-17 13-22 26-17 11-15 31-27 15-19 23-16 12-19 20-16 7-11 16-7 2-11 27-23 19-26 30-23 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 27-23 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 4-8 24-20 15-24 28-19 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 27-23 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 12-16 26-22 8-12 28-24 9-13 32-28 6-9 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 11-15 20-11 7-16 25-21 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-20 2-6 20-16 6-9 21-17 3-7 16-12 7-10 12-8 9-14 27-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 12-16 24-20 4-8 26-22 8-12 28-24 9-13 32-28 6-9 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 26-22 17-26 31-22 7-10 24-19 3-7 28-24 1-6 18-15 11-18 22-15 13-17 20-11 7-16 24-20 17-21 20-11 21-30 11-7 2-18 23-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
12-16 24-20 10-15 28-24 9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-12 24-19 7-10 18-14 10-17 21-14 13-17 29-25 17-21 25-22 6-9 22-18 1-6 19-15 3-7 15-8 4-11 27-24 6-10 24-19 10-17 19-15 9-13 15-8 17-22 26-17 13-22 20-11 7-16 8-3 22-25 3-8 25-29 8-11 16-20 18-14 29-25 31-26 20-24 23-19 2-6 11-15 25-29 15-18 29-25 19-15 12-16 15-11 16-19 11-8 24-28 8-3 19-24 3-8 24-27 32-23 28-32 26-22 6-9 8-11 32-27 23-19 27-24 19-16 24-19 16-12 19-15 12-8 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 11-16 24-20 8-11 27-24 10-14 24-19 7-10 28-24 3-7 32-28 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 13-17 18-9 6-13 21-14 10-17 31-27 17-22 26-17 13-22 19-15 11-18 23-14 1-6 20-11 7-16 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 27-23 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 7-11 22-18 15-22 26-17 11-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 4-8 31-26 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 26-23 6-9 17-13 1/2-1/2 {W. Beattie - F. Dunne, 1891 English Ty., also K. Layne C. Price, 2015 World Qualifier}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 7-11 25-22 11-16 27-23 16-20 32-27 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 19-16 15-18 22-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 16-11 19-24 29-25 24-28 21-17 3-7 11-2 1-6 2-9 5-21 25-22 4-8 22-17 15-18 17-14 28-32 14-10 32-23 26-19 18-23 10-7 23-27 31-24 20-27 7-3 8-12 3-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15-22 25-18 3. 12-16 29-25 4. 9-13 18-14 5. 10x17 21x14 6. 16-20 23-18 7. 6-10 25-21 8. 10x17 21x14 9. 1-6 26-23 10. 13-17 31-26 11. 17-21 24-19 12. 6-10 28-24 {14-9 RW, J. Drummond, Kear's Encyclopedia p.148Q} 13. 10x17 19-15 14. 2-6 24-19 15. 7-11 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 24-20 2. 15-19 23x16 3. 12x19 22-18 4. 9-14 18x9 5. 5x14 25-22 6. 8-12 22-17 7. 4-8 29-25 8. 8-11 27-24 9. 11-15 32-27 10. 7-11 17-13 11. 3-7? {2-7 draw, J. Drummond, Lees' Guide p.22 v.4} 21-17 12. 14x21 25-22 13. 19-23 {11-16 RW, published play} 27x18 14. 1-5 26-23 15. 10-14 18x9 16. 5x14 22-17 17. 6-10 13-9 18. 15-18 31-27 19. 18-22 {11-16 WW, A. Anderson 1852 p.34 v.13} 9-6 20. 2x9 17-13 21. 22-26 13x6 22. 26-31 23-19 23. 11-15 6-2 24. 7-11 2-6 25. 14-18 6-2 26. 18-22 2-7 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 7-11 27-23 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-17 13-22 30-26 11-15 26-17 8-11 32-27 3-7 17-14 1. 15-18 29-25 2. 1-6 23-19 3. 6-9 19-15 4. 12-16 15x8 5. 4x11 24-20 6. 9-13 28-24 7. 11-15 20x11 8. 7x16 24-20 9. 16-19 14-10 10. 19-23 27-24 11. 23-27 20-16 12. 27-32 24-20 13. 32-28 16-11 14. 18-23 10-7 15. 15-18 7-3 16. 23-27 31x24 17. 28x19 3-8 18. 2-6 11-7 19. 18-23 8-11 23-26 7-3 26-30 3-7 6-9 7-2 30-26 2-6 26-23 {may not have been the move played} 6-2 9-14 2-6 14-18 6-2 0-1 (time)

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 24-19 2. 15x24 27x20 3. 10-15 28-24 4. 8-11 22-18 5. 15x22 25x18 6. 3-8 26-22 6-10 29-25 {maybe not the move played} 1-6 32-28 11-16 20-11 7-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 1/2-1/2 {long game, missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
{not found yet}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-20 8-12 28-24 3-8 23-18 9-13 27-23 5-9 32-28 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 18-15 11-18 22-15 9-14 25-22 14-18 31-27 18-25 29-22 1-5 15-11 8-15 27-23 7-10 23-16 15-18 22-15 10-19 16-11 5-9 26-23 19-26 30-23 9-14 23-19 14-18 19-16 18-23 11-7 2-11 16-7 1/2-1/2 {illegal moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 11-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 4-8 23-19 6-10 27-23 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 2-6 23-18 5-9 26-23 10-15 19-10 6-15 32-28 15-19 23-16 12-19 30-25 19-23 18-14 9-18 22-8 3-12 28-24 7-11 24-19 0-1 {unreadable; these moves may be incorrect}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 23-18 2. 8-11 18-14 3. 9-18 24-19 4. 15x24 22x8 5. 4x11 28x19 6. 11-16 27-23 7. 7-11 25-22 8. 5-9 22-18 9. 10-15 19x10 10. 6x22 26x17 11. 11-15 29-25 12. 16-19 23x16 13. 12x19 25-22 14. 3-8 17-13 15. 9-14 22-17 16. 14-18 17-14 17. 18-22 14-10 18. 19-23 31-27 19. 15-18 21-17 20. 8-12 27-24 21. 12-16 24-19 22. 16-20 19-15 23. 20-24 15-11 24. 22-26 11-8 25. 26-31 8-4 26. 31-26 4-8 27. 26-22 10-7 28. 2x11 8x15 1-0 {WW Francis winning both games, so the game seems to be incorrect}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 17-22 26-17 8-11 27-23 4-8 24-19 8-12 30-25 5-9 17-13 2-6 25-22 7-10 28-24 16-20 32-27 11-16 31-26 10-15 19-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 23-18 16-19 18-11 19-28 27-23 28-32 23-18 32-27 22-17 27-24 11-7 10-15 18-11 3-10 17-14 10-17 21-14 24-19 11-8 19-15 26-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 24-20 2. 15-19 23x16 3. 12x19 22-18 4. 9-14 18x9 5. 5x14 25-22 6. 8-12 22-17 7. 7-11 29-25 8. 4-8 27-24 9. 11-15 32-27 10. 3-7 17-13 11. 1-5 27-23 12. 15-18 23x16 13. 12x19 24x15 14. 10x19 26-22 15. 7-11 22x15 16. 11x18 30-26 17. 18-23 26-22 18. 14-17 21x14 19. 23-26 22-18 20. 26-30 25-21 21. 30-25 31-27 22. 19-23 27-24 23. 6-9 13x6 24. 2x9 14-10 25. 25-22 10-7 26. 22x15 7-3 27. 8-12 24-19 28. 15x24 28x19 29. 9-14 3-7 30. 5-9 20-16 31. 9-13 16-11 32. 23-27 11-8 33. 27-32 8-3 34. 32-27 3-8 35. 14-18 7-11 36. 18-22 11-16 37. 22-26 16-11 38. 27-23 19-15 39. 23-18 15-10 40. 26-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-14 25-22 4-8 17-13 14-18 29-25 11-16 24-20 16-23 26-19 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 31-26 8-11 21-17 5-9 13-6 1-10 17-13 2-6 27-24 12-16 24-19 16-23 26-19 15-24 22-8 3-12 25-22 10-14 30-25 14-17 22-18 17-21 25-22 21-25 22-17 25-30 18-15 7-10 15-11 30-25 11-7 24-28 32-27 28-32 7-2 32-23 2-9 25-21 9-6 21-14 6-15 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 6-9 17-13 2-6 25-22 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 14-17 21-14 9-25 29-22 4-8 26-23 10-14 31-26 14-17 23-18 17-21 27-23 6-10 32-28 10-14 18-9 5-14 13-9 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 18-14 9-18 24-19 15-24 22-8 4-11 27-20 5-9 21-17 9-13 28-24 13-22 25-18 10-15 30-25 15-22 25-18 7-10 26-22 6-9 29-25 2-7 31-26 9-13 26-23 10-15 25-21 1-6 21-17 12-16 32-28 16-19 23-16 15-19 24-8 3-19 0-1 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 9-13 18-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 23-18 8-11 26-23 4-8 30-26 6-9 25-21 1-6 24-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 23-16 8-12 27-23 12-19 23-16 1-0 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 8-12 28-24 16-20 19-15 7-10 24-19 4-8 25-22 3-7 32-28 7-11 21-17 14-21 19-16 10-19 16-7 2-11 23-7 8-11 7-3 6-10 27-23 1-6 22-17 9-13 18-14 13-22 14-7 22-25 7-2 11-16 2-9 5-14 3-7 14-17 7-10 25-29 10-14 29-25 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 28-24 10-14 22-17 6-10 17-13 1-6 23-19 15-18 26-23
14-17 21-14 10-17 23-14 9-18 31-26 17-21 19-15 4-8 24-19 7-10 26-22
12-16 19-12 10-19 22-15 11-18 25-22 18-25 29-22 8-11 32-28 6-10 22-17
2-7 13-9 5-14 17-13 14-18 27-24 19-23 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 22-18 13-22 26-17 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 25-22 6-9 29-25 1-6 31-26 9-13 25-21 6-9 19-15 11-16 32-28 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 7-11 23-7 3-19 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 11-16 17-13 16-20 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-19 11-16 26-22 7-10 31-26 3-7 28-24 8-11 18-15 11-18 22-15 9-14 15-11 14-18 23-14 16-23 27-18 20-27 32-23 7-16 14-7 2-11 25-21 16-20 23-19 11-16 18-14 16-23 26-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 26-23 4-8 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 24-20 10-15 19-10 6-15 17-14 12-16 21-17 8-12 25-21 18-23 27-18 15-22 32-27 1-0 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
{not found yet}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 15-19 24-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 23-16 12-19 30-25 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-18 5-9 27-23 4-8 23-16 11-20 29-25 7-10 18-14 9-18 28-24 20-27 32-7 3-10 25-22 8-11 21-17 10-15 26-23 11-16 23-18 15-19 18-15 1-6 17-13 19-23 22-17 16-20 15-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 23-18 16-20 22-17 10-14 17-10 7-23 26-19 6-10 25-22 9-13 30-25 10-14 19-15 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 24-19 1-6 25-22 6-10 22-18 14-23 27-18 2-6 18-14 10-17 21-14 13-17 32-27 17-22 27-23 20-24 23-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 10-14 19-10 14-23 26-19 7-14 24-20 6-10 22-17 9-13 32-27 13-22 25-9 5-14 30-26 11-15 27-23 15-24 28-19 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 26-23 10-15 29-25 3-8 25-22 15-18 22-15 11-27 31-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 23-19 4-8 26-23 9-14 17-13 15-18 24-20 11-15 28-24 8-11 31-26 6-9 13-6 2-9 26-22 1-6 1/2-1/2 {J. Sturges, 1800, g.14 v.30}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 8-11 25-22 4-8 24-20 8-12 28-24 10-14 24-19 7-10 27-24 3-7 31-27 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 19-15 11-18 23-14 6-10 20-11 10-17 30-23 7-16 23-18 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 9-14 18-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 27-23 11-15 24-20 15-19 23-16 12-19 32-27 3-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 31-27 10-15 27-23 14-18 23-14 1-5 22-17 15-18 30-25 18-23 26-22 23-26 20-16 7-10 14-7 2-20 22-18 6-9 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 1-6 21-14 16-20 26-22 6-10 30-26 10-17 22-13 8-11 24-19 11-15 19-10 7-14 26-22 14-17 27-23 17-26 31-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 28-24 7-16 24-20 16-19 25-22 4-8 29-25 19-24 17-13 9-14 26-23 8-11 22-18 5-9 25-22 10-15 32-28 6-10 13-6 2-9 28-19 15-24 22-17 24-28 30-26 28-32 17-13 1-6 31-27 12-16 27-24 32-27 26-22 1/2-1/2 {J. Wyllie - R. Martins, 1863 WCM g.5}
Last edited by jimloy on Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 8-11 25-22 4-8 29-25 12-16 24-19 16-23 27-9 6-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 1-5 32-27 2-6 28-24 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 15-19 24-15 11-25 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 17-14 15-24 27-20 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 1-6 21-14 6-10 30-25 10-17 25-21 2-6 21-14 6-10 22-17 13-22 26-17 4-8 31-27 8-11 27-24 11-15 32-28 15-18 23-19 10-15 19-10 5-9 14-5 7-21 5-1 18-22 1-6 22-26 6-10 26-31 24-19 31-26 19-15 3-8 28-24 21-25 24-19 26-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 23-19 4-8 26-23 15-18 23-14 9-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 11-16 19-15 6-10 15-6 1-17 25-22 17-26 30-14 16-20 24-19 8-11 29-25 11-16 19-15 7-10 15-6 2-18 27-24 20-27 32-14 3-7 25-22 16-19 31-27 7-11 14-10 5-9 10-7 9-14 7-3 11-15 27-24 14-18 22-17 18-22 3-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-14 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18-9 5-14 29-25 16-20 19-16 12-19 23-16 11-15 25-22 14-18 22-17 18-22 17-14 10-17 21-14 3-8 26-17 8-12 14-10 7-21 16-11 15-18 27-24 20-27 32-14 12-16 31-26 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 23-19 10-14 18-9 5-14 27-23 8-11 26-22 6-10 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 18-14 1-5 29-25 2-6 31-26 17-21 24-20 6-10 28-24 10-17 32-28 17-22 25-18 5-9 19-16 12-19 24-8 4-11 28-24 13-17 24-19 7-10 19-15 10-19 23-7 3-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 16-20 28-24 8-11 19-16 6-10 25-22 4-8 16-12 11-16 22-17 9-13 18-9 5-14 23-19 16-23 27-9 20-27 32-23 13-22 26-17 10-15 30-26 8-11 26-22 11-16 23-18 15-19 18-15 16-20 22-18 19-24 17-14 1-6 9-5 7-10 14-7 3-19 5-1 6-10 1-5 24-28 21-17 19-24 12-8 2-7 8-3 7-11 3-8 10-15 18-14 11-16 8-12 15-19 5-9 28-32 9-6 24-28 1/2-1/2 {WW}

I. Martynov: We played another 100 moves without recording the moves, first Sergio missed a win when he allowed me to make a shot then he tortured me in a draw position for a long time, something like this:

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15-22 25-18 3. 12-16 29-25 4. 10-14 24-19 5. 16-20 28-24 6. 8-11 19-16 7. 6-10 25-22 8. 4-8 16-12 9. 11-16 22-17 10. 9-13 18-9 11. 5-14 23-19 12. 16-23 27-9 13. 20-27 32-23 14. 13-22 26-17 15. 10-15 30-26 16. 8-11 26-22 17. 11-16 23-18 18. 15-19 18-15 19. 16-20 22-18 20. 19-24 17-14 21. 1-6 9-5 22. 7-10 14-7 23. 3-19 5-1 24. 6-10 1-5 25. 24-28 21-17 26. 19-24 12-8 27. 2-7 8-3 28. 7-11 3-8 29. 10-15 18-14 30. 11-16 8-12 31. 15-19 5-9 32. 28-32 9-6 33. 24-28 {more of the game} 6-10 34. 20-24 10-15 35. 32-27 15-11 36. 16-20 12-16 37. 27-23 11-15 38. 28-32 16-12 39. 32-28 14-9 40. 28-32 9-5 41. 32-28 5-1 42. 28-32 1-6 43. 32-28 6-9 44. 28-32 9-14 45. 32-28 17-13 46. 28-32 13-9 47. 32-28 9-5 48. 28-32 5-1 49. 32-28 1-6 50. 28-32 6-9 51. 24-27 31x24 52. 19x28 15-19 53. 23x16 12x19 54. 20-24 14-18 55. 24-27 9-14 56. 27-31 18-23 57. 31-27 14-18 58. 27-24 18-15 59. 24-27 23-18 60. 27-31 19-23 61. 31-27 15-11 62. 27-24 1/2-1/2 {the game apparently continued}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 22-18 11-16 25-22 8-11 29-25 16-20 18-15 11-18 22-15 9-13 24-19 4-8 28-24 7-10 32-28 2-7 19-16 10-19 24-15 12-19 23-16 14-18 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 30-26 5-9 16-12 1-6 28-24 9-14 24-19 7-11 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 23-19 6-10 27-23 1-6 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 4-8 29-25 9-13 23-18 6-9 26-23 10-15 19-10 7-14 1/2-1/2 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 26-22 15-19 23-16 12-19 29-25 4-8 27-24 19-23 24-19 9-13 28-24 7-10 19-16 2-7 16-12 6-9 24-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 31-27 23-26 30-23 11-15 19-16 8-11 27-24 13-17 32-28 15-18 23-19 11-15 12-8 3-12 16-11 7-23 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 15-18 29-25 2-6 27-23 18-27 32-23 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 30-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 26-22 17-26 31-22 7-10 14-7 3-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 4-8 22-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 8-11 25-22 11-15 17-13 15-24 27-11 7-16 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-27 3-7 22-18 14-23 27-18 19-23 21-17 10-15 18-11 7-16 17-14 6-10 14-7 2-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 6-9 26-23 15-18 17-13 18-27 13-6 2-9 32-23 11-15 25-22 9-13 24-20 15-24 28-19 8-11 30-26 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-17 21-14 10-17 16-11 7-16 20-11 15-19 31-27 1-5 22-18 17-22 26-17 13-22 18-15 22-26 27-23 19-24 23-19 26-30 11-7 3-10 15-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-18 8-12 24-19 9-13 25-22 5-9 29-25 10-14 28-24 16-20 18-15 11-18 22-15 7-10 32-28 4-8 19-16 10-19 24-15 12-19 23-16 1/2-1/2 {White strong, J. Ferrie - H. Henderson, 1901 Scottish Ty.}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 8-11 24-20 4-8 17-13 15-19 23-16 12-19 22-17 11-15 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 20-16 5-9 32-27 1-5 29-25 14-18 16-12 9-14 26-23 19-26 30-23 7-11 28-24 5-9 24-19 15-24 27-20 18-27 31-24 11-15 20-16 15-18 25-22 18-25 24-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 8-12 28-24 16-20 18-15 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 26-23 4-8 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 24-20 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 16-20 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 25-21 4-8 24-19 11-15 19-10 6-15 26-22 2-6 31-26 6-9 30-25 9-18 26-23 1-6 23-14 6-9 22-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 1/2-1/2 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 28-24 7-16 24-20 16-19 25-22 9-14 22-18 14-23 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 14-10 9-14 29-25 5-9 20-16 4-8 25-22 9-13 31-27 1-5 27-9 5-14 32-28 8-11 16-7 2-11 10-7 11-16 7-3 14-17 3-7 19-23 26-19 16-23 22-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 12-16 26-23 16-19 23-16 11-20 24-19 15-24 28-19 6-9 30-26 9-18 26-23 1-6 23-14 6-9 31-26 9-18 27-24 20-27 32-14 4-8 25-22 8-12 29-25 7-11 19-15 11-18 22-15 12-16 26-22 16-19 22-17 19-23 14-10 23-26 17-13 26-30 25-21 30-26 10-6 2-9 13-6 26-22 6-2 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 23-19 10-14 18-9 5-14 27-23 8-11 29-25 6-10 25-22 11-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 19-15 7-11 26-22 17-26 31-22 2-6 23-19 3-7 30-25 6-9 32-28 1-5 28-24 9-14 18-9 5-14 15-10 14-17 10-3 17-26 3-7 26-30 7-16 30-21 16-11 8-15 19-10 21-17 10-7 17-14 24-19 14-10 7-3 13-17 3-8 10-7 20-16 17-22 8-11 7-10 11-15 10-14 16-11 14-18 19-16 12-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 10-14 22-18 15-22 26-10 6-15 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 28-24 4-8 32-28 15-19 24-15 11-18 23-19 8-11 19-15 18-23 27-9 11-18 9-6 1-10 30-26 10-15 31-27 7-10 25-22 18-25 29-22 10-14 26-23 3-7 27-24 1-0 {one scoresheet said WW}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 5-9 30-25 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 32-27 2-7 17-14 9-18 22-15 7-11 26-22 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 31-26 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 24-20 8-12 28-24 3-8 24-19 11-15 20-11 15-24 27-20 7-16 20-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 31-27 6-9 27-24 1-5 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 32-27 2-7 23-19 11-15 30-25 7-11 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 26-23 9-14 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 6-9 24-20 15-24 28-19 9-13 31-26 4-8 19-16 12-19 23-16 2-6 27-23 6-9 22-18 1-5 16-12 8-11 32-28 10-15 26-22 15-19 23-16 14-23 28-24 23-27 24-19 27-31 30-25 11-15 19-10 7-14 16-11 31-26 11-8 26-17 8-4 17-22 25-18 14-23 4-8 13-17 21-14 9-18 8-11 23-27 11-15 18-23 20-16 27-31 16-11 5-9 11-8 9-13 8-4 13-17 4-8 17-21 8-11 21-25 11-16 25-30 16-20 23-27 20-24 27-32 15-19 32-27 24-28 27-23 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 6-9 17-13 2-6 25-22 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 0-1 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 1-6 21-14 8-11 26-22 4-8 30-25 16-20 22-18 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 27-23 20-27 31-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 1/2-1/2 {missing moves; both scoresheets continued 6-10 and other mysteries}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 12-16 26-22 8-12 28-24 9-13 32-28 6-9 24-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 1/2-1/2 {this is a third version of this same game}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 8-11 24-20 4-8 25-22 8-12 27-24 10-14 24-19 7-10 19-15 10-19 32-27 19-24 28-19 6-10 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 5-14 27-24 3-7 31-26 11-15 20-11 7-16 24-20 15-24 20-11 24-27 23-19 27-31 26-22 31-27 19-15 10-19 17-10 27-23 10-7 19-24 7-3 24-27 3-7 27-31 7-10 31-27 22-17 1/2-1/2 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 10-14 19-10 14-23 26-19 7-14 24-20 6-10 22-17 9-13 31-27 13-22 25-9 5-14 27-23 1-6 29-25 2-7 25-22 14-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 11-16 17-13 16-20 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-21 11-16 29-25 7-10 26-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 8-11 18-9 11-15 9-5 15-24 23-18 24-28 25-22 16-19 22-17 19-24 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 14-7 3-10 30-25 12-16 25-21 2-7 18-14 10-17 21-14 7-11 14-10 11-15 13-9 15-18 9-6 18-22 6-2 22-26 31-22 24-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 22-18 13-22 26-17 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 25-22 6-10 31-26 10-17 22-13 2-6 19-16 12-19 23-16 6-10 29-25 10-14 18-9 5-14 13-9 11-15 25-21 14-17 21-14 7-11 16-7 3-17 27-23 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-20 9-14 22-17 8-11 28-24 4-8 23-19 15-18 26-23 11-15 17-13 8-11 31-26 6-9 13-6 2-9 26-22 1-6 32-28 3-8 30-26 9-13 19-16 12-19 23-16 13-17 22-13 8-12 24-19 15-31 26-22 12-19 22-8 31-26 8-3 7-11 3-7 11-15 20-16 19-24 28-19 15-24 16-12 24-27 12-8 27-31 7-11 31-27 8-3 27-23 3-7 23-27 7-3 27-23 1/2-1/2 {difficult to reconstruct}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 15-18 29-25 2-6 19-15 4-8 24-19 6-10 15-6 1-17 25-22 18-25 30-14 13-17 26-22 17-26 31-22 7-10 14-7 3-10 28-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 10-14 23-19 14-23 19-10 7-14 26-19 3-7 19-15 11-18 22-15 4-8 25-22 9-13 30-26 6-10 15-6 1-10 24-19 8-11 32-27 14-17 21-14 10-17 27-23 11-16 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-27 2-6 27-23 7-10 23-16 10-19 16-11 6-9 11-7 9-14 7-2 17-21 2-6 5-9 6-1 21-25 1-6 14-17 22-18 25-30 26-23 19-26 6-10 26-31 10-14 17-22 14-5 31-27 18-14 30-26 14-10 13-17 10-7 17-21 7-2 21-25 5-9 25-30 9-6 30-25 6-10 26-23 10-6 25-21 6-10 23-19 10-6 27-23 6-10 22-26 10-6 26-30 2-7 23-18 7-2 30-26 2-7 18-14 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 17-13 4-8 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 17-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 15-18 24-19 11-16 26-23 4-8 28-24 16-20 25-21 6-9 29-25 1-6 30-26 6-10 32-28 10-17 23-14 9-18 21-14 2-6 19-16 12-19 24-15 7-10 14-7 3-19 27-24 20-27 31-15 5-9 28-24 9-14 25-21 6-9 15-10 18-22 26-17 9-13 10-7 13-22 7-3 8-12 3-7 14-18 7-10 22-25 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-17 9-13 17-14 11-15 30-25 15-18 24-19 1-6 28-24 6-10 21-17 13-22 14-9 5-14 27-23 18-27 25-9 7-11 32-23 10-14 9-5 11-16 5-1 14-17 1-5 17-22 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-28 15-10 28-32 10-6 2-9 5-14 4-8 14-18 22-26 31-22 32-27 29-25 8-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 16-20 28-24 8-12 19-15 4-8 25-22 7-11 22-17 11-16 17-10 16-19 23-16 12-28 26-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 2-7 30-26 7-11 10-7 3-19 17-10 6-15 27-24 20-27 32-7 8-12 7-3 12-16 3-8 15-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 9-13 26-23 8-11 23-18 11-16 18-11 16-23 27-18 7-16 30-26 16-20 24-19 5-9 32-27 4-8 26-23 3-7 21-17 1-5 18-14 9-18 23-14 20-24 27-20 8-11 20-16 11-20 31-27 7-11 14-7 11-16 19-15 2-18 22-15 13-22 25-18 16-19 18-14 6-9 14-10 9-14 15-11 14-18 29-25 5-9 11-7 9-13 7-2 13-17 2-7 17-22 7-11 22-29 10-6 19-23 11-15 23-32 15-22 32-27 6-1 27-23 1-6 23-19 6-10 20-24 10-15 19-10 28-19 1-0
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

My thanks to Matteo Bernini and Sergio Scarpetta for providing the first two games.

[Event "2019 WQT"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18 3. 12-16 18-14 4. 9x18 23x14 5. 10x17 21x14 6. 8-11 29-25 7.
4-8 24-19 8. 16x23 27x18 9. 11-16 28-24 10. 16-20 24-19 11. 8-12 25-21 12. 6-9 26-23 13.
7-11 32-27 14. 11-16 30-26 15. 1-6 19-15 16. 16-19 23x16 17. 12x19 14-10 18. 9-14 18x9 19.
6x13 21-17 20. 13x22 26x17 21. 19-24 17-13 22. 2-7 10-6 23. 3-8 6-2 24. 7-11 15-10 25.
24-28 2-7 26. 11-16 27-24 27. 20x27 31x24 28. 16-20 24-19 29. 28-32 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 WQT "]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 22-17 2. 15-19 24x15 3. 10x19 23x16 4. 12x19 25-22 5. 8-11 27-23 6. 6-10 23x16 7.
11x20 22-18 8. 1-6 32-27 9. 4-8 26-23 10. 8-11 17-13 11. 9-14 18x9 12. 5x14 29-25 13. 11-15
30-26 14. 3-8 25-22 15. 14-17 21x14 16. 10x17 23-18 17. 8-12 18x11 18. 7x16 22-18 19.
17-21 18-15 20. 21-25 15-11 21. 25-30 26-23 22. 30-25 11-8 23. 25-22 8-3 24. 6-9 13x6 25.
2x9 3-7 26. 9-13 7-10 27. 13-17 10-15 28. 17-21 23-18 29. 21-25 18-14 30. 25-30 15-11 31.
30-26 27-24 32. 20x27 11x20 33. 27-32 14-9 34. 26-23 9-6 35. 23-18 6-1 36. 18-15 20-24 37.
22-18 31-26 38. 15-10 24-20 39. 10-14 1-6 40. 14-17 6-2 41. 17-21 2-7 42. 21-25 20-24 43.
25-30 7-11 44. 30x23 11-16 45. 12x19 24x22 46. 32-27 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 16-20 22-17 4-8 17-13 8-11 26-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 30-26 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 14-17 21-14 10-17 26-22 17-26 31-22 6-10 22-18 3-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 11-15 18-11 7-16 13-9 10-14 9-5 2-6 5-1 6-9 1-6 9-13 6-10 14-17 22-18 17-22 10-15 22-26 15-11 26-31 27-24 20-27 11-20 27-32 19-15 31-26 23-19 26-22 20-16 32-27 16-20 13-17 20-16 17-21 16-20 21-25 20-16 25-30 16-20 30-26 20-16 26-31 18-14 22-18 15-11 18-9 11-8 27-24 16-11 24-15 11-18 31-27 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 9-13 26-22 6-9 28-24 8-12 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 32-28 1-6 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 18-14 17-21 25-22 21-25 14-9 25-30 9-5 4-8 22-18 6-9 5-1 2-6 1-10 7-14 19-15 14-17 15-10 8-11 10-6 11-16 6-1 17-22 26-17 13-22 18-14 9-18 23-14 22-25 14-10 25-29 10-6 29-25 6-2 25-22 1-6 3-8 2-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 18-14 9-18 24-19 15-24 22-8 4-11 28-19 5-9 27-23 11-16 25-22 7-11 22-18 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-17 11-15 29-25 16-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 2-7 17-13 9-14 13-9 14-18 22-17 18-23 17-13 15-18 30-25 7-11 9-5 11-16 13-9 16-20 9-6 1-10 5-1 19-24 1-6 10-14 6-10 14-17 21-14 23-27 32-23 18-27 10-15 3-8 14-10 24-28 31-24 20-27 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 9-13 24-19 16-20 28-24 8-11 19-16 4-8 16-12 5-9 26-22 10-14 18-15 11-18 22-15 7-10 24-19 1-5 30-26 2-7 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 9-14 25-21 6-9 22-18 13-17 15-10 17-22 10-6 22-26 19-16 8-11 6-2 26-30 23-19 14-23 27-18 20-24 2-6 11-20 6-13 30-26 18-15 26-23 19-16 24-27 15-11 7-10 11-7 10-15 7-2 27-31 2-6 23-19 16-11 31-26 13-17 26-23 6-10 23-18 10-6 20-24 6-10 18-23 11-7 24-27 7-2 27-31 2-7 {? on Igor's scoresheet} 19-16 10-26 31-13 7-10 16-11 10-14 13-17 14-10 17-22 10-14 3-7 32-28 22-17 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 10-14 19-10 14-23 26-19 7-14 24-20 14-18 22-15 11-18 32-27 9-14 25-22 18-25 29-22 5-9 27-23 9-13 30-26 6-10 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 3-7 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 19-15 17-21 15-10 7-14 18-9 21-25 9-5 25-30 5-1 30-25 1-5 25-22 5-9 13-17 9-14 17-21 23-19 21-25 31-27 25-30 27-24 30-26 19-15 26-31 24-19 31-27 28-24 27-32 14-18 22-26 18-23 26-31 15-11 8-15 19-10 31-27 23-18 27-31 18-23 32-28 24-19 28-32 19-15 31-27 23-19 32-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 10-14 23-19 14-23 19-10 7-14 26-19 11-16 19-15 16-20 22-17 20-27 17-10 4-8 31-24 2-7 24-19 7-14 28-24 6-10 15-6 1-10 25-22 9-13 32-28 8-11 30-25 11-16 19-15 10-19 24-15 16-19 15-10 19-23 10-6 23-26 6-1 26-30 22-17 13-22 25-9 5-14 1-6 14-18 6-10 18-23 10-15 30-26 29-25 26-31 28-24 31-27 24-20 27-24 21-17 23-27 17-14 27-32 14-9 32-28 15-10 3-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 24-19 9-6 19-23 18-14 23-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 5-9 17-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 11-16 27-23 8-11 22-18 16-20 32-27 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 14-9 17-21 26-22 21-25 9-6 1-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-19 8-12 28-24 16-20 22-18 10-14 26-22 7-10 30-26 11-16 32-28 4-8 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 25-18 5-14 18-9 6-13 19-15 10-19 24-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 29-25 1-6 25-22 3-7 22-18 7-11 27-23 11-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 15-24 20-11 7-16 27-11 3-7 28-24 7-16 24-20 16-19 25-22 9-14 17-13 4-8 22-17 8-11 26-23 19-26 30-23 11-15 29-25 5-9 32-28 2-7 31-27 15-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 14-18 24-15 10-19 20-16 1-0 {illegal moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 10-15 25-22 15-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 31-27 9-14 18-9 5-14 27-23 11-16 20-11 7-16 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 19-26 30-23 6-10 28-24 16-20 24-19 2-7 32-27 3-8 19-16 10-15 16-12 8-11 12-8 20-24 27-20 15-18 22-15 11-27 8-3 7-10 3-7 27-31 7-2 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 18-9 6-13 27-20 4-8 23-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 12-16 25-22 16-19 29-25 11-15 25-21 15-18 22-15 7-10 14-7 2-18 20-16 18-22 32-27 1-6 21-17 22-25 30-21 13-22 21-17 6-10 16-11 10-15 17-14 19-23 27-18 22-25 14-10 15-22 11-7 3-8 31-27 22-26 27-24 26-31 7-2 8-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 6-9 27-23 8-11 26-22 11-16 24-20 15-24 20-11 7-16 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 25-22 16-20 17-13 2-6 32-27 10-15 19-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 18-9 5-14 30-25 12-16 22-18 15-22 25-9 10-15 9-6 15-19 23-18 19-23 27-24 20-27 31-24 23-26 6-2 26-31 24-20 31-26 18-14 16-19 21-17 19-24 29-25 11-15 14-9 15-18 25-21 18-23 9-5 23-27 5-1 3-8 2-7 26-30 17-13 27-31 21-17 24-27 1-6 8-12 17-14 27-32 6-10 32-28 10-15 28-32 14-9 32-28 9-5 28-32 5-1 32-28 1-6 28-32 13-9 32-28 9-5 28-32 5-1 32-28 7-10 28-32 15-19 32-28 10-15 28-32 6-10 30-25 20-16 25-30 16-11 30-25 11-7 25-30 7-2 30-25 2-7 25-30 7-11 30-25 10-14 25-30 1-6 30-25 6-10 25-30 14-18 32-27 18-23 27-18 15-22 30-26 22-17 31-27 17-14 26-31 10-15 31-26 19-16 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 29-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 27-24 6-10 24-20 2-6 25-22 9-13 23-18 6-9 31-27 9-14 18-9 5-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 22-18 13-22 26-17 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 25-22 6-10 31-26 10-17 22-13 2-6 19-16 12-19 23-16 6-10 29-25 10-14 18-9 5-14 13-9 11-15 25-21 15-19 27-23 20-24 16-12 24-27 23-16 27-31 26-23 31-27 23-19 27-24 19-15 24-20 15-11 14-18 11-2 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 27-23 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-17 11-15 29-25 7-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 25-22 8-11 30-26 2-7 17-13 9-14 13-9 16-20 22-17 20-24 17-10 5-14 26-22 11-15 22-17 24-28 32-27 15-24 27-20 7-11 17-13 11-15 13-9 15-18 10-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 28-24 9-13 23-19 6-9 27-23 9-14 32-28 3-8 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 19-16 12-19 24-6 1-10 29-25 1/2-1/2 {H. Baxley - B. Case, 1946 ACA National, later WW)

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 16-20 24-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 27-23 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1/2-1/2 {not found yet}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Matteo Bernini"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 16-20 28-24 8-11 19-16 6-10 25-22 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 2-6 23-18 6-10 16-12 11-16 30-25 7-11 32-28 10-15 18-14 16-19 14-10 19-23 27-18 20-27 18-14 27-31 14-9 31-27 9-6 27-23 6-2 23-18 2-7 18-14 7-16 14-7 16-20 15-19 1-0 {a few more moves were played}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Matteo Bernini"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 21-17 2. 09-13 25-21 3. 08-11 24-19 4. 15x24 28x19 5. 5-9 23-18 6. 10-15 19x10 7. 7x23 27x18 8. 12-16 32-28 9. 16-20 30-25 10. 11-15? 18x11 11. 20-24 28x19 12. 9-14 17x10 13. 6x24 22-18 14. 3-7 18-15 15. 7x16 15-11 16. 16-20 26-23 17. 24-27 31x24 18. 20x27 23-19 19. 27-31 19-16 20. 31-27 16-12 21. 27-23 12-8 22. 1-6 25-22 23. 6-10 8-3 24. 10-15 3-7 25. 15-19 7-10 26. 19-24 10-14 27. 24-27 22-18 28. 27-31 29-25 29. 31-27 25-22 30. 27-24 14-17 31. 23x14 17x10 32. 24-19 22-18 33. 19-23 18-14 34. 13-17 10-15 35. 17-22 15-18 36. 23-19 18x25 37. 19-16 25-22 38. 16x7 14-9 39. 4-8 22-18 40. 8-11 18-23 41. 7-10 9-5 42. 11-15 21-17 43. 2-7 5-1 44. 7-11 1-5 45. 11-16 5-9 46. 10-7 9-14 47. 7-11 0-1 {time}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 8-11 25-22 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 11-8 4-11 17-13 11-15 22-17 15-19 31-27 7-11 27-24 11-15 29-25 5-9 26-23 19-26 30-23 15-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 1/2-1/2 {D. Fisher - V. Delong, 1982 Lakeside from 9-14 24-20 10-15}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Jeffrey Clarke"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 17-22 26-17 8-11 24-19 16-23 27-18 3-8 28-24 11-15 18-11 8-15 30-26 5-9 26-23 1-5 17-13 9-14 23-19 15-18 19-15 7-11 15-8 4-11 24-19 18-22 32-27 22-25 27-24 25-30 24-20 30-25 19-16 25-22 16-7 2-11 1-0 {a few more moves; one of the scoresheets has the names reversed}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 4-8 26-23 15-18 23-14 9-18 24-20 10-15 19-10 6-15 17-14 12-16 21-17 16-19 25-21 8-12 30-26 2-6 27-24 6-9 14-10 7-14 17-10 9-14 31-27 12-16 26-22 18-25 29-22 14-18 22-17 5-9 17-14 1-5 10-6 18-22 14-10 22-25 6-2 25-30 10-6 9-14 6-1 14-18 1-6 3-7 21-17 30-25 17-14 25-21 6-10 21-17 10-3 17-10 2-7 10-6 7-10 6-9 3-7 9-13 27-23 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Melikaya Nonyukela"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 23-18 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 26-23 6-9 24-19 2-6 18-15 9-18 23-14 13-17 27-23 8-11 15-8 4-11 23-18 17-22 28-24 20-27 32-23 6-10 14-9 5-14 18-9 11-15 19-16 15-19 9-6 19-26 30-23 22-25 6-2 7-11 16-7 10-15 31-27 3-10 2-7 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 12-16 28-24 0-1 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 27-20 1/2-1/2 {unreadable}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[White "Julian Burgess"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 25-22 9-14 17-13 4-8 23-19 15-18 22-15 11-18 29-25 7-11 26-23 10-15 19-10 6-15 23-19 14-17 19-10 17-22 27-23 18-27 25-18 2-6 32-23 6-22 21-17 11-16 17-14 1-6 23-18 8-11 24-19 16-23 14-9 5-14 18-2 12-16 2-6 16-20 6-10 23-27 31-24 20-27 10-14 27-31 14-18 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Julian Burgess"]
[White "Dmitrii Melnikov"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 7-11 22-17 11-16 25-22 16-23 26-19 9-13 27-23 8-11 30-26 11-16 17-14 10-17 19-10 6-15 21-14 4-8 32-27 16-19 23-16 12-19 14-10 8-12 27-23 3-8 23-16 12-19 29-25 5-9 25-21 8-12 10-7 2-11 22-18 15-22 26-17 13-22 24-8 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ryan Eustace"]
[White "Michael Cheeseman"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 24-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 18-14 9-18 23-14 16-23 27-18 10-17 21-14 12-16 28-24 16-20 31-27 8-12 25-22 6-10 29-25 10-17 22-13 7-10 24-19 2-6 18-15 11-18 27-24 20-27 32-7 3-10 25-22 10-15 19-10 6-15 22-17 15-18 17-14 12-16 1/2-1/2 {some of these moves may be wrong}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Michael Cheeseman"]
[White "Ryan Eustace"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 26-23 4-8 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 24-20 11-15 27-24 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 19-10 18-23 24-19 9-18 19-15 7-14 15-8 2-7 8-4 1-6 4-8 6-10 0-1 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Colin Price"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 6-9 25-22 9-13 26-23 1-6 30-25 15-18 22-15 11-27 32-23 13-22 25-9 6-13 29-25 13-17 21-14 10-17 25-22 17-26 31-22 8-11 24-20 7-10 22-17 2-6 23-18 6-9 19-15 10-19 17-13 9-14 18-9 19-23 9-6 23-27 6-2 27-31 13-9 12-16 9-5 16-19 5-1 19-23 1-6 3-8 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Colin Price"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
{not found yet}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Rawle Williams"]
[White "Kent Layne"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 9-14 27-23 8-11 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 4-8 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 23-18 14-23 26-10 7-14 30-26 8-11 26-23 11-15 22-17 14-18 23-14 15-18 14-9 18-22 17-13 22-25 9-6 1-10 13-9 10-14 9-5 25-30 5-1 30-25 1-5 25-22 5-9 14-18 32-27 18-23 27-18 22-15 9-5 3-7 5-9 15-18 21-17 7-10 17-13 10-14 9-5 14-17 5-9 17-22 9-5 22-25 5-9 25-30 9-5 30-25 5-1 25-22 1-5 18-14 5-1 22-18 1-5 18-15 5-1 15-11 1-5 12-16 5-1 16-19 1-5 19-24 5-1 24-28 1-5 28-32 5-1 32-28 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Kent Layne"]
[White "Rawle Williams"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 25-22 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-16 11-20 22-18 9-14 18-9 6-22 26-17 8-11 29-25 11-15 25-22 7-10 30-26 5-9 17-13 9-14 26-23 3-7 22-17 1-6 23-19 15-24 28-19 7-11 19-16 20-24 16-7 2-11 32-28 11-15 28-19 15-24 31-26 14-18 17-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[White "Hascol Trotman"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 8-11 28-24 4-8 23-19 12-16 19-12 15-18 22-15 10-28 25-22 11-15 27-23 8-11 31-27 9-13 27-24 6-10 23-19 5-9 26-23 9-14 30-26 1-5 12-8 3-12 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-17 21-14 10-17 16-12 11-16 20-11 7-16 24-20 16-19 12-8 19-24 8-3 15-19 3-8 19-23 26-19 17-26 8-11 26-30 11-15 13-17 15-10 17-22 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Hascol Trotman"]
[White "Nathaniel Grosvenor"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 4-8 23-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 6-9 26-23 15-18 17-13 18-27 13-6 2-9 32-23 9-13 25-22 11-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 30-25 11-15 23-18 1/2-1/2 {Trotman's name is not on the scoresheet; R. Martins, Kear's Encyclopedia p.164 v.14}

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Mark Barnett"]
[White "Carson Farley"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-18 8-12 25-22 10-14 29-25 7-10 18-15 11-18 22-15 10-19 24-15 3-7 23-19 16-23 26-19 4-8 28-24 6-10 15-6 1-10 25-22 8-11 22-17 9-13 30-26 13-22 26-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Carson Farley"]
[White "Mark Barnett"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 21-17 11-16 17-14 9-18 23-14 8-11 26-23 6-10 14-9 5-14 22-18 15-22 25-9 10-15 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 9-5 4-8 30-26 7-10 27-23 2-7 23-16 8-12 32-27 12-19 27-23 19-24 28-19 15-24 23-18 10-15 18-14 15-18 14-9 11-15 9-6 1-10 5-1 15-19 20-16 10-14 1-6 14-17 29-25 18-23 25-22 23-30 22-13 1-0 {illegal moves}

There are still several games that we may recover.

1 Matteo Bernini ITA 22 98.3
2 Sergio Scarpetta ITA 22 91
3 Jack Francis BAR 20 88.8
4 Melikaya Nonyukela RSA 20 84.5
5 Ron King BAR 17 69.8
6 Carson Farley BAR 17 68.5
7 Rawle Williams BAR 17 66.5
8 Vadym Lapin UKR 17 58.5
9 Jim Morrison USA 16 68.5
10 Igor Martynov GER 16 59.8
11 Colin Price BAR 16 57.5
T12 Nathaniel Grosvenor BAR 16 56
T12 Julian Burgess BAR 16 56
14 Jeffrey Clarke BAR 15 62.5
15 Mark Barnett BAR 15 53.5
16 Dmitrii Melnikov RUS 12
17 Kent Layne BAR 12
18 Ryan Eustace BAR 12
19 Hascol Trotman BAR 11
20 Michael Cheeseman BAR 11
Last edited by jimloy on Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

The scoresheet has no names on it. And I plan to compare handwriting to determine one of the names. From there, I may be able to identify it as one of the missing games.

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "anonymous"]
[White "anonymous"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 21-17 9-13 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 17-14 15-24 27-20 10-17 21-14 8-11 32-28 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 22-18 13-17 23-19 17-21 19-15 21-25 15-8 6-10 8-4 10-17 20-16 12-19 26-23 19-26 31-13 7-10 28-24 25-30 24-19 30-26 18-15 10-14 15-10 26-23 19-15 23-19 15-11 14-17 10-6 17-21 6-2 19-16 11-7 3-10 4-8 21-25 8-3 10-14 2-7 14-17 7-10 16-11 10-14 17-21 13-9 25-30 9-6 30-26 6-1 26-22 1-6 22-17 14-18 17-14 18-9 5-14 6-10 14-17 10-14 17-22 1-0

This one has one name. But there are so many missing King games that the other player is likely to never be discovered.

[Event "2019 GAYP Qualifier"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "anonymous"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-17 9-14 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 22-17 16-20 24-19 15-24 28-19 7-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 26-23 11-15 29-25 3-8 25-22 15-18 22-15 10-26 30-23 8-11 17-10 6-15 21-17 5-9 13-6 1-10 1-0

There are about four Kent Layne games with no other name, but all of them are unreadable.
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

2019 GAYP Women's World Championship games

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 16-20 24-19 9-13 25-22 5-9 28-24 8-11 19-16 4-8 16-12 10-14 24-19 7-10 19-15 10-19 23-7 2-11 26-23 6-10 27-24 20-27 31-24 11-16 24-19 8-11 32-27 16-20 30-25 20-24 27-20 1-5 19-16 3-7 12-8 14-17 21-14 10-26 8-3 7-10 16-7 26-30 25-21 10-14 23-19 14-23 7-2 13-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 4-8 17-13 9-14 25-22 14-18 29-25 11-16 24-20 16-23 26-19 15-24 28-19 7-11 22-15 11-18 30-26 2-7 26-23 8-11 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 13-6 1-17 25-22 17-26 31-22 5-9 27-23 7-10 23-18 10-14 19-15 14-23 15-8 23-26 22-17 26-30 17-13 9-14 8-4 30-26 4-8 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 18-11 8-15 24-20 4-8 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 27-24 6-10 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 20-11 7-16 26-22 3-7 29-25 16-20 22-18 7-11 18-9 5-14 30-26 14-17 25-21 10-14 26-22 17-26 31-22 2-7 22-17 7-10 13-9 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 20-24 9-6 24-27 6-2 27-31 17-13 31-26 2-6 1-5 6-15 5-9 13-6 12-16 19-12 26-1 12-8 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-14 25-22 4-8 29-25 6-9 17-13 2-6 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 8-11 22-17 14-18 17-14 10-17 19-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 21-14 10-17 24-19 15-24 26-22 17-26 31-8 7-11 8-4 12-16 30-26 5-9 25-22 9-14 26-23 24-27 22-18 14-17 18-15 11-18 23-14 17-21 20-11 27-31 14-10 0-1 {the game went on}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 9-13 29-25 10-15 19-10 6-15 21-17 5-9 25-21 12-16 17-14 1-5 32-28 8-12 22-17 15-22 14-10 7-14 17-10 9-14 26-17 13-22 30-26 22-25 26-22 25-29 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-20 10-15 28-24 15-22 25-18 7-10 26-22 3-7 32-28 11-15 18-11 8-15 23-19 14-18 22-17 18-23 27-11 7-23 24-19 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 11-15 17-13 15-24 28-19 2-7 20-16 10-14 22-18 23-27 31-24 14-23 30-25 23-27 24-20 27-31 25-22 31-27 22-18 27-24 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 18-11 8-15 29-25 4-8 26-22 8-11 24-20 9-14 22-17 6-10 28-24 15-18 17-13 1-6 24-19 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 6-9 13-6 2-9 30-26 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 9-13 25-22 16-20 24-19 5-9 28-24 8-12 32-28 10-14 18-15 4-8 15-10 6-15 19-10 8-11 23-19 11-15 22-17 13-22 26-17 9-13 30-26 13-22 26-17 7-11 27-23 20-27 31-24 2-6 17-13 15-18 13-9 6-13 19-15 18-27 15-8 27-31 8-4 12-16 24-20 16-19 20-16 31-27 16-11 27-23 4-8 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 28-24 7-16 24-20 16-19 25-22 4-8 29-25 9-14 22-18 14-23 17-14 10-17 21-14 2-7 31-27 6-10 27-18 10-17 25-21 1-6 21-14 6-10 30-25 10-17 25-21 19-23 26-19 17-22 19-15 22-26 18-14 26-31 15-10 5-9 10-3 9-18 20-16 12-19 3-12 18-22 21-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 26-23 9-13 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-14 22-17 13-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 6-10 25-22 11-15 27-24 4-8 30-25 8-11 22-17 15-18 32-28 18-27 19-16 12-19 24-8 3-12 31-24 12-16 20-11 7-16 24-20 16-19 20-16 19-23 16-11 23-26 28-24 26-30 24-20 14-18 20-16 30-26 17-14 10-17 21-14 26-22 25-21 1-6 16-12 18-23 12-8 22-18 8-4 18-9 11-8 23-27 8-3 27-32 4-8 9-14 8-11 32-27 3-8 27-23 8-12 6-9 11-15 23-27 12-16 9-13 16-19 13-17 19-16 17-22 16-19 22-26 19-16 26-31 16-12 14-10 15-6 2-9 12-16 27-23 21-17 9-13 17-14 13-17 14-9 17-22 9-6 23-18 16-19 22-25 19-24 18-15 6-1 15-10 24-19 31-27 1-5 25-30 19-16 27-23 5-9 30-26 9-5 26-22 5-9 22-18 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 15-18 26-22 4-8 22-15 11-18 24-20 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 27-24 1-6 32-27 17-21 31-26 6-10 26-23 10-17 23-14 2-6 27-23 17-22 23-18 6-10 14-9 5-23 19-16 12-19 24-6 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 9-13 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 19-10 6-15 14-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-4 12-16 29-25 2-6 25-21 6-9 22-17 13-22 26-17 16-19 17-13 1-6 31-26 19-24 26-22 7-10 22-18 10-14 18-15 14-18 15-10 6-15 13-6 18-22 6-2 15-18 2-6 18-23 6-10 22-26 10-15 26-31 0-1 {the game lasted a while}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 9-14 22-18 8-11 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 18-9 6-13 27-20 4-8 23-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 25-22 7-11 29-25 12-16 25-21 16-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 23-19 11-15 27-23 7-11 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 1/2-1/2 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-15 18-11 8-15 21-17 4-8 17-13 8-11 24-20 9-14 29-25 6-10 25-21 14-17 21-14 10-17 23-19 15-24 28-19 1-6 27-23 6-10 26-22 17-26 31-22 10-15 19-10 7-14 22-18 5-9 13-6 2-9 32-27 3-7 27-24 7-10 24-19 14-17 30-26 10-14 19-15 12-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 29-25 9-13 25-22 16-20 24-19 8-12 19-16 12-19 23-16 4-8 27-23 8-11 32-27 6-9 16-12 10-15 27-24 20-27 31-24 13-17 21-14 11-16 18-11 9-27 24-20 27-31 28-24 31-27 11-8 5-9 20-11 27-20 8-4 7-16 4-8 16-19 8-11 20-24 11-16 19-23 26-19 24-15 16-20 9-14 20-24 14-18 24-27 18-25 30-21 2-6 27-23 6-9 23-27 9-14 27-23 15-18 23-27 14-17 21-14 18-9 27-23 1-6 23-18 6-10 18-23 10-15 23-27 15-19 27-32 19-24 32-28 24-27 28-24 27-32 24-19 32-27 19-15 9-14 15-19 14-10 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 15-24 20-11 7-16 27-11 3-7 28-24 7-16 24-20 16-19 25-22 4-8 29-25 19-24 17-14 9-18 22-15 10-19 32-28 8-11 25-22 6-10 22-18 5-9 21-17 1-5 17-14 10-17 26-22 17-26 30-7 2-11 28-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 31-27 14-17 27-23 17-22 23-18 22-26 19-15 11-16 20-11 26-30 18-14 30-26 15-10 26-23 14-9 23-18 9-6 18-14 11-7 14-9 7-2 9-5 6-1 5-9 1-5 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 24-19 16-20 29-25 9-13 25-22 6-9 28-24 8-11 32-28 4-8 22-17 13-22 26-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 19-16 11-15 16-11 7-16 24-19 15-24 28-12 8-11 17-13 10-15 31-26 11-16 26-22 15-19 22-17 19-26 30-23 2-6 17-10 6-15 21-17 15-19 23-18 19-23 18-15 23-32 15-11 32-27 17-14 27-23 14-9 23-18 11-8 18-15 9-5 15-11 8-4 16-19 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 25-22 11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 14-23 26-19 10-15 19-10 12-19 27-24 6-15 21-17 8-12 32-27 2-6 22-18 15-22 24-15 4-8 27-23 9-13 28-24 7-11 23-18 3-7 24-19 7-10 30-25 6-9 15-6 1-10 25-21 9-14 18-9 22-26 31-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 17-14 10-17 21-14 24-27 18-15 27-31 14-10 31-27 10-7 27-23 7-2 23-18 15-10 8-11 10-7 13-17 7-3 17-22 9-5 22-26 29-25 26-30 25-21 11-15 21-17 18-22 17-13 15-18 3-7 18-23 7-10 23-27 10-15 27-31 13-9 30-26 9-6 26-23 6-1 23-18 15-19 22-26 1-6 26-22 2-7 31-26 5-1 26-30 20-16 22-26 16-11 18-23 19-24 12-16 11-8 16-20 24-28 23-27 7-10 27-23 8-3 26-31 3-8 30-26 8-12 26-30 10-15 23-26 15-18 30-25 6-9 31-27 9-13 26-30 12-16 27-31 18-23 25-22 23-27 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 18-9 6-13 27-20 4-8 23-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 12-16 30-26 16-19 25-22 3-8 29-25 8-12 25-21 19-23 26-19 11-16 20-11 7-23 14-10 23-26 32-28 26-30 22-18 30-25 18-15 25-22 15-11 22-18 10-7 18-15 11-8 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 9-14 18-9 6-13 25-22 11-15 27-24 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 5-9 16-11 7-16 20-11 15-19 31-27 10-14 32-28 1-5 30-25 2-6 27-24 19-23 26-19 6-10 11-8 3-12 19-16 12-19 24-6 14-17 21-14 9-18 22-15 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 11-8 4-11 26-22 9-13 30-26 11-16 28-24 5-9 24-20 9-14 20-11 7-16 32-28 16-19 31-27 14-18 22-15 13-31 27-24 31-27 24-20 27-23 21-17 12-16 20-11 19-24 28-19 23-7 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 23-18 1-6 27-23 16-20 24-19 8-12 32-27 4-8 19-15 12-16 30-25 17-21 26-22 21-30 1-0 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-15 18-11 7-16 25-22 9-14 22-18 4-8 18-9 5-14 26-22 8-11 22-18 3-7 18-9 6-13 23-18 16-23 13-17 21-14 10-17 0-1 {missing moves}
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by jimloy »

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 11-16 29-25 10-14 27-24 16-20 31-27 7-10 32-28 3-7 19-15 10-19 24-15 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 7-10 18-9 10-19 23-16 12-19 9-5 6-10 25-22 10-15 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 26-23 19-26 30-23 2-6 23-18 13-17 18-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-14 25-22 6-9 17-13 2-6 29-25 4-8 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 14-17 21-14 9-18 26-23 18-27 32-23 10-14 19-10 6-15 13-9 14-18 23-14 7-10 14-7 3-10 9-6 15-18 22-15 10-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 25-22 11-16 24-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 6-22 30-26 2-6 26-17 10-15 19-10 6-15 29-25 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-26 7-10 17-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 25-22 1-6 14-10 6-9 27-23 19-24 28-19 15-24 23-18 8-12 10-6 12-16 6-1 3-8 1-6 9-13 6-10 16-19 10-15 11-16 18-14 16-20 15-18 24-28 14-10 19-24 10-7 24-27 32-23 28-32 7-3 8-12 23-19 32-27 3-8 27-31 1-0 {WW}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 18-9 6-13 27-20 4-8 23-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 25-22 15-18 22-15 7-10 14-7 2-18 29-25 1-6 31-26 6-9 32-27 3-7 0-1 {missing moves, draw}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 26-23 16-20 17-13 7-11 25-22 9-14 29-25 3-8 31-26 11-16 23-18 14-23 27-11 8-15 22-17 16-23 26-19 20-27 32-23 15-24 28-19 10-14 17-10 6-24 23-18 24-27 25-22 27-32 21-17 2-6 18-14 4-8 30-25 32-27 22-18 8-11 25-21 12-16 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 4-8 17-13 15-18 24-20 11-15 26-22 15-24 28-19 7-11 22-15 11-18 30-26 9-14 26-23 10-15 19-10 6-15 25-22 18-25 29-22 15-18 22-15 5-9 13-6 1-26 31-22 8-11 22-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 18-14 16-19 14-9 19-23 9-5 23-26 5-1 26-31 1-5 3-7 5-9 11-16 20-11 7-16 9-14 16-19 21-17 19-23 17-13 23-26 13-9 26-30 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 11-16 29-25 10-14 27-24 16-20 31-27 7-10 32-28 3-7 18-15 14-18 23-14 9-18 26-23 7-11 23-7 11-18 22-15 2-18 19-16 12-19 24-15 6-10 15-6 1-10 21-17 10-15 17-13 8-11 30-26 15-19 26-22 11-15 22-17 19-23 17-14 23-32 13-9 1-0 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 24-19 10-17 19-12 8-11 25-22 11-16 28-24 16-20 24-19 4-8 23-18 7-10 27-23 5-9 18-15 10-14 19-16 2-7 31-27 7-10 15-6 1-10 16-11 8-15 23-18 14-23 27-11 10-15 11-8 9-14 8-4 17-21 4-8 14-18 8-11 18-25 11-18 25-29 18-22 20-24 26-23 24-27 23-18 27-31 18-14 3-7 12-8 7-11 8-3 11-16 3-8 16-19 8-12 19-23 12-16 31-27 16-20 13-17 22-13 29-25 13-17 27-31 20-24 31-26 24-27 26-31 27-18 0-1

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 15-24 20-11 7-16 27-11 3-7 11-8 4-11 25-22 11-16 29-25 9-13 28-24 5-9 24-20 9-14 20-11 7-16 26-23 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-27 14-18 22-15 13-29 15-11 29-25 11-8 25-22 8-4 6-9 4-8 1-5 8-12 19-23 27-18 22-15 12-16 9-14 32-28 5-9 16-20 15-11 20-24 10-15 30-26 15-18 24-19 18-23 26-22 23-27 22-17 9-13 17-10 11-15 19-23 15-6 23-32 1/2-1/2

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Lyubylana Turiy"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 23-18 1-6 27-23 8-12 24-19 4-8 28-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 6-9 19-16 12-19 24-15 2-6 23-19 8-12 26-23 17-22 15-11 7-16 19-15 3-7 15-11 6-10 11-2 10-17 18-15 22-26 1/2-1/2 {RW}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 4-8 25-22 10-14 29-25 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 6-9 25-22 11-16 22-17 13-22 26-10 7-14 18-15 16-20 31-26 2-6 23-18 14-23 27-18 3-7 21-17 9-13 26-22 20-24 0-1 {draw, missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 11-16 29-25 7-11 25-22 1-5 27-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 9-13 18-9 5-14 22-18 11-16 18-9 16-20 9-5 20-27 1-0 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[White "Samantha Holder"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 11-8 4-11 25-22 11-15 17-13 15-19 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 10-15 31-27 7-10 27-24 15-18 24-15 10-19 26-22 19-23 22-15 23-26 30-23 6-9 13-6 1-26 25-22 26-30 22-17 14-18 17-14 30-26 21-17 26-22 17-13 18-23 14-9 22-18 9-6 2-9 13-6 23-26 6-1 26-30 1-5 30-26 5-1 26-23 1-5 23-19 5-1 18-15 1-5 12-16 5-9 15-10 9-5 19-23 5-1 16-19 1-5 10-15 5-1 23-18 1-5 19-23 5-1 15-19 1-5 23-26 5-1 26-31 1-5 18-14 5-1 31-26 1-5 26-23 5-1 23-18 1-5 18-15 5-1 14-9 1-5 9-6 5-1 15-10 32-27 10-15 1-10 15-6 27-24 19-16 1-0

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Samantha Holder"]
[White "Nadiya Chyzhevska"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-14 25-22 6-9 17-13 2-6 29-25 4-8 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 8-11 31-27 14-17 21-14 9-18 26-23 10-14 19-10 6-15 13-9 12-16 24-19 15-31 22-8 3-12 20-2 31-26 23-19 26-23 19-15 1-6 15-11 6-13 11-8 14-17 8-3 17-22 25-18 23-14 3-7 14-18 7-11 13-17 2-6 17-22 6-10 18-23 10-15 22-26 32-27 23-32 30-23 5-9 23-18 32-28 15-19 9-13 18-14 13-17 11-15 17-22 19-23 22-25 15-19 25-29 14-10 29-25 10-6 25-22 6-2 22-17 23-18 28-32 2-6 32-27 6-10 27-32 10-15 17-13 18-14 32-28 15-18 28-32 18-23 32-28 23-27 28-32 19-23 32-28 27-32 28-24 23-18 24-19 32-28 12-16 28-32 16-20 32-28 20-24 18-23 19-26 28-19 26-22 19-15 0-1 {difficult ending}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[White "Wynnell Neverson"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 25-22 4-8 29-25 10-14 18-15 16-20 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 26-22 7-10 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 3-7 25-22 7-11 21-17 20-24 32-28 2-7 30-25 11-16 15-11 16-23 11-4 23-26 28-19 7-11 25-21 26-30 4-8 11-16 1/2-1/2 {WW, the game continued for a few moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wynnell Neverson"]
[White "Tetiana Zaitseva"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-17 11-15 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 24-20 3-8 20-11 7-16 22-18 15-22 26-17 16-19 23-16 12-19 29-25 8-11 30-26 4-8 27-23 2-7 23-16 11-20 26-23 7-11 23-19 8-12 31-27 11-15 27-24 20-27 32-23 15-24 28-19 10-15 0-1 {missing moves}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[White "Wilma Branch"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 7-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 29-25 15-24 27-20 3-8 22-18 10-15 18-9 6-13 25-22 15-19 23-16 12-19 21-17 19-24 17-14 24-28 14-9 28-32 9-5 32-28 5-1 28-24 1-5 24-19 22-18 8-11 18-14 11-15 14-10 19-23 10-6 2-9 5-14 15-19 14-10 19-24 10-15 24-28 20-16 28-32 31-27 23-19 15-24 32-23 16-11 13-17 11-7 17-22 7-3 22-26 24-27 23-32 30-23 32-27 23-18 27-23 18-14 23-18 14-9 18-23 9-5 23-18 5-1 18-23 1-6 23-18 6-10 18-23 10-15 23-27 15-19 27-32 3-7 32-27 7-11 27-32 11-16 32-27 16-20 27-32 20-24 32-28 24-27 28-32 19-23 4-8 27-24 32-28 23-19 8-12 0-1 {missing moves, First Position}

[Event "2019 GAYP Women's World Championship"]
[Date "2019"]
[Black "Wilma Branch"]
[White "Vitalia Doumesh"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 22-18 15-22 26-10 7-14 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 30-26 11-15 23-19 15-24 27-20 14-18 20-16 12-19 26-23 19-26 31-15 3-7 21-17 1/2-1/2

Women's World Championship (Final / 7 rds)

1 Tetiana Zaitseva UKR 24
2 Nadiya Chyzhevska UKR 23
3 Wilma Branch BAR 19
4 Wynnell Neverson BAR 17
5 Vitalia Doumesh NED 14
6 Samantha Holder BAR 9
7 Lyubylana Turiy USA 6
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Patrick Parker
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Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by Patrick Parker »

small cameras and broadcasting games could fix some bad recording of games
John Acker
Posts: 135
Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:40 pm
What do you like about checkers?: The mental exercise.

Re: 2019 World GAYP Qualifier Games

Post by John Acker »

Patrick Parker wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:31 am small cameras and broadcasting games could fix some bad recording of games
Some tournaments have broadcasted one or two matches per round. But most tournament venues don't have enough wifi bandwidth, camera space, or tech-savvy attendees to cover all the games.
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