Games of the 2018 National

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Posts: 931
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Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

I'm typing the games, and it should take another week or so. I was especially impressed by this classic win:

Jack Francis - Jim Morrison, round 2
11-15 24-20 15-18 22-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 32-27 4-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 31-27 3-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 20-16 7-11 16-7 2-11 25-22 6-10 26-23 19-26 30-23 11-16 22-18 10-14 29-25 16-20 25-22 9-13 18-9 5-14 RW

and this cute win:

Rich Beckwith - Lorne Wells, round 12
9-13 23-19 10-14 22-17 13-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 6-10 27-23 11-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 19-15 1-5 26-22 17-26 31-22 7-10 15-6 2-9 22-17 3-7 17-14 7-11 23-19 9-13 14-10 5-9 10-6 13-17 6-1 17-22 1-6 9-13 6-9 13-17 9-14 17-21 14-17 22-25 17-22 25-29 18-15 11-25 20-16 WW

And we have this gem:

Alex Weaver - Alan Millhone, round 6
10-15 23-19 6-10 {Red moved twice!} 9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 7-23 26-19 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 2-6 27-23 11-15 31-26 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 32-28 3-7 23-19 15-24 28-19 7-10 22-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 (WW, E. Fuller - M. Tinsley, 1970 Southern Open from 9-13 24-19 11-15, but Tinsley fumbled the WW) 12-16 19-12 11-15 12-8 15-18 23-19 18-23 8-3 23-27 19-15 27-31 3-7 14-18 15-10 1-5 10-6 18-23 30-25 23-27 25-22 27-32 6-1 32-27 22-18 27-23 18-15 23-18 15-11 18-14 1-6 14-18 6-1 31-27 11-8 27-24 20-16 24-19 16-12 19-16 8-4 18-15 7-10 15-6 1-10 16-11 4-8 11-4 10-15 5-9 15-18 WW

How do we know that Red moved twice?
1. The offending "6-10 9-13" is on both scoresheets (and it looks like neither scoresheet was copied from the other).
2. No White move works between 6-10 and 9-13 (this becomes apparent fairly soon).
3. If 9-13 was not moved (6-10 was part of the balloted opening), then the ending doesn't work, as a couple of pieces moved to 9. And nothing moved to 13, but the piece on 13 is an important part of the WW.
4. If Red moved twice, then the game plays smoothly all the way to the end.
This kind of thing happens (without the players and spectators noticing) maybe once every ten years (rough guess). Grandmasters and checkers magazines are not immune.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 21-17 9-14 24-19 14x21 19x12 11-16 28-24 5-9 22-18 9-13 24-20 13-17 20x11 8x22 25x18 4-8 18-14 8-11 29-25 10-15 27-24 15-18 32-27 11-15 24-19 15x24 27x20 18x27 31x24 1-5 25-22 6-10 22x13 10x17 20-16 21-25 30x14 7-10 14x7 2x27 26-23 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 21-17 9-14 24-19 14x21 19x12 11-16 28-24 16-20 22-18 5-9 24-19 9-13 18-15 10-14 25-22 7-10 22-18 1-5 18x9 5x14 29-25 2-7 25-22 14-18 23x14 10x17 19-16 8-11 15x8 4x11 22-18 17-22 26x17 13x22 32-28 22-25 12-8 3x19 27-24 20x27 31x8 7-11 8-3 11-16 3-7 16-19 7-11 19-23 18-14 23-27 28-24 27-31 24-20 31-27 20-16 27-24 16-12 24-19 12-8 25-29 8-3 29-25 3-8 25-29 8-12 29-25 12-8 25-29 8-3 29-25 3-7 6-10 14-9 10-14 7-10 14-17 10-14 19-23 11-15 23-27 15-19 17-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 24-19 11-16 22-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 26-22 9-18 22-8 4-11 25-22 7-10 29-25 3-7 25-21 10-14 27-24 16-20?? (1-6 1/2-1/2) 22-17 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 24-19 11-16 22-18 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 25-22 6-9 29-25 9-18 22-15 11-18 23-14 16-23 27-18 8-11 28-24 7-10 14-7 3-10 24-19 2-6 25-22 5-9 32-28 10-15 19-10 6-15 28-24 1-6 24-20 12-16 26-23 6-10 30-25 10-14 25-21 15-19 22-17 13-22 18-15 11-27 31-15 16-19 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 29-25 6-10 25-22 12-16 28-24 16-20 24-19 20-24 22-17 13-22 26-17 9-13 30-26 13-22 26-17 2-6 17-14 10-17 21-14 24-28 31-26 1-5 19-15 6-9 15-8 3-12 23-19 7-11 19-15 11-16 15-11 9-13 11-7 13-17 7-2 17-21 26-22 21-25 22-17 25-30 17-13 30-26 2-7 16-20 18-15 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 32-27 11-16 29-25 6-10 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 7-11 25-22 11-15 27-23 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-27 3-7 14-10 7-14 27-23 14-18 23-14 1-6 14-10 6-9 10-6 9-14 6-1 14-18 1-5 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 5-9 21-17 11-15 18-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 32-27 13-22 26-17 12-16 17-13 16-20 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-12 30-26 12-16 26-23 3-8 22-17 8-12 18-14 10-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 1-5 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 5-9 26-23 11-16 24-19 8-11 22-17 10-15 19-10 6-22 25-18 16-19 23-16 12-19 17-13 1-5 13-6 2-9 29-25 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 32-27 4-8 27-24 8-11 31-26 14-18 21-17 18-25 30-21 11-16 24-20 7-11 26-22 19-23 17-14 23-26 14-10 26-30 10-6 16-19 6-2 19-23 2-6 23-26 22-17 26-31 17-14 15-19 6-10 31-27 14-9 27-23 10-14 11-16 20-11 19-24 28-19 23-7 14-18 3-8 18-15 7-11 15-19 8-12 9-6 11-16 19-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 22-18 7-11 25-22 3-7 29-25 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 18-14 9-18 22-8 4-11 32-27 6-10 25-22 1-6 27-24 11-15 31-27 7-11 22-18 15-31 24-8 31-24 28-19 10-14 8-3 14-18 3-8 18-23 8-11 23-27 19-16 27-32 16-12 32-27 30-26 5-9 12-8 27-31 26-22 9-14 8-3 31-26 22-17 14-18 3-7 26-22 17-14 6-10 14-9 10-14 7-10 22-17 10-15 18-23 9-5 23-27 5-1 27-32 0-1 (1/2-1/2)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 22-18 7-11 24-19 3-7 28-24 16-20 25-22 11-15 18-11 8-15 22-17 9-14 29-25 4-8 32-28 5-9 25-22 7-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-12 26-23 11-15 27-24 20-27 31-24 12-16 19-12 15-18 22-15 10-28 17-10 6-15 30-26 28-32 26-22 32-27 23-18 15-19 18-15 27-23 15-10 19-24 12-8 24-27 8-3 27-31 10-7 23-19 7-2 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-19 16-20 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 29-25 9-13 19-15 11-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 30-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 27-23 6-10 22-17 13-22 26-17 10-15 32-27 15-18 17-13 18-22 13-9 3-8 9-6 8-12 6-2 7-11 2-6 22-25 14-10 11-15 10-7 15-19 23-16 12-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 24-19 16-20 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 23-18 9-13 26-23 6-9 30-25 1-6 18-15 11-18 22-15 13-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 25-22 17-26 31-22 5-9 29-25 9-14 22-18 14-23 27-18 20-24 25-22 3-8 22-17 8-12 17-13 24-28 32-27 28-32 27-24 32-28 24-20 28-24 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 7-11 24-20 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 9-13 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 30-26 15-24 22-18 6-9 32-28 24-27 31-24 2-6 26-22 13-17 22-13 12-16 20-11 10-15 11-7 15-22 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 29-25 7-10 25-22 10-15 28-24 6-10 24-20 12-16 31-27 15-19 32-28 10-15 27-24 2-6 22-17 15-31 24-8 3-12 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 16-20 24-19 10-14 26-23 8-11 22-17 7-10 17-13 3-7 31-26 12-16 19-12 4-8 12-3 14-17 21-14 10-17 3-10 6-31 13-6 31-24 28-19 1-10 23-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 19-16 20-24 1/2-1/2 (published play)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 16-20 24-19 10-15 19-10 7-23 26-19 6-10 22-18 8-11 18-15 11-18 27-24 20-27 32-7 3-10 25-22 4-8 30-26 8-11 22-18 11-16 26-23 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 14-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 24-20 5-9 22-18 11-16 20-11 8-22 25-18 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 11-16 28-24 7-11 24-20 10-15 27-24 6-10 32-28 2-6 24-19 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 22-17 15-22 17-10 22-25 21-17 25-29 17-13 9-14 13-9 11-15 20-11 12-16 9-5 16-20 31-27 15-18 23-19 18-22 26-17 14-21 11-7 29-25 7-2 25-22 19-16 22-18 30-26 21-25 26-22 18-15 22-17 15-6 2-9 25-30 16-12 30-26 9-14 26-22 17-13 22-26 14-10 26-31 27-23 31-27 23-18 27-23 18-14 23-19 14-9 19-16 9-6 16-11 6-2 20-24 2-6 24-27 6-9 27-31 9-14 31-27 14-18 11-7 10-15 7-2 15-11 2-6 11-16 27-32 18-22 32-28 16-19 28-32 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 24-20 5-9 22-18 11-16 20-11 8-22 25-18 4-8 28-24 8-11 24-19 11-16 29-25 7-11 18-15 11-18 21-17 14-21 23-5 16-23 26-19 2-7 25-22 7-11 27-24 11-15 32-28 3-8 31-26 6-9 26-23 8-11 23-18 10-14 19-10 14-23 10-7 11-16 24-20 16-19 7-2 23-27 2-7 19-23 7-10 27-31 10-15 23-27 15-18 27-32 22-17 31-27 18-22 27-23 28-24 23-27 24-19 27-24 19-15 32-27 15-10 9-13 17-14 27-23 14-9 24-19 9-6 19-24 6-2 24-19 2-7 23-27 10-6 1-10 7-14 19-15 5-1 27-24 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 23-19 2. 9-14 22-17 3. 8-11 25-22 4. 4-8 17-13 5. 6-9 13x6 6. 2x9 22-17 7. 9-13 30-25 8. 13x22 26x17 9. 14-18 17-14 10. 10x17 21x14 11. 7-10 14x7 12. 3x10 24-20 13. 15x24 28x19 14. 11-15 32-28 15. 15x24 28x19 16. 10-14 19-15 17. 1-6 27-24 18. 14-17 25-22 19. 17x26 31x22 20. 18x25 29x22 21. 5-9 22-18 22. 9-13 18-14 23. 13-17 24-19 24. 17-22 20-16 25. 22-26 16-11 26. 26-31 11x4 27. 31-27 15-11 28. 27-23 11-7 29. 23x16 7-2 30. 16-11 2x9 31. 12-16 9-6 32. 16-19 6-2 33. 19-23 14-10 34. 23-26 10-7 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 23-19 2. 9-14 22-17 3. 7-11 25-22 4. 11-16 26-23 5. 5-9 17-13 6. 3-7 24-20 7. 15x24 20x11 8. 8x15 28x19 9. 15x24 27x20 10. 1-5 22-18 11. 4-8 29-25 12. 8-11 31-27 13. 10-15 25-22 14. 14-17 21x14 15. 6-10 13x6 16. 10x26 18-14 17. 2x18 23x14 18. 15-18 30x23 19. 11-15 32-28 20. 18-22 27-24 21. 22-26 23-19 22. 15-18 19-16 23. 12x19 24x15 24. 26-31 20-16 0-1

Bye: Lorne Wells and Alex Holmes
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:56 pm
What do you like about checkers?: Skullcracker

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by mclark »

I'm disappointed in you, Jim. You obviously haven't kept up with the ACF's decision to adopt four-but-not-necessarily-alternating-move restriction as the officially sanctioned version of checkers for even-numbered national tourneys 8)
jimloy wrote: Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:59 pm And we have this gem:

Alex Weaver - Alan Millhone, round 6
10-15 23-19 6-10 {Red moved twice!} 9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 7-23 26-19 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 2-6 27-23 11-15 31-26 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 32-28 3-7 23-19 15-24 28-19 7-10 22-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 (WW, E. Fuller - M. Tinsley, 1970 Southern Open from 9-13 24-19 11-15, but Tinsley fumbled the WW) 12-16 19-12 11-15 12-8 15-18 23-19 18-23 8-3 23-27 19-15 27-31 3-7 14-18 15-10 1-5 10-6 18-23 30-25 23-27 25-22 27-32 6-1 32-27 22-18 27-23 18-15 23-18 15-11 18-14 1-6 14-18 6-1 31-27 11-8 27-24 20-16 24-19 16-12 19-16 8-4 18-15 7-10 15-6 1-10 16-11 4-8 11-4 10-15 5-9 15-18 WW

How do we know that Red moved twice?
1. The offending "6-10 9-13" is on both scoresheets (and it looks like neither scoresheet was copied from the other).
2. No White move works between 6-10 and 9-13 (this becomes apparent fairly soon).
3. If 9-13 was not moved (6-10 was part of the balloted opening), then the ending doesn't work, as a couple of pieces moved to 9. And nothing moved to 13, but the piece on 13 is an important part of the WW.
4. If Red moved twice, then the game plays smoothly all the way to the end.
This kind of thing happens (without the players and spectators noticing) maybe once every ten years (rough guess). Grandmasters and checkers magazines are not immune.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18x9 5x14 26-23 15-18 22x15 11x18 31-26 8-11 24-20 4-8 25-22 18x25 29x22 7-10 22-18 6-9 27-24 10-15 26-22 15-19 23x7 14x23 22-18 3x10 24-19 9-14 18x9 1-5 9-6 2x9 28-24 9-13 32-28 10-14 19-15 23-27 15-10 27-32 10-7 32-27 30-26 14-18 26-23 18-22 23-19 22-26 7-3 26-31 19-16 12x19 3x12 19-23 24-19 27-24 19-15 24-19 15-11 31-27 11-8 23-26 8-3 27-23 3-7 5-9 20-16 9-14 16-11 14-18 11-8 18-22 8-3 22-25 12-8 26-31 8-11 23-18 7-10 25-30 11-7 30-26 7-2 31-27 10-6 18-14 6-10 14x7 3x10 27-23 10-14 26-22 2-6 22-18 14-9 19-15 28-24 23-26 24-20 15-19 6-10 26-23 10-14 19-15 20-16 23-19 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18x9 5x14 26-23 6-9 22-17 7-10 17-13 2-6 25-22 15-18 22x15 10x26 30x23 11-15 29-25 3-7 24-19 15x24 28x19 6-10 13x6 14-18 23x14 10x17 21x14 1x17 19-16 12x19 27-23 19x26 31x13 7-10 13-9 10-14 9-6 14-17 6-2 17-21 25-22 21-25 2-7 25-30 22-18 30-26 18-15 26-23 15-10 23-19 10-6 19-16 6-2 8-11 7-10 4-8 10-14 11-15 2-7 8-12 14-17 15-18 7-10 16-19 32-27 12-16 17-14 18-22 14-18 19-23 18x25 23x32 25-22 16-19 22-26 32-27 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 28-24 6-10 24-19 1-5 26-22 11-15 18-11 7-16 22-17 3-8 17-13 8-11 13-6 2-9 29-25 16-20 25-22 20-24 30-26 9-13 22-18 24-28 18-9 5-14 31-27 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-18 16-12 18-22 26-17 13-22 12-8 15-19 8-3 10-14 3-7 14-18 7-10 19-23 10-15 23-26 21-17 26-31 27-24 18-23 15-18 31-27 18-25 27-20 25-30 20-16 17-14 16-19 14-9 19-15 9-6 23-27 32-23 28-32 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 23-19 5-9 27-23 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 7-11 26-22 11-15 18-11 8-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 30-26 2-7 32-28 10-15 19-10 6-22 26-10 7-14 29-25 11-15 23-19 15-24 28-19 3-7 19-15 7-10 15-6 1-10 25-22 9-13 31-27 10-15 27-24 1/2-1/2 (published play)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 21-17 6-9 25-21 11-15 30-25 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 26-23 7-10 14-7 3-10 25-21 8-11 22-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 2-7 25-22 1-5 27-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 7-10 22-18 5-9 24-20 13-17 20-16 11-20 18-15 17-22 15-6 22-26 6-1 26-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 21-17 6-9 25-21 11-15 30-25 9-14 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 24-19 13-22 26-17 8-11 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 28-19 4-8 17-13 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 2-6 23-18 8-11 27-23 7-10 32-27 11-16 22-17 16-20 18-14 10-15 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 27-23 11-16 21-17 1-5 25-21 16-20 32-27 8-11 30-25 3-8 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 24-19 10-17 25-21 2-6 21-14 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 11-16 18-9 17-22 26-17 13-22 9-6 22-25 6-1 25-30 19-15 7-11 1-6 11-18 23-14 8-11 14-9 11-15 9-5 30-25 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 27-23 11-16 21-17 1-5 25-21 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 17-14 7-11 30-25 8-12 32-27 11-16 14-10 6-15 18-11 3-7 27-24 19-23 26-19 16-23 24-20 7-16 20-11 12-16 21-17 16-20 28-24 20-27 31-24 23-26 11-8 4-11 17-14 9-18 22-8 13-17 25-22 17-21 22-18 26-31 18-15 31-26 15-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 24-20 3-7 28-24 16-19 24-15 10-19 21-17 9-13 27-23 19-24 25-21 6-10 23-19 24-28 19-15 10-19 18-14 11-16 20-11 7-16 14-9 5-14 17-10 1-0 {later}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 22-17 16-20 17-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 18-11 8-15 26-22 9-18 24-19 15-24 28-19 18-23 27-18 5-9 22-17 4-8 17-14 9-13 25-21 8-11 29-25 11-16 19-15 20-24 30-26 16-20 25-22 3-7 15-11 7-16 14-10 6-15 18-11 1-6 11-8 6-10 22-18 2-6 18-14 10-17 21-14 13-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 24-20 15-18 22-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 32-27 4-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 31-27 3-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 20-16 7-11 16-7 2-11 25-22 6-10 26-23 19-26 30-23 11-16 22-18 10-14 29-25 16-20 25-22 9-13 18-9 5-14 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-20 15-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 10-19 25-22 5-9 22-17 8-11 27-24 11-15 29-25 4-8 25-22 7-10 17-13 9-14 32-27 2-7 22-17 8-11 27-23 3-8 23-16 12-19 31-27 8-12 27-23 1-5 23-16 12-19 26-23 19-26 30-23 15-18 23-19 18-22 19-16 22-26 16-12 26-31 12-8 31-27 8-3 11-15 3-8 7-11 24-19 15-24 8-15 10-19 17-1 27-23 21-17 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 22-18 11-16 18-9 5-14 24-19 8-11 25-22 11-15 29-25 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18-9 6-13 25-22 2-6 27-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 10-15 19-10 6-15 23-19 11-16 19-10 7-14 24-19 16-23 26-19 1-6 30-26 6-10 26-23 3-7 22-18 14-17 21-14 10-17 19-15 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 22-18 11-16 18-9 5-14 24-19 8-11 26-22 11-15 22-18 15-24 18-9 6-13 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 2-6 18-15 11-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 16-23 27-18 6-10 14-9 7-11 9-5 13-17 18-14 11-15 14-7 3-10 32-27 12-16 27-24 16-20 29-25 20-27 31-24 10-14 25-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 6-10 27-24 8-12 29-25 1-6 24-19 9-14 18-9 6-13 25-22 3-8 28-24 11-15 20-11 7-16 22-17 13-22 26-17 5-9 30-25 9-14 17-13 2-6 25-22 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 11-15 22-17 15-24 23-19 14-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 18-22 19-15 4-8 14-9 6-10 15-6 8-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
12-16 24-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 6-10 29-25 10-15 25-22 7-10 27-24 8-12 24-19 15-24 28-19 3-8 32-28 10-14 28-24 2-6 22-17 11-15 18-11 8-15 17-10 15-18 23-14 16-23 26-19 9-18 21-17 6-15 19-10 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-18 15-19 24-15 10-19 22-17 7-11 27-24 11-15 18-11 8-15 26-22 3-7 22-18 15-22 24-15 9-13 25-18 13-22 28-24 5-9 32-28 7-11 15-8 4-11 21-17 6-10 24-20 1-5 30-26 22-25 29-22 9-14 18-9 5-21 26-23 21-25 23-18 25-30 22-17 30-25 18-14 11-15 14-7 2-11 17-14 25-22 14-10 15-19 10-7 22-18 7-3 19-23 3-8 18-15 8-4 15-10 4-8 11-15 28-24 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-18 15-19 24-15 10-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 21-17 12-16 18-15 3-7 17-13 8-12 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 19-23 26-19 16-23 31-26 14-17 26-19 17-26 30-23 12-16 19-12 6-9 13-6 1-26 32-27 26-30 27-24 30-26 24-20 26-23 29-25 23-18 28-24 18-15 20-16 15-10 25-22 10-14 24-20 7-10 16-11 10-15 12-8 15-19 8-3 19-24 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 11-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 27-24 6-10 24-20 2-6 23-18 5-9 32-28 10-15 19-10 7-23 26-19 6-10 30-26 11-15 26-23 15-24 28-19 9-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 31-26 13-17 19-16 12-19 23-16 10-15 16-11 15-19 20-16 19-24 26-23 17-22 23-19 1/2-1/2 (the scoresheet had the names reversed)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 21-17 4-8 17-13 9-14 29-25 6-10 24-20 8-11 28-24 1-6 25-22 14-18 23-14 10-17 27-23 7-10 23-19 5-9 31-27 9-14 32-28 2-7 27-23 3-8 19-16 12-19 23-16 8-12 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 26-23 17-26 16-11 7-16 20-11 15-24 23-19 26-31 11-7 14-17 7-2 31-27 2-9 17-22 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 24-20 11-15 22-17 13-22 25-11 8-15 29-25 4-8 25-22 6-9 27-24 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 2-6 23-18 9-13 26-23 13-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 6-10 32-27 5-9 30-25 10-14 18-15 11-18 22-15 14-17 15-11 7-16 20-11 17-21 25-22 21-25 22-18 9-13 18-14 25-30 23-18 30-26 18-15 26-31 27-24 31-27 24-20 27-24 14-10 13-17 11-7 17-22 7-2 22-26 2-6 26-31 6-9 31-26 9-14 26-22 14-18 22-17 18-14 17-13 20-16 24-27 14-18 13-9 16-11 9-6 11-8 27-24 8-4 24-20 4-8 20-16 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 9-13 24-20 2. 11-15 22-17 3. 13x22 25x11 4. 8x15 29-25 5. 4-8 25-22 6. 15-19 23x16 7. 12x19 27-23 8. 8-12 23x16 9. 12x19 31-27 10. 3-8 27-23 11. 8-12 23x16 12. 12x19 32-27 13. 7-11 27-23 14. 19-24 28x19 15. 11-15 19-16 16. 15-19 22-18 17. 19-24 18-15 18. 10x19 16-11 19. 24-27 23x16 20. 27-31 26-22 21. 31-27 11-7 22. 2x11 16x7 23. 27-23 20-16 24. 23-19 16-11 25. 6-10 7-3 26. 10-14 11-7 27. 19-15 7-2 28. 14-18 21-17 29. 18x25 30x21 30. 5-9 3-7 31. 1-5 0-1
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

My mother was disappointed in me too. Now I know why I can't play this game, I don't know the rules.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 3

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 24-19 11-16 22-18 8-11 18-14 10x17 21x14 6-10 25-21 10x17 21x14 1-6 29-25 6-10 25-21 10x17 21x14 13-17 27-24 16-20 23-18 20x27 32x23 2-6 28-24 6-9 24-20 4-8 19-16 12x19 23x16 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 24-19 11-16 22-18 8-11 18-14 10x17 21x14 6-9 26-22 9x18 22x8 4x11 25-22 7-10 29-25 3-7 22-18 10-14 18x9 5x14 25-22 7-10 22-18 1-5 18x9 5x14 28-24 14-17 30-25 17-21 25-22 21-25 24-20 25-30 22-18 30-25 18-15 11x18 23x7 16x23 27x18 2x11 18-14 25-22 14-10 13-17 10-7 17-21 32-27 11-15 27-23 22-17 7-3 15-18 23x14 17x10 3-8 10-15 31-26 15-18 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 24-19 5-9 27-24 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 32-27 6-10 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 27-24 15-18 24-20 7-11 26-22 18-25 29-22 11-15 31-27 3-7 27-24 15-19 24-15 7-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 24-19 5-9 28-24 1-5 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 30-25 15-18 22-15 12-16 19-12 10-28 26-22 7-11 22-17 13-22 25-9 6-13 27-24 11-16 23-18 8-11 18-14 11-15 24-20 16-19 14-9 15-18 9-5 18-22 5-1 19-23 1-5 23-26 5-9 26-30 9-14 4-8 14-10 30-26 21-17 26-30 17-14 30-25 14-9 25-21 10-14 8-11 9-5 11-15 5-1 15-19 1-5 19-23 14-18 23-26 18-25 21-30 31-22 30-25 22-18 25-22 18-15 22-18 15-11 18-15 11-8 15-11 8-4 13-17 5-9 17-22 9-14 22-26 29-25 26-30 25-21 30-25 14-18 25-29 18-22 2-6 21-17 6-10 17-13 10-14 13-9 11-15 4-8 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 22-13 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-22 9-14 29-25 3-7 22-18 7-10 18-9 5-14 25-22 14-17 27-24 16-20 23-18 20-27 32-23 11-16 18-14 10-15 19-10 6-15 13-9 17-21 23-18 15-19 22-17 1-6 9-5 6-10 14-7 2-11 18-15 11-18 26-23 19-26 31-15 4-8 5-1 16-20 1-6 12-16 6-10 8-12 10-14 16-19 14-18 20-24 18-22 24-27 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 22-13 11-16 25-22 9-14 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 29-25 3-7 22-18 7-10 18-9 5-14 25-21 4-8 26-22 16-20 22-18 10-15 18-9 15-24 21-17 11-16 17-14 8-11 32-28 1-5 28-19 6-10 14-7 5-14 19-15 11-18 7-3 18-22 3-8 14-17 13-9 16-19 23-16 12-19 8-11 19-24 11-15 17-21 15-18 22-25 27-23 24-27 31-24 20-27 23-19 27-31 19-16 31-27 16-11 27-24 18-15 25-29 11-8 29-25 8-3 25-22 9-5 24-27 15-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 26-23 3-7 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 25-22 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 11-25 29-22 8-11 27-23 4-8 28-24 11-15 32-28 7-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-12 22-18 11-16 18-9 6-13 26-22 16-20 22-18 20-24 18-15 10-14 15-11 13-17 11-8 17-22 8-3 22-25 3-8 25-29 19-15 29-25 15-10 25-22 10-7 2-11 8-15 12-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 26-23 3-7 30-26 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 25-22 16-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 11-25 29-22 8-11 27-23 4-8 28-24 11-15 32-28 7-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-12 22-18 11-16 18-9 6-13 26-22 16-20 22-18 20-24 18-15 10-14 15-11 13-17 11-8 17-22 8-3 22-25 3-8 25-29 19-15 29-25 15-10 25-22 10-7 2-11 8-15 12-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 26-23 3-7 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 9-13 25-22 6-9 30-26 8-11 19-15 10-19 29-25 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 25-22 13-17 22-13 2-6 26-22 19-26 22-17 7-10 31-22 11-15 22-18 15-22 27-24 22-25 24-20 16-19 20-16 25-29 16-11 29-25 11-7 25-22 7-2 6-9 13-6 22-13 6-1 10-15 1-6 15-18 1-0 (the game may have continued)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 9-13 22-18 2. 10-14 18x9 3. 5x14 25-22 4. 11-15 24-19 5. 15x24 28x19 6. 8-11 22-18 7. 6-9 29-25 8. 11-16 25-22 9. 1-5 22-17 10. 13x22 26x10 11. 7x14 19-15 12. 16-19 23x16 13. 12x19 15-10 14. 14x23 27x18 15. 9-14 18x9 16. 5x14 32-27 17. 4-8 27-23 18. 19x26 31x22 19. 8-11 22-17 20. 14-18 30-25 21. 18-23 25-22 22. 23-26 17-13 23. 26-30 22-17 24. 30-25 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 22-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 6-10 29-25 8-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 14-17 21-14 10-17 19-15 7-11 15-8 4-11 23-18 2-6 27-24 11-16 18-14 6-10 14-7 3-10 22-18 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 24-20 11-16 20-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 28-24 10-15 22-17 7-10 26-22 3-8 23-18 14-23 27-18 15-19 24-15 10-19 17-14 12-16 21-17 19-23 17-13 16-19 14-9 11-16 22-17 1-5 17-14 8-11 31-26 16-20 26-22 20-24 30-25 23-26 18-15 11-18 22-15 26-30 25-21 30-26 14-10 5-14 10-1 19-23 32-28 24-27 15-10 27-31 28-24 26-22 10-6 2-9 13-6 22-18 6-2 18-15 1-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 24-20 11-16 20-11 8-15 22-17 4-8 25-22 15-18 22-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-10 6-15 29-25 5-9 25-22 9-14 22-18 15-22 26-10 7-14 27-24 1-6 24-15 3-7 28-24 7-11 24-19 11-18 31-26 2-7 32-27 7-11 19-15 11-16 27-24 16-20 24-19 18-23 19-16 23-27 26-22 6-9 15-10 27-31 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 10-14 18-11 8-15 26-23 6-10 22-18 15-22 25-18 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 9-13 18-9 5-14 31-26 10-15 24-20 1-5 28-24 7-10 23-18 14-23 26-19 5-9 30-26 3-7 26-23 11-16 20-11 7-16 23-18 16-23 18-11 23-26 11-8 26-30 27-23 10-14 8-3 12-16 24-20 30-26 20-11 26-19 32-27 14-18 22-15 19-10 3-8 9-14 27-23 2-6 8-12 10-15 11-7 6-9 7-2 15-18 23-19 18-22 2-6 14-18 6-10 18-23 12-16 23-26 19-15 22-18 15-11 9-14 10-17 13-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-18 10-14 18-11 8-15 27-23 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 6-10 25-22 11-16 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 5-14 30-26 16-20 24-19 7-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 26-23 11-15 32-27 3-7 27-24 20-27 31-24 7-11 17-13 15-18 23-19 18-23 13-9 23-27 9-6 27-31 6-2 11-15 2-6 31-26 24-20 15-24 28-19 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 32-27 3-7 22-18 6-10 25-21 1-6 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 27-24 10-17 24-15 8-12 29-25 17-21 25-22 9-13 28-24 12-16 15-10 7-23 26-12 5-9 22-18 13-17 24-19 17-22 19-15 22-25 12-8 4-11 15-8 25-29 8-3 29-25 18-15 25-22 15-11 22-18 3-8 18-14 11-7 2-11 8-15 9-13 31-26 14-9 15-18 9-6? (13-17 1/2-1/2, published play, according to the scoresheet) 18-22 6-10 26-23 10-15 30-26 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-14 9-18 22-15 5-9 25-22 9-14 29-25 8-12 27-24 4-8 24-20 6-9 32-27 9-13 20-16 14-18 27-24 7-11 16-7 2-11 15-10 11-15 31-27 19-23 26-19 8-11 24-20 15-31 22-8 31-27 30-26 27-31 26-22 31-27 8-4 27-23 4-8 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 23-19 9-14 25-22 6-9 17-13 2-6 29-25 4-8 26-23 14-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 10-26 19-10 7-14 31-22 14-17 22-18 12-16 25-21 17-22 27-23 16-20 32-27 8-12 23-19 11-16 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-17 8-11 17-13 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 16-20 25-22 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-17 21-14 10-17 27-23 1-5 23-18 15-19 18-15 5-9 16-11 7-16 15-10 6-15 13-6 2-9 22-6 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 23-18 12-16 21-17 7-10 25-21 16-20 29-25 9-13 26-23 8-12 23-19 6-9 27-23 20-27 31-24 9-14 18-9 5-14 24-20 15-24 28-19 3-8 32-28 11-16 20-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 19-15 10-26 30-23 2-6 17-10 6-15 23-18 15-19 18-15 19-23 15-10 23-27 10-7 27-31 7-3 31-26 22-18 26-22 18-15 22-29 1-0 (the game went on)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 23-18 12-16 21-17 16-20 17-13 7-10 26-23 8-12 25-21 9-14 18-9 5-14 30-25 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-9 1-5 29-25 5-14 25-22 3-7 22-17 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 19-15 11-18 23-19 12-16 19-12 18-22 12-8 22-25 8-4 0-1 (0-1 much later; this position may be a 1/2-1/2)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 21-17 5-9 25-21 11-15 29-25 9-14 23-18 14-23 27-11 8-15 17-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-21 11-15 19-10 6-15 26-23 12-16 30-26 16-20 32-27 7-11 27-24 20-27 31-24 13-17 22-13 15-18 23-19 18-23 26-22 23-26 24-20 26-30 22-17 30-26 19-16 11-15 16-11 26-23 14-10 23-19 11-7 2-11 17-14 19-23 14-9 15-18 9-6 23-19 6-2 18-23 21-17 19-16 2-6 23-26 6-9 26-30 9-14 30-25 14-18 11-15 20-11 15-22 17-14 25-21 13-9 21-17 9-6 22-25 6-2 25-29 2-6 29-25 11-7 17-13 7-2 25-22 2-7 22-18 14-9 18-14 9-5 14-9 7-2 3-8 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 21-17 5-9 25-21 11-15 23-18 12-16 18-11 8-15 24-20 16-19 27-23 19-24 28-19 15-24 23-18 10-14 17-10 7-23 26-19 6-10 32-28 10-15 19-10 2-6 28-19 6-24 22-18 24-28 30-26 28-32 29-25 32-28 25-22 28-24 26-23 24-28 21-17 1-5 23-19 4-8 20-16 28-32 18-15 8-12 16-11 32-28 11-7 3-10 15-6 28-24 19-15 24-19 15-11 19-15 11-8 12-16 8-3 16-20 6-2 20-24 2-6 24-28 3-7 28-32 7-10 15-19 22-18 13-22 6-13 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Corrections of the above games continue to be made, as I get feedback. And I have not yet made all of the changes that were sent to me. So don't consider the games (above and below) final until later. By the way, I will type the Major and Minor division games, but I may not get to them before the weekend.
Last edited by jimloy on Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 4

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-19 11-16 27-23 10-14 19-15 16-20 32-27 12-16 15-11 8-15 22-17 13-22 25-11 6-10 29-25 5-9 25-22 1-5 22-17 14-18 23-14 9-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 3-8 26-23 8-15 24-19 15-24 28-12 20-24 27-20 18-27 31-24 2-6 20-16 6-9 14-10 7-14 16-11 14-18 11-7 18-23 7-2 9-14 2-6 14-18 6-10 23-27 10-14 18-23 24-20 27-31 20-16 23-27 16-11 27-32 12-8 32-27 30-25 31-26 8-3 26-30 25-21 30-26 21-17 26-22 17-13 27-23 11-7 22-18 14-10 23-19 7-2 18-15 10-7 19-24 7-11 15-8 3-12 24-19 2-7 19-23 7-10 23-19 13-9 5-14 10-17 19-24 17-14 24-19 14-10 19-24 10-15 24-28 15-19 28-32 12-16 32-28 16-20 4-8 20-16 8-12 16-11 28-32 11-15 32-28 15-18 28-32 18-23 32-28 23-27 28-32 19-23 32-28 27-32 28-24 23-18 24-28 18-15 12-16 15-11 16-19 32-27 28-32 27-31 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 23-19 11-16 27-23 8-11 24-20 11-15 20-11 15-24 28-19 7-16 22-17 13-22 25-18 5-9 31-27 10-14 29-25 6-10 25-22 4-8 18-15 1-6 27-24 16-20 22-17 20-27 19-16 10-19 17-1 27-31 16-11 8-15 23-16 31-22 1-5 12-19 5-14 3-7 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 24-20 15-19 23x16 12x19 27-24 7-10 24x15 10x19 32-27 9-14 27-23 2-7 23x16 8-12 26-23 12x26 30x23 6-10 22-18 10-15 18x9 5x14 25-22 4-8 31-27 15-18 22x15 11x18 29-25 1-6 23-19 6-9 27-24 9-13 19-15 13-17 24-19 17-22 19-16 22x29 16-11 7x16 20x4 29-25 15-10 25-22 10-6 18-23 6-1 22-18 1-5 23-27 28-24 18-15 5-9 14-18 21-17 27-32 24-20 15-11 1-0 (time)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 24-20 15-19 23x16 12x19 22-18 11-16 20x11 8x22 25x18 4-8 27-23 8-11 23x16 11x20 29-25 6-10 25-22 7-11 26-23 10-14 31-27 1-6 28-24 6-10 24-19 3-8 30-25 9-13 18x9 5x14 23-18 14x23 27x18 20-24 18-15 11x18 22x6 2x9 19-16 9-14 16-12 8-11 12-8 14-18 8-3 18-23 3-7 11-16 7-11 16-20 11-15 24-27 25-22 27-31 15-19 23-26 19-23 26-30 32-28 31-26 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 23-19 7-10 22-17 11-16 26-23 9-14 25-22 5-9 17-13 3-7 24-20 15-24 20-11 8-15 28-19 15-24 27-20 4-8 22-18 8-11 32-28 11-16 20-11 7-16 28-24 16-19 24-15 10-26 30-23 6-10 13-6 2-9 31-27 12-16 27-24 16-20 24-19 20-24 18-15 24-27 15-6 1-10 29-25 27-31 25-22 9-13 22-18 31-27 18-9 27-18 9-5 18-15 19-16 10-14 16-12 15-11 5-1 14-18 1-6 18-23 6-10 23-26 10-14 26-30 14-18 30-25 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-19 7-10 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 8-11 26-23 6-9 23-18 14-23 27-18 10-14 19-10 14-23 24-19 4-8 28-24 2-7 22-17 7-14 17-10 9-14 31-27 23-26 30-23 11-15 23-18 15-22 19-15 22-26 24-19 26-31 27-24 31-26 24-20 26-22 10-6 1-10 15-6 8-11 6-2 22-26 2-6 26-23 6-10 23-16 10-17 16-19 17-22 19-23 21-17 12-16 17-14 16-19 14-10 19-24 10-6 11-15 6-2 24-27 22-17 27-31 2-6 31-26 17-14 15-19 6-10 19-24 32-28 24-27 28-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 22-18 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 21-17 7-10 18-15 9-13 27-23 13-22 23-16 10-19 25-18 2-7 32-27 8-11 16-12 4-8 29-25 6-10 18-15 11-18 26-23 19-26 31-6 1-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 22-18 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 8-11 29-25 4-8 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 32-27 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 6-10 25-22 11-15 17-13 1-6 22-17 8-11 27-24 3-8 26-23 19-26 30-23 8-12 24-20 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-10 6-15 21-17 5-9 27-24 1-6 22-18 15-22 24-15 7-10 30-25 10-19 25-18 6-10 18-14 9-18 26-23 19-26 31-6 2-9 17-13 9-14 13-9 14-17 9-6 17-22 6-1 22-26 1-6 3-7 32-27 26-30 27-23 30-26 23-18 26-23? 18-14? (29-25* 0-1) 7-11 29-25 11-16 25-21 16-20 21-17 8-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 22-17 11-16 25-22 8-11 22-18 16-20 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-16 11-15 26-23 15-18 22-15 10-26 30-23 6-10 23-19 10-15 19-10 2-6 16-11 7-16 27-23 6-15 17-10 20-24 32-28 16-20 28-19 15-24 23-18 24-28 21-17 28-32 18-14 20-24 10-7 3-10 14-7 32-27 17-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 15-18 22-15 11-18 24-19 8-11 28-24 11-16 31-26 6-10 21-17 14-21 23-14 16-23 27-18 10-17 25-22 7-10 22-13 4-8 24-19 8-11 29-25 3-7 26-23 11-15 18-11 7-16 25-22 10-14? 13-9 1-5 19-15 14-17 22-13 5-14 13-9 14-17 15-11 17-22 11-8 22-26 8-3 26-31 23-18 16-19 3-8 19-23 18-14 2-7 9-6 31-26 6-2 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 15-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 14-21 23-14 8-11 24-19 11-16 27-23 4-8 25-22 8-11 29-25 11-15 19-10 6-15 22-17 15-18 32-27 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 19-26 31-15 7-10 15-6 2-18 28-24 1-6 17-13 6-10 13-9 10-14 9-6 14-17 25-22 18-25 6-2 25-29 2-6 29-25 6-9 25-22 9-14 3-8 24-20 8-11 14-10 22-25 10-14 11-15 20-16 15-19 16-12 25-22 14-9 19-23 12-8 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 32-27 3-7 22-18 6-10 25-21 1-6 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 27-24 10-17 24-15 8-12 28-24 7-11 15-8 4-11 29-25 17-21 24-20 2-7 25-22 7-10 22-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 17-13 14-18 13-9 11-15 9-6 18-23 26-19 15-24 6-2 10-14 2-6 14-17 6-10 17-22 10-15 22-25 15-19 24-28 20-16 28-32 16-11 25-29 11-7 29-25 7-2 25-22 2-7 32-28 7-11 28-32 11-15 32-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-14 9-18 22-15 7-11 27-24 11-18 24-15 5-9 28-24 2-7 31-27 9-14 24-19 8-12 27-24 6-9 15-10 18-22 25-18 14-23 19-15 7-14 26-19 4-8 15-11 8-15 19-10 12-16 24-20 16-19 20-16 19-23 16-11 14-18 11-7 9-14 7-2 23-27 32-23 18-27 10-6 1-10 2-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 27-20 10-15 28-24 6-10 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 20-11 8-22 26-17 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 9-14 24-19 11-15 32-27 15-24 27-20 7-11 30-26 11-15 17-13 1-6 22-18 15-22 26-17 3-7 20-16 14-18 23-14 6-9 13-6 2-18 16-12 7-11 12-8 10-15 8-3 11-16 3-7 16-19 7-11 19-24 17-14 24-28 14-10 28-32 10-7 32-28 7-3 15-19 11-16 18-23 16-20 5-9 3-7 28-32 7-10 9-13 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 11-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 16-23 27-18 10-17 21-14 12-16 25-22 4-8 29-25 16-19 25-21 8-11 22-17 11-16 17-13 19-24 26-23 7-11 14-9 5-14 18-9 16-20 23-18 3-7 30-26 1-5 26-23 5-14 18-9 24-27 31-24 20-27 23-18 27-31 9-5 11-15 18-11 7-16 5-1 6-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 22-18 6-10 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-17 11-15 17-13 15-24 13-6 2-9 27-20 14-17 21-14 9-27 32-23 10-15 20-16 12-19 23-16 5-9 29-25 9-14 25-22 15-18 22-15 7-11 15-8 3-19 31-27 1-5 26-23 19-26 30-23 1/2-1/2 (marked as 0-1)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 22-18 6-10 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-17 9-13 30-25 13-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 27-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 26-10 7-14 31-27 3-7 23-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 20-11 7-16 18-15 16-19 1/2-1/2 (marked as 0-1)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 26-23 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 6-10 24-19 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 31-26 15-24 28-19 7-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 3-7 30-26 2-6 22-17 7-11 17-13 11-15 26-22 15-24 22-18 10-15 18-2 24-27 2-7 27-31 7-10 31-27 10-19 27-18 21-17 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-18 14-23 26-19 11-16 19-15 16-20 22-18 7-11 21-17 3-7 25-22 12-16 29-25 9-13 31-26 7-10 24-19 16-23 26-19 10-14 17-10 8-12 15-8 6-31 8-3 4-8 18-15 13-17 22-13 5-9 13-6 1-19 25-22 8-11 22-17 11-16 3-8 31-26 30-23 19-26 17-14 20-24 28-19 16-23 8-11 26-31 14-10 31-26 32-28 23-27 28-24 26-23 24-20 23-18 10-7 18-15 11-18 2-11 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-19 7-10 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-17 21-7 2-20 25-22 3-7 26-23 6-10 32-28 1-6 23-18 7-11 30-26 6-9 26-23 10-14 28-24 14-17 23-19 17-26 31-22 13-17 22-6 15-22 6-2 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "4"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-19 7-10 22-18 3-7 27-24 11-16 24-20 9-13 18-9 5-14 20-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 14-17 21-14 10-17 29-25 1-5 31-27 6-9 23-18 17-21 18-15 9-14 15-10 7-11 19-15 11-18 22-15 12-16 27-23 8-12 15-11 5-9 11-8 16-19 23-16 12-19 8-4 14-18 0-1
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 5

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 7-11 26-22 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 25-22 11-15 28-24 3-7 30-26 1-6 22-17 14-18 17-13 7-11 29-25 6-10 13-6 2-9 26-22 11-16 24-20 16-19 20-16 19-24 27-20 12-19 20-16 9-13 16-11 10-14 11-7 18-23 7-2 23-26 2-7 26-30 32-27 14-17 21-14 30-21 7-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 7-11 26-22 11-18 22-15 1-6 25-22 8-11 15-8 4-11 28-24 6-10 27-23 3-7 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 32-27 2-6 24-19 15-24 27-20 10-15 25-22 6-10 30-26 14-17 21-14 10-17 23-18 7-11 18-14 17-21 14-10 21-25 22-17 13-22 26-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 24-19 11-15 28-24 6-9 23-18 1-6 18x11 7x23 27x18 12-16 26-23 8-12 24-19 4-8 30-26 8-11 22-17 13x22 26x17 9-14 18x9 5x14 25-22 3-7 17-13 14-17 21x14 10x26 31x22 16-20 29-25 6-10 13-9 20-24 9-5 11-15 32-28 24-27 23-18 15x24 28x19 27-31 5-1 31-26 1-6 26x17 6x15 17-22 18-14 22x29 14-9 29-25 15-18 7-11 9-5 11-16 18-23 2-6 5-1 6-9 1-6 9-14 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 24-19 11-15 28-24 6-9 22-18 15x22 25x18 9-14 18x9 5x14 23-18 14x23 27x18 10-15 19x10 7x23 26x19 8-11 29-25 3-7 25-22 11-16 19-15 16-20 24-19 1-6 30-26 4-8 26-23 20-24 23-18 24-28 21-17 7-11 31-27 6-9 15-10 9-14 18x9 11-15 27-24 15-18 22x15 13x22 9-5 22-26 5-1 26-31 1-5 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 24-20 16-23 27-11 7-16 20-11 3-7 11-8 4-11 17-13 11-15 21-17 9-14 25-21 15-19 31-27 7-11 27-23 2-7 23-16 11-20 26-23 7-11 32-27 11-15 30-26 12-16 29-25 5-9 25-22 1-5 28-24 16-19 23-16 14-18 17-14 18-25 14-7 25-30 26-22 30-25 22-17 25-22 7-3 15-18 3-7 22-26 24-19 26-31 27-23 18-27 19-15 31-26 7-10 26-23 10-1 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 3-8 25-22 11-16 29-25 16-23 26-19 7-11 17-13 11-16 22-17 16-23 27-11 8-15 30-26 2-7 32-27 4-8 25-22 7-11 26-23 9-14 24-20 15-18 22-15 11-18 23-19 18-22 27-24 14-18 13-9 6-13 31-27 22-26 17-14 10-17 21-14 26-30 19-15 30-26 24-19 26-31 27-24 31-27 14-10 18-22 10-7 22-26 7-3 26-30 3-7 30-26 15-10 26-22 10-6 1-10 7-14 22-26 19-15 26-22 15-10 8-11 10-7 11-16 20-11 27-20 7-3 12-16 3-7 16-19 7-10 20-16 10-15 16-7 15-24 7-2 24-19 2-6 19-15 6-9 14-18 22-26 15-10 26-22 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 10-14 23-19 2. 14-18 22x15 3. 11x18 21-17 4. 8-11 17-14 5. 9-13 19-15 6. 4-8 24-19 7. 6-10 15x6 8. 1x17 25-22 9. 18x25 30x14 10. 2-6 29-25 11. 11-16 26-23 12. 13-17 27-24 13. 8-11 24-20 14. 6-10 14-9 15. 5x14 25-22 16. 17x26 31x22 17. 10-15 19x10 18. 16-19 23x16 19. 12x19 10-6 20. 19-23 22-18 21. 14-17 6-2 22. 23-26 18-14 23. 26-30 14-9 24. 30-26 32-27 25. 26-22 9-5 26. 22-18 20-16 27. 11x20 2x11 28. 17-22 5-1 29. 22-26 1-6 30. 18-22 27-23 31. 26-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 26-23 11-16 31-26 16-20 25-21 4-8 29-25 7-10 21-17 14-21 23-7 3-10 19-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 27-24 20-27 32-16 8-11 16-7 2-11 26-23 11-16 25-22 6-9 13-6 1-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 32-27 16-20 26-23 6-10 30-26 11-15 18-11 8-15 23-18 7-11 22-17 15-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 4-8 25-22 10-15 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 32-27 16-20 26-23 11-15 18-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 6-10 29-25 4-8 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 1-6 25-22 6-10 22-17 2-6 30-26 8-11 26-23 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 6-9 23-18 7-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 21-17 9-14 25-21 8-11 22-18 16-20 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 26-22 7-11 17-13 4-8 22-17 15-18 30-26 11-16 24-19 2-7 26-22 7-11 22-15 11-18 31-26 8-11 19-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 23-14 15-18 26-22 3-8 22-15 11-18 1/2-1/2 (published play)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 21-17 9-14 25-21 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-10 6-15 21-17 5-9 27-24 1-6 22-18 15-22 24-15 9-13 32-27 7-11 26-23 11-18 23-14 6-10 14-7 3-10 27-23 2-6 23-18 6-9 28-24 8-11 24-19 4-8 19-15 10-19 17-14 19-23 14-5 13-17 5-1 11-16 1-6 16-20 6-10 23-27 31-24 20-27 10-14 17-21 18-15 27-31 14-18 8-12 18-25 31-26 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 25-21 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 29-25 8-11 22-17 11-15 25-22 15-24 27-11 7-16 23-19 16-23 26-19 3-8 30-26 8-11 26-23 5-9 32-28 11-15 31-26 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 17-10 9-14 10-7 2-11 22-17 15-18 17-10 18-27 26-22 27-31 13-9 31-27 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 14-18 23-14 10-17 27-23 4-8 32-27 8-11 23-18 7-10 24-19 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 27-24 12-16 24-20 16-19 26-23 19-26 30-23 17-26 31-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 24-20 5-9 22-18 10-15 25-22 6-10 28-24 10-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 15-22 30-26 7-14 26-10 2-7 29-25 7-14 25-22 9-13 23-18 14-23 27-18 1-6 31-26 11-15 18-11 8-15 26-23 3-7 32-28 4-8 23-18 8-11 21-17 12-16 18-14 6-10 14-9 16-19 9-6 19-23 6-2 23-26 24-19 15-24 28-19 26-30 22-18 13-22 2-6 10-14 18-9 30-26 19-16 26-23 16-12 23-19 12-8 11-15 8-3 7-10 3-7 10-14 6-10 14-18 10-14 19-23 7-10 15-19 10-15 19-24 15-19 23-16 20-11 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 24-20 5-9 22-18 10-15 25-22 6-10 27-24 10-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 7-14 30-26 15-22 26-10 2-7 10-6 1-10 29-25 10-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 7-10 32-28 11-16 20-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 12-16 19-12 10-15 21-17 15-22 23-18 9-13 17-14 22-25 14-10 25-30 18-14 30-25 14-9 13-17 9-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 21-17 9-13 17-14 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-21 6-9 29-25 9-18 22-8 4-11 25-22 7-10 22-18 3-7 21-17 13-22 26-17 16-20 18-15 11-18 23-14 20-24 27-20 1-6 17-13 10-17 19-15 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 9-13 17-14 15-18 22-15 11-18 23-19 8-11 19-15 4-8 24-19 6-10 15-6 1-17 25-22 18-25 30-14 2-6 29-25 11-16() 26-23 13-17 25-22 17-26 31-22 6-10 22-17 8-11 27-24 16-20 23-18 20-27 32-23 12-16 19-12 10-15 17-13 15-22 13-9 22-26 9-6 26-31 23-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 21-17 5-9 22-18 13-22 26-17 9-13 25-22 11-15 18-11 8-15 23-18 15-19 24-15 10-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 29-25 4-8 17-14 3-7 31-26 8-11 14-9 11-16 9-5 19-23 26-19 16-23 28-24 12-16 24-19 16-20 19-16 7-10 16-11 20-24 25-21 24-27 18-15 10-19 11-7 2-11 30-26 23-30 32-7 6-10 22-18 13-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 21-17 5-9 25-21 11-15 29-25 8-11 17-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 14-9 12-16 24-20 16-19 27-24 6-10 9-5 10-14 32-27 2-6 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 31-27 3-8 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 25-21 6-9 22-18 14-23 26-22 23-27 22-18 15-22 24-8 27-32 8-3 7-11 28-24 32-27 24-19 27-24 19-16 11-15 16-12 15-18 20-16 18-23 16-11 22-26 11-7 26-31 7-2 24-19 3-7 19-15 7-3 23-27 12-8 27-32 8-4 32-27 4-8 27-23 8-11 15-8 3-12 31-27 12-16 27-24 16-11 24-19 2-7 23-18 7-3 18-14 3-8 19-15 11-18 14-23 8-11 23-19 30-25 9-14 11-7 19-15 25-22 15-19 7-2 14-18 22-15 19-10 2-6 10-15 6-9 15-18 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 22-18 7-10 25-22 11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 18-15 4-8 20-16 3-7 32-27 14-18 27-24 18-25 29-22 10-14 24-20 6-10 15-6 1-10 31-27 8-11 27-23 9-13 16-12 19-24 28-19 11-15 19-16 15-19 16-11 7-16 20-11 19-24 0-1 (both scoresheets are unlikely)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "5"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 22-18 7-10 25-22 11-16 29-25 3-7 18-15 10-19 24-15 14-18 23-14 9-18 15-10 6-15 26-23 1-6 23-14 6-9 31-26 9-18 26-23 8-11 23-14 16-19 22-17 7-10 14-7 19-23 27-18 15-29 7-3 29-25 3-8 11-16 8-11 25-22 11-20 22-13 20-24 13-9 24-19 9-6 19-23 6-10 23-19 5-9 19-23 9-14 23-26 10-15 26-22 12-16 22-26 16-19 26-31 4-8 31-26 8-11 26-22 11-16 22-26 15-18 26-31 18-15 31-26 2-6 26-22 6-9 22-26 9-13 26-31 14-18 31-27 18-22 27-24 15-18 24-15 18-11 28-24 16-20 21-17 1-0
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 6

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-18 15x22 25x18 12-16 29-25 10-14 24-19 8-12 27-24 16-20 31-27 4-8 25-22 7-10 30-25 9-13 18x9 5x14 22-18 8-11 18x9 11-15 26-22 3-7 9-5 15-18 22x15 12-16 19x12 10x26 24-19 26-30 25-22 6-9 12-8 7-10 19-16 10-14 22-18 14x23 27x18 30-26 18-14 9x18 28-24 20x27 32x14 26-23 14-10 23-18 16-11 18-15 10-7 15-10 7-3 10-14 8-4 13-17 4-8 17-22 11-7 2x11 8x15 14-9 15-18 22-26 21-17 9-6 3-7 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-18 15x22 25x18 12-16 29-25 9-13 25-22 16-20 23-19 10-14 18x9 5x14 26-23 6-10 31-26 8-11 23-18 14x23 27x18 20x27 32x23 4-8 18-14 10x17 21x14 8-12 28-24 11-16 24-20 1-6 20x11 7x16 23-18 16x23 26x19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 21-17 16-20 17-13 11-15 23-18 8-11 26-23 4-8 25-21 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 8-12 30-25 15-18 24-19 11-16 25-22 18-25 29-22 7-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 28-24 3-8 19-15 11-18 24-19 18-22 19-15 10-26 17-1 26-30 1-6 2-9 13-6 30-25 21-17 1-0 {the game continued somehow}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 21-17 16-20 17-13 9-14 22-18 14-17 25-21 8-12 21-14 10-17 29-25 17-21 25-22 7-10 22-17 11-16 18-14 3-7 23-18 6-9 13-6 2-9 18-15 9-18 15-6 1-10 24-19 16-23 26-19 12-16 19-12 18-22 27-23 22-25 23-19 25-29 31-26 7-11 19-16 11-15 12-8 4-11 16-7 20-24 28-19 15-24 7-2 29-25 17-13 10-14 2-7 14-17 7-10 25-22 32-28 22-31 28-19 31-27 19-16 27-23 16-11 23-18 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 23-14 9-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 25-21 10-14 29-25 4-8 26-23 3-7 28-24 6-10 32-28 1-6 24-20 11-15 28-24 6-9 13-6 2-9 31-26 9-13 26-22 8-11 21-17 14-21 23-14 10-26 19-3 11-15 30-23 21-30 23-19 15-18 19-15 30-26 24-19 26-31 27-24 31-27 15-11 18-22 3-7 22-26 11-8 26-31 19-15 5-9 15-10 9-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 23-14 9-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 25-21 10-14 29-25 4-8 28-24 11-16 26-23 16-20 31-26 2-7 32-28 8-11 19-16 12-19 24-8 3-12 23-19 20-24 27-20 18-23 19-15 23-27 15-11 7-16 20-11 27-31 26-22 14-17 21-14 6-9 13-6 1-26 30-23 31-26 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-16 26-22 8-11 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 25-18 6-13 29-25 16-20 25-22 2-6 30-26 6-9 28-24 4-8 32-28 11-16 19-15 10-19 24-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 21-17 1-5 17-14 8-12 27-24 20-27 31-24 12-16 24-20 7-11 15-8 3-12 20-11 12-16 11-7 16-20 7-2 20-24 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 18-15 11-18 21-17 14-21 23-5 8-11 25-22 11-15 24-20 6-9 27-24 9-14 24-19 15-24 28-19 7-11 26-23 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 4-8 31-26 8-11 22-18 3-7 18-9 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 1-6 5-1 6-13 1-5 0-1 (1/2-1/2?)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 23-18 16-19 24-15 10-19 22-17 8-12 27-24 4-8 24-15 7-10 32-27 10-19 27-24 3-7 24-15 7-10 31-27 10-19 26-23 19-26 30-23 11-16 28-24 9-14 17-10 6-22 25-18 5-9 21-17 16-20 29-25 1-6 17-13 6-10 13-6 2-9 25-21 10-14 24-19 8-11 21-17 14-21 18-15 11-18 23-5 21-25 19-15 25-30 15-10 30-26 10-7 26-22 27-23 20-24 7-3 24-27 23-19 22-18 3-7 27-31 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 23-18 16-19 24-15 10-19 21-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 22-13 3-7 25-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 8-12 25-21 7-10 22-17 11-15 27-24 4-8 32-27 8-11 27-23 2-7 23-16 11-27 31-24 14-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 24-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 11-15 19-10 6-15 22-18 14-23 26-10 7-14 25-22 3-7 24-19 7-10 27-23 8-11 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 30-26 2-7 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 7-10 22-18 8-11 32-28 11-16 18-15 10-14 15-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 11-15 19-10 6-15 22-18 14-23 26-10 7-14 25-22 9-13 27-23 8-11 22-18 3-7 18-9 5-14 24-19 7-10 (into g.1) 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 30-26 2-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 11-15 24-20 2. 12-16 20x11 3. 7x16 22-18 4. 15x22 25x18 5. 8-11 29-25 6. 4-8 25-22 7. 8-12 22-17 8. 3-7 17-13 9. 9-14 18x9 10. 5x14 23-19 11. 16x23 27x9 12. 1-5 32-27 13. 5x14 27-23 14. 11-15 30-25 15. 15-18 31-27 16. 12-16 28-24 17. 16-20 23-19 18. 14-17 21x14 19. 10x17 26-23 20. 17-21 23x14 21. 21x30 14-9 22. 30-26 9-5 23. 6-10 5-1 24. 10-14 1-6 25. 2x9 13x6 26. 14-18 19-16 27. 7-10 24-19 28. 26-22 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-20 12-16 20-11 7-16 28-24 16-19 23-16 15-18 22-15 10-28 16-12 8-11 25-22 9-14 26-23 6-10 22-17 11-15 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 17-13 2-7 22-17 15-18 13-9 10-15 17-10 7-14 9-6 1-10 21-17 14-21 23-7 3-10 12-8 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 12-16 26-23 16-19 23-16 11-20 18-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 4-8 24-19 6-10 29-25 9-13 25-22 1-6 27-23 8-11 30-26 6-9 19-15 10-19 23-16 7-10 16-7 2-11 22-17 13-22 26-17 10-15 17-13 15-22 13-6 22-25 6-2 5-9 2-6 9-13 6-10 25-29 31-26 29-25 26-22 25-18 28-24 20-27 32-14 13-17 14-9 17-22 10-14 22-26 14-18 26-31 9-6 31-27 6-2 3-8 2-6 11-16 18-15 27-24 6-10 16-19 21-17 24-28 15-24 28-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 12-16 22-17 15-22 25-18 9-14 17-10 6-22 26-17 11-15 27-23 8-12 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 16-20 32-27 5-9 22-18 9-13 30-26 13-22 26-17 2-6 17-14 1-5 19-15 12-16 15-8 3-12 18-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 19-26 31-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "B:W19,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32:B1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,15"]
{10-15 23-19 6-10, then Red moved twice!}
9-13 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 7-23 26-19 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 2-6 27-23 11-15 31-26 8-11 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 32-28 3-7 23-19 15-24 28-19 7-10 22-18 10-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 12-16 19-12 11-15 12-8 15-18 23-19 18-23 8-3 23-27 19-15 27-31 3-7 14-18 15-10 1-5 10-6 18-23 30-25 23-27 25-22 27-32 6-1 32-27 22-18 27-23 18-15 23-18 15-11 18-14 1-6 14-18 6-1 31-27 11-8 27-24 20-16 24-19 16-12 19-16 8-4 18-15 7-10 15-6 1-10 16-11 4-8 11-4 10-15 5-9 15-18 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 23-19 6-10 22-17 2-6 17-13 15-18 24-20 11-15 28-24 7-11 26-23 3-7 23-14 9-18 21-17 18-22 25-18 15-22 30-25 22-26 31-22 11-15 17-14 10-26 19-3 26-30 25-21 30-26 32-28 26-22 27-23 8-11 23-19 4-8 19-16 12-19 24-15 11-18 3-12 18-23 20-16 23-27 16-11 22-18 11-7 18-15 12-8 27-31 7-3 31-27 8-11 15-8 3-12 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 22-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 3-7 25-22 11-16 29-25 16-19 25-21 6-9 22-17 9-18 26-23 19-26 30-14 7-11 14-9 5-14 17-10 11-16 21-17 15-18 27-23 18-27 32-23 16-20 23-19 20-27 31-24 8-11 24-20 11-15 17-13 15-24 28-19 1/2-1/2 (M. Tinsley, Basic Checkers, 2nd game was the same}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 22-18 11-16 26-22 7-10 22-17 16-19 24-15 10-26 30-23 8-11 17-10 6-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 3-7 25-22 7-10 28-24 4-8 24-20 2-7 23-19 11-15 27-24 7-11 32-28 14-18 22-17 18-23 17-14 10-17 21-14 15-18 14-10 18-22 10-7 23-26 7-3 26-30 19-16 12-19 24-15 11-18 3-12 18-23 12-16 0-1 (1/2-1/2)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 22-18 11-16 26-22 7-10 22-17 16-19 24-15 10-26 17-10 6-22 25-18 3-7 30-23 1-6 29-25 8-11 25-22 6-10 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 13-17 14-9 5-14 18-9 17-22 9-5 22-25 5-1 25-30 1-5 30-25 5-9 25-22 9-5 11-16 28-24 16-20 5-9 4-8 9-5 8-11 5-9 7-10 9-5 10-14 5-9 14-17 24-19 17-21 19-15 11-18 23-14 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 7

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 8-11 30-25 11-15 27-23 4-8 23-16 8-12 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-19 17-14 6-10 32-27 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 9-13 25-21 6-9 27-23 13-17 23-16 17-22 26-17 9-13 18-15 13-22 15-10 22-25 28-24 25-30 24-20 30-25 16-11 7-16 20-11 25-22 31-26 22-31 21-17 31-26 10-7 3-10 14-7 26-22 17-13 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 25-22 8-11 30-25 4-8 27-23 11-16 32-27 8-12 22-18 16-20 23-16 12-19 17-14 9-13 25-22 6-9 27-24 20-27 31-15 1-6 29-25 7-10 14-7 3-19 18-15 2-7 22-18 7-10 15-11 10-14 18-15 14-18 26-22 18-23 11-7 9-14 7-2 6-9 2-7 23-26 7-10 14-18 15-11 26-31 22-15 9-14 10-17 13-29 21-17 31-26 11-7 26-22 17-13 22-18 15-11 29-25 7-3 25-22 3-8 18-23 11-7 23-27 8-11 19-23 7-2 23-26 2-7 26-30 7-10 22-17 11-15 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 21-17 8-11 17-14 10x17 22x13 16-20 24-19 9-14 25-22 11-16 22-18 14-17 29-25 7-10 25-21 3-7 21x14 10x17 19-15 6-9 13x6 1x19 18-15 5-9 15-11 17-22 26x17 19x26 30x23 9-13 17-14 13-17 14-10 7x14 23-19 16x23 27x9 17-22 9-5 22-25 5-1 25-30 1-5 30-25 5-9 25-22 9-14 22-25 14-18 25-30 18-14 30-25 14-17 12-16 32-27 2-6 17-14 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 21-17 8-11 17-14 10x17 22x13 4-8 23-18 9-14 18x9 5x14 26-23 7-10 25-22 3-7 24-19 14-18 22x15 11x18 23x14 16x23 27x18 10x17 31-26 8-11 29-25 6-10 18-14 1-5 25-22 10-15 28-24 12-16 24-20 16-19 32-27 11-16 20x11 7x16 27-23 2-7 13-9 7-11 22x13 15-18 9-6 18x27 6-2 27-31 26-22 19-23 2-7 16-20 7x16 23-26 30x23 31-26 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 21-17 7-10 17-14 9-18? 23-7 3-10 27-23 (24-20 0-1) 5-9 32-27 9-13 25-21 1-5 30-25 6-9 24-20 9-14 22-17 13-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 2-6 25-22 6-9 27-24 9-13 23-19 14-18 22-17 13-22 26-17 18-23 17-13 23-27 13-9 27-32 9-5 32-27 5-1 27-23 1-6 23-16 6-2 10-14 2-7 14-18 31-26 15-19 24-15 18-23 26-19 16-23 7-16 12-19 15-10 23-18 10-6 8-12 6-2 19-23 2-7 4-8 7-10? 23-27? (23-26* 1-0) 21-17 27-31 17-13 31-26 13-9 26-22 9-6 22-17 6-2 17-13 2-6 13-17 6-9 8-11 9-6? 18-14 10-7 14-18 7-16 12-19 6-10 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 21-17 7-10 17-14 10-17 22-13 11-16 23-19 16-23 26-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 27-23 8-11 25-22 11-16 32-27 3-8? 29-25?! (30-26 0-1) 16-19 23-16 12-19 25-21 2-6 22-17 5-9 31-26 9-14 26-23 19-26 30-23 8-12 24-20 4-8 27-24 6-9 17-13 15-18 13-6 18-27 6-2 10-15 2-6 27-31 6-10 15-18 10-17 18-22 17-26 31-22 20-16 12-19 24-15 22-18 15-10 18-15 10-6 15-19 6-2 8-11 2-7 11-15 21-17 15-18 17-14 18-23 14-10 23-27 7-11 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 11-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 22-18 1-6 25-21 8-11 29-25 13-17 24-20 17-22 26-17 9-13 25-22 6-9 28-24 11-15 20-11 7-16 18-11 9-25 17-14 3-7 24-20 25-29 21-17 13-22 30-25 16-19 25-18 7-16 20-11 29-25 31-26 12-16 18-15 16-20 32-28 25-30 27-23 2-6 23-16 30-23 14-10 6-9 11-7 23-19 16-12 20-24 7-2 9-13 2-7 24-27 15-11 19-23 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 11-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 22-18 1-6 25-21 8-11 24-20 11-15 18-11 9-18 29-25 6-10 26-23 10-14 28-24 13-17 30-26 3-8 32-28 8-15 20-11 7-16 24-19 15-24 27-11 18-27 31-24 12-16 24-20 16-19 20-16 5-9 16-12 9-13 12-8 2-7 11-2 4-11 2-7 11-15 25-22 14-18 21-14 18-25 7-11 15-18 26-22 18-23 11-15 25-30 15-24 30-26 22-18 26-22 18-15 22-18 24-19 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-17 16-20 17-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 26-23 9-18 23-14 1-6 30-26 6-9 26-23 9-18 23-14 2-6 25-22 6-10 22-17 11-15 29-25 15-18 25-21 18-22 17-13 10-17 21-14 22-25 13-9 25-29 9-6 29-25 6-2 25-22 2-11 8-15 14-10 22-17 24-19 15-24 28-19 17-14 10-6 5-9 6-2 4-8 19-15 8-11 15-8 3-12 2-7 9-13 7-11 13-17 11-15 17-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-17 16-20 17-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 26-23 9-18 23-14 1-6 30-26 6-9 26-23 9-18 23-14 2-6 24-19 20-24 27-20 6-9 32-27 9-18 19-15 5-9 28-24 9-13 31-26 18-22 26-17 11-18 25-22 18-25 29-22 7-10 20-16 10-15 16-11 15-18 22-15 13-22 24-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 7-11 26-22 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 28-24 1-6 25-22 6-10 27-23 3-7 22-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 29-25 10-15 32-27 12-16 24-19 15-24 27-20 11-15 20-11 7-16 25-22 2-6 31-26 15-19 22-18 6-9 18-15 16-20 23-16 20-24 15-10 24-27 26-22 27-31 10-6 31-27 6-1 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 7-11 26-22 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 28-24 11-15 25-22 1-6 22-17 14-18 17-14 3-7 24-20 9-13 30-26 6-9 21-17 13-22 26-17 12-16 20-11 7-16 14-10 9-13 17-14 13-17 27-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 18-22 24-19 15-24 28-19 22-26 19-15 26-30 15-11 30-26 10-7 26-23 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 23-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 26-23 6-9 23-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 31-26 5-9 19-15 12-16 24-20 9-14 20-11 7-16 26-23 8-12 15-10 16-19 23-16 12-19 30-26 19-23 26-19 14-17 28-24 17-21 25-22 18-25 29-22 21-25 22-17 25-30 17-13 30-26 19-15 2-7 13-9 7-14 24-19 26-22 9-6 1-10 15-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 9-14 23-19 2. 14-18 22x15 3. 11x18 26-22 4. 7-11 22x15 5. 11x18 21-17 6. 8-11 19-15 7. 10x19 24x8 8. 4x11 28-24 9. 11-15 30-26 10. 12-16 17-14 11. 2-7 26-23 12. 7-11 14-10 13. 18-22 25x18 14. 15x22 10-7 15. 3x10 24-19 16. 16-20 19-16 17. 11-15 16-12 18. 6-9 12-8 19. 20-24 27x20 20. 10-14 8-3 21. 22-25 29x22 22. 14-18 23x14 23. 9x25 3-7 24. 15-18 31-26 25. 25-30 26-23 26. 18x27 32x23 27. 1-6 23-18 28. 30-25 18-15 29. 25-21 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-13 24-20 13-22 25-11 8-15 (Francis recorded 7-16 20-11 8-15, which doesn't work later) 21-17 5-9 17-13 9-14 29-25 15-18 28-24 4-8 24-19 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-17 26-22 17-26 31-8 3-19 20-16 7-11 16-7 2-11 27-23 19-26 30-23 10-14 25-21 11-16 32-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 25-21 4-8 1/2-1/2 {not readable}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 22-17 11-15 17-10 7-14 23-18 14-23 26-10 6-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 8-11 25-22 9-14 29-25 3-7 19-15 11-18 22-15 1-6 31-26 4-8 32-28 7-10 27-24 10-19 24-15 2-7 28-24 7-10 24-19 14-18 21-17 18-23 25-21 23-27 26-22 27-31 22-18 31-27 18-14 27-23 14-7 23-16 30-26 16-19 7-3 19-10 17-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 3-8 11-15 8-11 15-18 11-8 12-16 8-11 16-19 11-16 18-22 16-23 22-31 23-18 31-26 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 22-17 11-15 17-10 7-14 23-19 8-11 19-10 6-15 25-22 4-8 22-18 15-22 26-10 2-7 10-6 1-10 21-17 9-13 30-26 13-22 26-17 10-14 17-10 7-14 24-19 14-17 27-23 5-9 23-18 17-22 28-24 3-7 19-15 22-25 29-22 9-14 18-9 11-25 9-6 7-10 6-2 10-14 24-19 25-30 2-7 14-18 19-15 18-22 31-27 30-26 32-28 12-16 7-11 16-19 11-4 26-31 27-24 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 26-23 10-14 31-26 4-8 28-24 6-10 25-21 11-16 21-17 14-21 23-7 16-23 27-18 3-10 29-25 8-11 24-19 2-6 25-22 5-9 32-28 10-15 19-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 18-14 10-17 22-13 15-19 13-9 11-16 9-6 21-25 30-21 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 26-23 10-14 28-24 11-16 31-26 16-20 32-28 2-7 25-21 7-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 3-10 24-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 28-24 15-19 24-15 5-9 13-6 1-19 26-22 18-25 29-22 4-8 27-23 19-26 30-23 8-11 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-19 11-16 19-15 14-18 24-20 7-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 3-7 28-24 16-19 15-10 6-15 25-22 19-28 14-9 18-25 29-22 5-14 22-18 14-23 26-3 11-16 20-11 8-15 31-26 1-6 26-22 12-16 27-23 15-19 30-26 19-24 23-18 24-27 32-23 28-32 18-15 32-27 22-18 27-31 26-22 31-27 21-17 27-31 15-10 6-15 18-11 31-26 23-18 26-30 3-8 16-20 17-14 30-26 14-9 26-17 9-5 20-24 5-1 24-27 8-3 27-31 3-7 31-26 7-10 26-23 18-15 10-w 17-14 10-17 13-22 15-10 23-19 10-7 4-8 11-4 2-11 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "7"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-19 11-16 19-15 16-20 22-17 14-18 17-13 9-14 24-19 7-11 26-22 11-16 22-17 16-23 17-10 12-16 21-17 16-19 17-14 19-24 28-19 8-11 15-8 6-24 14-9 5-14 25-22 18-25 29-22 4-11 27-9 11-15 30-26 3-7 22-18 15-22 26-17 7-11 17-14 1-5 31-26 11-15 1-0
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 8

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-16 26-22 8-11 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 25-18 6-13 29-25 16-20 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-16 25-22 7-10 14-7 3-10 22-18 2-6 31-26 6-9 18-15 13-17 15-6 1-10 23-18 16-23 26-19 17-22 18-15 10-14 15-11 14-17 11-7 17-21 7-2 22-25 2-6 9-13 6-10 25-29 10-14 29-25 14-18 4-8 19-16 12-19 27-24 20-27 32-16 8-12 16-11 12-16 18-15 25-22 11-8 22-25 8-3 25-22 3-7 22-25 7-11 16-20 15-18 13-17 11-15 25-29 18-14 29-25 14-9 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 7-11 25-22 4-8 22-18 11-16 27-24 16-20 32-28 20-27 31-24 1-5 29-25 9-13 18-9 5-14 25-22 8-11 22-18 11-16 18-9 16-20 9-5 20-27 26-22 27-31 5-1 31-27 22-18 3-8 30-26 27-31 26-22 8-11 28-24 31-27 24-20 11-15 18-11 27-25 11-8 25-22 8-3 10-15 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 23-18 14x23 26x19 11-16 19-15 16-19 22-18 7-10 25-22 3-7 24-20 8-11 15x8 4x11 27-24 11-16 24x15 10x19 20x11 7x16 18-15 6-10 15x6 1x10 22-17 9-14 29-25 14-18 17-14 10x17 21x14 2-7 31-27 19-23 25-22 18x25 27x18 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-18 14x23 27x18 12-16 32-27 16-20 26-23 6-10 30-26 11-15 18x11 8x15 22-18 15x22 25x18 10-14 24-19 4-8 29-25 1-6 26-22 6-10 18-15 2-6 22-17 9-13 25-22 14-18 23x14 7-11 14x7 11x25 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-12 29-25 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 4-8 23-16 8-12 32-27 12-19 27-23 11-16 20-11 7-16 18-15 9-14 15-11 6-10 25-22 5-9 22-17 9-13 26-22 19-26 30-23 16-19 23-16 1-6 31-27 14-18 22-15 13-22 27-24 10-19 24-15 22-26 16-12 26-31 12-8 3-12 11-8 31-27 15-11 12-16 8-3 27-23 11-8 6-9 21-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
12-16 24-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-12 29-25 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 4-8 23-16 8-12 18-15 12-19 15-8 3-12 25-22 6-10 32-27 9-14 22-17 7-11 27-24 11-15 20-16 2-7 16-11 7-16 24-20 19-24 20-11 14-18 28-19 15-24 11-7 10-15 7-3 12-16 3-7 16-19 7-11 24-27 31-24 19-28 17-14 28-32 26-22 18-25 11-18 25-29 21-17 32-27 14-10 27-24 10-7 24-19 7-3 5-9 17-13 1-6 3-7 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 21-17 4-8 17-13 9-14 29-25 8-11 23-19 6-10 27-23 15-18 19-15 18-27 15-8 12-16 32-23 3-12 25-22 16-20 24-19 7-11 19-16 12-19 23-7 2-11 22-18 14-23 26-19 11-15 19-16 15-19 16-11 19-23 11-8 23-27 31-24 20-27 8-3 10-14 3-7 1-6 28-24 27-31 24-19 31-27 19-15 () 27-23 15-11 14-17 11-8 17-22 8-3 22-26 3-8 26-31 8-11 31-27 11-8 23-18 8-11 27-23 7-2 23-19 2-9 5-14 13-9 14-17 9-6 19-15 11-7 17-22 6-1 18-23 1-6 15-18 7-10 22-26 6-1 26-31 1-5 31-26 1-0 (later win by First Position)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 11-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 4-8 23-18 8-11 26-23 6-10 21-17 5-9 30-25 1-5 25-21 10-14 17-10 7-14 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 27-24 16-20 31-27 2-7 32-28 3-8 19-15 13-17 22-6 7-10 18-9 10-26 6-2 5-14 2-6 26-31 6-10 14-18 10-15 18-23 27-18 20-27 28-24 27-32 24-20 32-28 18-14 28-24 14-10 31-27 10-7 27-23 7-3 23-19 15-10 8-11 3-8 11-15 10-14 19-23 8-11 15-18 11-15 18-22 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 7-10 26-23 10-14 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 27-24 16-20 31-27 8-11 22-17 4-8 17-10 6-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 3-7 25-22 7-10 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 20-27 32-23 11-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 7-10 24-20 3-7 28-24 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 12-16 25-22 8-12 32-28 16-19 30-25 {29-25 1/2-1/2} 14-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 1-5 22-17 6-10 25-22 18-25 29-22 2-6 {4-8 1-0} 22-18 15-22 24-8 4-11 26-23 6-9 23-19 9-18 27-24 19. 11-15 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 21-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 31-26 1-6 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 30-26 2-6 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 25-22 18-25 29-22 8-11 22-18 7-10 24-19 5-9 19-15 10-19 17-13 11-15 18-11 19-23 13-6 3-8 27-18 8-22 6-2 4-8 2-6 22-26 6-10 8-11 32-27 26-30 27-23 11-16 10-15 30-26 23-18 26-23 18-14 16-20 15-18 23-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 21-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 24-19 8-11 28-24 11-15 19-10 7-21 26-22 18-23 27-18 12-16 24-20 16-19 18-15 6-9 22-18 4-8 25-22 9-14 18-9 5-14 20-16 8-12 16-11 12-16 15-10 19-23 31-27 23-26 30-23 16-20 32-28 21-25 22-18 25-30 18-9 1-5 23-19 5-14 19-16 14-18 11-7 2-11 16-7 30-26 7-2 26-22 10-6 22-26 6-1 3-8 2-7 26-22 1-6 8-12 7-10 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 8-11 26-23 4-8 24-19 16-20 22-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 30-26 15-24 28-19 8-11 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 17-13 11-16 26-22 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 7-10 29-25 10-14 25-21 3-7 22-18 7-11 18-9 6-10 23-18 16-23 18-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 8-11 18-14 9-18 22-8 4-11 24-20 16-19 21-17 5-9 17-13 9-14 25-22 11-15 29-25 1-5 27-24 3-8 32-27 14-18 22-17 8-11 26-23 19-26 30-14 6-9 13-6 2-18 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-15 27-24 7-11 25-21 18-23 17-14 10-17 21-14 23-27 19-10 27-32 10-7 11-15 7-2 32-28 1/2-1/2 {continue 2-6 28-19 6-10 15-18 31-27 19-23 10-15 0-1}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 10-14 18-11 8-15 27-23 6-10 22-18 15-22 25-18 4-8 24-19 9-13 18-9 5-14 28-24 8-11 24-20 2-6 29-25 10-15 19-10 6-15 25-22 15-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 14-23 31-27 19-24 27-18 1-5 26-23 24-27 23-19 27-31 18-14 13-17 19-16 17-22 21-17 22-26 30-23 31-26 23-19 26-22 17-13 22-17 14-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 23-18 10-14 18-11 8-15 26-23 6-10 22-17 4-8 23-19 8-11 17-13 1-6 25-22 14-18 31-26 18-25 29-22 11-16 22-17 16-23 27-11 7-16 24-20 3-7 20-11 7-16 32-27 10-15 27-24 16-20 24-19 15-24 28-19 20-24 19-15 24-27 15-11 27-31 26-22 12-16 30-25 31-26 11-8 16-20 8-3 20-24 3-8 24-27 8-11 27-31 11-15 31-27 1-0 (1/2-1/2)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 21-17 9-13 25-21 5-9 29-25 10-15 24-19 15-24 27-11 8-15 32-27 15-19 23-16 12-19 17-14 9-18 22-15 4-8 25-22 8-12 27-24 3-8 22-18 12-16 24-20 8-12 20-11 7-16 26-23 19-26 30-23 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-26 2-7 26-22 6-10 15-6 1-10 21-17 7-11 18-14 10-15 14-10 19-23 10-7 23-26 7-3 26-30 3-7 30-25 7-16 25-18 28-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 21-17 9-13 25-21 5-9 23-18 10-15 18-11 8-15 24-19 15-24 27-11 7-16 30-25 4-8 17-14 9-18 22-15 6-10 15-6 1-10 32-27 8-11 21-17 13-22 26-17 11-15 25-21 2-6 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 14-7 3-10 29-25 1/2-1/2 {one scoresheet says 0-1}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 26-23 11-16 24-19 10-14 28-24 16-20 30-26 7-10 32-28 8-11 19-15 10-19 24-8 4-11 18-15 11-18 22-15 2-7 26-22 7-10 15-11 1-5 23-19 14-18 22-15 10-14 25-22 14-17 21-14 9-25 29-22 5-9 28-24 9-14 15-10 6-15 19-10 12-16 10-6 14-18 22-15 16-19 15-10 19-28 6-1 13-17 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 26-23 10-15 18-14 9-18 23-14 15-18 22-15 11-18 25-22 18-25 29-22 8-11 22-18 12-16 31-26 16-20 24-19 11-15 18-11 7-23 27-18 4-8 26-23 13-17 32-27 8-11 30-26 2-7 28-24 6-10 23-19 1-6 26-23 17-22 19-16 10-17 21-14 22-26 23-19 26-31 16-12 11-16 27-23 20-27 18-15 16-20 19-16 7-10 14-7 3-26 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 24-19 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 11-16 19-15 4-8 25-21 6-9 29-25 1-6 27-24 16-20 32-27 12-16 21-17 9-13 25-21 13-22 26-17 18-23 27-18 20-27 31-24 16-20 24-19 20-24 14-10 7-23 15-11 8-15 19-1 24-27 17-13 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "8"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 30-26 1-6 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 24-19 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 2-6 25-22 18-25 29-22 6-10 22-17 11-16 27-23 4-8 28-24 16-20 23-18 20-27 31-24 8-11 24-20 12-16 19-12 10-15 17-13 15-22 13-9 7-10 14-7 5-14 7-2 22-26 32-28 26-31 28-24 31-27 24-19 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 9

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 24-20 12-16 20x11 7x16 28-24 16-19 23x16 15-18 22x15 10x28 16-12 6-10 25-22 8-11 26-23 4-8 22-18 10-15 30-25 15x22 25x18 9-14 18x9 5x14 29-25 11-15 25-22 8-11 27-24 1-5 24-20 5-9 31-27 9-13 20-16 11x20 23-18 14x23 27x11 20-24 11-8 2-7 8-4 7-11 4-8 11-15 8-11 15-19 11-15 19-23 15-19 23-26 19-23 26-30 23-19 30-25 22-18 3-7 12-8 24-27 32x23 28-32 19-24 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 24-20 12-16 20x11 7x16 22-17 8-11 25-22 4-8 29-25 8-12 17-14 10x17 21x14 9x18 23x14 6-9 26-23 9x18 23x14 2-6 25-21 6-9 14-10 9-13 27-23 5-9 28-24 16-20 31-27 9-14 30-25 1-5 10-6 12-16 6-2 14-17 21x14 16-19 23x7 3x26 2-7 26-30 25-21 30-26 7-10 15-18 24-19 18-22 19-16 22-25 10-15 25-30 16-11 30-25 11-7 25-22 7-2 26-31 32-28 31x24 28x19 5-9 2-6 20-24 19-16 24-28 6-10 28-32 16-11 32-27 15-19 22-26 10-15 27-23 19-16 26-22 21-17 23-26 11-7 26-30 7-2 30-25 2-7 25-29 7-2 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-18 14-23 26-10 7-14 27-23 11-15 25-22 8-11 32-27 4-8 22-17 6-10 30-26 3-7 26-22 2-6 24-20 6-9 17-13 12-16 13-6 15-18 22-15 10-26 31-22 1-10 22-17 16-19 17-13 14-17 21-14 10-17 13-9 17-22 9-6 8-12 6-2 22-26 20-16 11-20 2-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 26-23 15-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 14-21 23-14 6-10 31-26 10-17 25-22 12-16 22-13 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-19 16-23 27-18 7-10 25-22 8-12 13-9 12-16 18-14 10-17 22-13 11-15 32-27 2-7 27-23 15-19 23-18 7-11 18-14 3-7 26-22 11-15 22-17 19-23 14-10 7-14 17-10 15-19 9-6 23-26 30-23 19-26 6-2 16-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 25-22 10-15 22-17 6-10 29-25 8-11 17-13 4-8 25-22 2-6 22-17 8-12 27-23 3-8 23-16 12-19 26-23 19-26 30-23 8-12 32-27 12-16 28-24 1-5 31-26 14-18 23-14 16-19 27-23 19-28 26-22 28-32 23-18 15-19 20-16 11-20 18-15 32-27 15-11 7-16 14-7 6-10 7-2 10-15 1-0 {the game continued for a very long time}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 10-14 27-23 8-12 23-16 12-19 18-15 4-8 25-22 6-10 15-6 1-10 32-27 10-15 22-17 14-18 30-25 9-14 17-10 7-14 20-16 2-7 27-24 8-11 24-20 18-23 26-22 14-18 22-17 18-22 25-18 15-22 17-14 23-26 31-27 26-31 27-24 19-23 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 24-20 10-17 25-21 16-19 21-14 1-6 29-25 6-9 27-24 9-18 24-15 2-6 28-24 7-10 32-28 10-19 24-15 5-9 31-27 9-14 26-23 3-7 23-19 14-17 28-24 17-26 30-14 11-18 14-9 6-10 9-6 7-11 19-16 11-15 16-12 15-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 24-20 10-17 25-21 16-19 21-14 11-15 29-25 2-6 25-21 8-11 14-10 7-14 27-23 14-18 23-7 18-25 7-2 6-9 21-17 13-22 26-17 9-13 30-21 13-22 31-26 22-31 32-27 31-24 28-10 4-8 21-17 5-9 17-13 9-14 2-6 14-18 6-9 18-23 9-14 23-27 14-18 27-32 18-23 32-28 13-9 1-5 9-6 5-9 6-2 9-13 2-6 13-17 6-9 17-22 9-14 28-24 14-18 22-25 10-6 25-30 6-2 8-12 18-15 30-25 2-6 25-22 6-10 24-28 15-19 22-17 23-18 28-32 20-16 32-28 16-11 28-32 11-7 32-28 7-2 28-32 10-15 17-13 18-14 32-28 2-6 28-32 19-24 32-28 6-10 28-19 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 23-18 12-16 18-11 8-15 24-20 9-14 20-11 7-16 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 26-23 4-8 29-25 3-7 28-24 16-20 24-19 6-9 25-22 9-13 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 2-6 18-14 10-17 21-14 13-17 19-15 17-22 31-27 8-12 32-28 12-16 15-11 6-10 11-2 10-17 2-7 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 23-18 12-16 18-11 8-15 24-20 7-11 26-23 4-8 30-26 8-12 27-24 2-7 24-19 15-24 28-19 9-13 22-18 10-15 19-10 6-22 25-18 16-19 23-16 12-19 18-14 1-6 29-25 19-23 26-19 6-9 32-27 9-18 19-15 5-9 15-8 3-12 20-16 12-19 27-23 19-26 31-15 9-14 25-22 14-18 15-11 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 6-9 26-23 1-6 24-20 10-14 27-24 14-17 21-14 11-16 20-11 8-15 18-11 9-27 32-23 7-16 23-18 3-7 30-26 6-10 25-21 5-9 29-25 10-14 26-23 16-20? 18-15 20-27 31-24 12-16 24-20 7-11 15-8 4-11 28-24 2-6 24-19 6-10 19-12 10-15 20-16 11-20 12-8 20-24 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 6-9 26-23 1-6 30-26 11-16 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 25-21 6-9 14-10 7-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 9-14 29-25 4-8 24-19 16-23 27-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 22-17 15-18 10-6 2-9 17-10 18-22 10-6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. 10-14 22-18 2. 12-16 24-20 3. 16-19 23x16 4. 14x23 26x19 5. 8-12 31-26 6. 6-10 27-23 7. 11-15 25-22 8. 15x24 28x19 9. 4-8 29-25 10. 8-11 22-18 11. 2-6 25-22 12. 9-13 18-14 13. 10x17 21x14 14. 6-10 23-18 15. 10x17 26-23 16. 17x26 19-15 17. 12x19 15x8 18. 3x12 23x16 19. 12x19 30x16 1/2-1/2 (B. Titus)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 22-18 12-16 24-20 16-19 23-16 14-23 26-19 8-12 25-22 6-10 31-26 11-15 27-23 15-24 28-19 4-8 29-25 8-11 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 14-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 19-10 12-19 20-16 19-24 16-12 7-11 25-22 18-25 30-21 11-15 26-22 0-1 (Boland's White Doctor)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 22-18 8-11 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 24-19 16-23 27-18 12-16 28-24 8-12 25-21 16-20 31-27 6-9 29-25 11-15 18-11 7-16 26-23 9-18 23-14 1-6 30-26 2-7 21-17 16-19 24-15 7-10 14-7 3-19 27-23 6-10 23-16 12-19 17-14 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 22-18 8-11 25-22 16-20 22-17 9-13 30-25 13-22 26-17 10-15 17-14 15-22 25-18 11-16 24-19 4-8 29-25 6-10 31-26 10-17 21-14 2-6 26-22 8-11 28-24 6-9 25-21 7-10 14-7 3-10 22-17 9-14 18-9 5-14 17-13 1-6 19-15 10-26 24-19 16-23 27-2 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 21-17 9-13 25-21 5-9 29-25 10-15 17-14 9-18 23-14 16-19 24-20 1-5 27-24 6-9 32-27 9-18 26-23 19-26 30-14 12-16 20-11 7-16 14-10 16-19 24-20 8-11 21-17 15-18 22-8 13-29 27-24 4-11 24-8 3-12 31-26 29-25 28-24 25-21 26-22 21-25 22-17 25-22 17-13 22-18 10-6 2-9 13-6 18-15 6-2 5-9 2-6 9-14 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 21-17 9-13 25-21 16-20 29-25 10-15 17-14 6-9 23-19 9-18 19-10 7-14 22-15 1-6 24-19 3-7 25-22 14-17 21-14 7-10 14-7 2-25 30-21 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 19-15 10-19 27-23 18-27 32-7 3-10 26-23 4-8 28-24 8-11 24-20 11-15 23-18 15-22 25-18 2-7 29-25 7-11 25-22 12-16 30-26 6-9 13-6 10-15 18-14 1-17 22-13 16-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-19 14-18 23-14 9-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 7-10 26-23 10-14 28-24 4-8 31-26 6-10 25-21 11-15 21-17 14-21 23-7 3-10 27-23 1-6 32-28 8-11 29-25 5-9 25-22 9-14 22-17 15-18 19-15 18-27 15-8 27-31 26-22 31-27 24-19 14-18 22-15 27-23 8-3 23-16 15-11 16-7 17-14 10-17 3-1 12-16 1-5 17-22 5-9 22-25 9-14 2-6 28-24 25-29 24-20 16-19 20-16 29-25 14-18 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 22-17 16-20 25-22 11-15 17-13 8-11 23-19 4-8 29-25 9-14 26-23 8-12 23-18 14-23 27-18 20-27 31-24 5-9 21-17 9-14 18-9 11-16 9-5 16-23 25-21 7-11 24-20 12-16 28-24 16-19 32-28 3-8 22-18 15-22 24-15 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "9"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-17 16-20 25-22 11-15 17-13 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 19-16 8-12 25-22 12-19 23-16 14-17 21-14 10-17 27-23 6-10 23-18 15-19 32-28 19-24 28-19 20-24 18-15 10-14 13-9 17-21 22-17 24-28 17-10 7-14 9-5 28-32 16-12 32-28 31-27 14-18 19-16 2-6 16-11 6-9 15-10 9-14 11-7 14-17 7-2 18-22 26-23 22-26 27-24 28-19 23-16 26-31 16-11 31-27 11-8 17-22 8-4 27-23 4-8 22-26 8-11 26-31 2-6 31-26 6-9 26-22 10-6 1-10 5-1 22-17 9-13 17-22 1-6 10-14 6-10 14-18 1/2-1/2 (0-1)
Last edited by jimloy on Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 10 (of 12)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 24-19 16-20 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 9-13 19-15 10-19 23-16 6-10 18-14 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 11-15 16-12 2-6 30-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 13-17 26-23 17-21 27-24 20-27 31-24 21-25 23-19 15-18 19-15 25-30 24-20 30-26 15-11? (15-10* 1/2-1/2) 7-16 20-11 26-23 14-10 23-19 10-6 18-23 6-1 19-15 11-8 5-9 1-6 9-13 8-4 23-26 4-8 26-31 8-4 13-17 4-8 17-22 8-4 22-26 4-8 26-30 8-4 30-26 6-2 15-11 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 24-19 16-20 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 19-16 9-13 21-17 6-9 29-25 9-14 25-21 5-9 23-19 11-15 26-23 15-24 16-11 7-16 32-28 16-19 23-16 14-18 22-6 1-10 28-19 13-22 21-17 9-13 16-11 22-25 30-21 13-22 21-17 22-25 19-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18x9 5x14 26-23 15-18 22x15 11x18 31-26 8-11 24-20 11-15 25-22 18x25 29x22 7-11 28-24 6-10 23-18 14x23 27x18 1-5 21-17 2-7 26-23 12-16 18-14 4-8 23-18 8-12 32-28 16-19 20-16 11x27 18x2 10-15 2-6 27-31 6-10 31-27 17-13 12-16 13-9 16-20 9-6 27-23 22-18 15x22 14-9 5x14 10x26 23-18 26-31 18-14 31-27 3-8 6-2 14-10 30-26 8-12 26-22 12-16 22-18 19-23 27-32 16-19 18-15 10-14 15-10 14x7 2x11 23-26 32-27 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyevv"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-15 23-18 9-14 18x9 5x14 22-18 14x23 26x10 7x14 27-23 11-15 25-22 8-11 29-25 4-8 32-27 15-18 22x15 11x18 21-17 14x21 23x14 12-16 27-23 16-19 23x16 6-10 14x7 2x27 31x24 8-11 24-19 3-7 25-22 7-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-16 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 24-19 16-23 27-9 6-13 21-17 12-16 17-14 10-17 25-21 8-11 21-14 11-15 28-24 16-20 31-27 4-8 26-23 8-12 23-19 2-6 19-10 6-15 30-26 12-16 14-9 16-19 32-28 7-10 9-6 10-14 6-2 14-17 27-23 20-27 23-16 17-21 26-23 27-31 23-19 15-24 28-19 31-26 22-18 26-23 18-15 23-18 15-11 27. 18-23 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 23-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 22-17 8-11 25-22 16-20 29-25 11-15 26-23 15-18 22-15 10-26 17-10 7-14 30-23 4-8 24-19 8-11 31-26 2-7 25-22 6-10 19-16 12-19 23-16 11-15 27-24 20-27 32-23 1-5 23-19 15-24 28-19 3-8 16-12 8-11 12-8 11-15 19-16 14-18 22-17 15-19? (18-22 1/2-1/2) 17-14 10-17 21-14 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Lyuanda"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 6-9 27-23 1-6 32-27 11-15 18-11 8-15 22-17 13-22 25-11 7-16 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-11 24-20 10-15 27-24 6-10 23-18 3-7 26-23 9-14 18-9 5-14 21-17 14-21 23-18 16-19 22-17 15-22 24-8 22-25 8-3 12-16 20-11 7-16 3-8 25-29 8-11 16-20 17-13 29-25 13-9 25-22 9-5 22-18 5-1 18-23 11-16 10-14 1-5 14-18 5-9 23-27 31-24 20-27 9-14 18-23 14-17 27-31 28-24 23-27 24-19 27-32 16-11 32-27 17-22 27-23 19-16 23-27 16-12 27-32 12-8 32-27 8-3 27-23 3-7 23-27 7-10 27-23 10-14 23-27 14-18 27-32 11-15 32-27 30-26 27-32 26-23 31-27 15-19 32-28 19-16 28-32 23-19 32-28 19-15 28-32 15-11 32-28 11-8 28-32 8-3 32-28 3-8 28-32 8-11 32-28 11-15 28-32 15-19 32-28 16-20 27-31 18-23 28-32 19-24 32-28 24-27 31-24 20-27 28-32 27-24 32-28 23-19 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Tete Lyuanda"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 6-9 27-23 11-16 32-27 10-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 7-14 25-22 16-20 30-25 8-11 24-19 11-16 22-17 2-6 17-10 6-22 25-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 19-15 4-8 29-25 1-6 25-22 16-19 23-16 12-19 22-17 14-18 17-14 19-23 14-10 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 9-13 22-18 2. 12-16 24-20 3. 8-12 27-24 4. 4-8 18-14 5. 10x17 21x14 6. 16-19 23x16 7. 12x19 24x15 8. 11x18 26-22 9. 6-9 22x15 10. 9x18 32-27 11. 5-9 28-24 12. 9-14 24-19 13. 1-6 20-16 14. 6-9 31-26 15. 18-23 27x18 16. 14x23 16-11 17. 7x16 19x12 18. 23-27 15-10 19. 9-14 26-22 20. 14-17 22-18 21. 27-31 18-14 22. 31-27 14-9 23. 27-23 25-21 24. 17-22 10-6 25. 23-27 6-1 26. 22-26 30x23 27. 27x18 1-5 28. 18-14 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. 9-13 22-18 2. 12-16 24-20 3. 8-12 28-24 4. 4-8 18-14 5. 10x17 21x14 6. 16-19 24x15 7. 11x18 26-22 8. 7-11 22x15 9. 11x18 23-19 10. 3-7 27-23 11. 18x27 32x23 12. 8-11 31-26 13. 6-10 25-21 14. 10x17 21x14 15. 1-6 29-25 16. 11-16 20x11 17. 7x16 23-18 18. 16x23 26x19 19. 6-10 14x7 20. 2x11 19-15 21. 11-16 18-14 22. 16-19 15-11 23. 19-23 11-8 24. 23-27 8-3 25. 27-31 3-7 26. 12-16 7-10 27. 16-19 25-21 28. 31-27 1-0 (on time, much later)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 18-15 11-18 22-15 10-19 24-15 9-14 25-22 5-9 22-17 14-18 17-13 9-14 29-25 16-19 27-24 18-23 24-20 14-18 21-17 3-7 26-22 7-10 20-16 1-5 31-26 2-7 17-14 10-17 15-11 8-15 16-11 7-16 28-24 19-28 26-1 17-26 30-14 4-8 1-6 8-11 13-9 16-19 6-10 19-23 9-6 23-26 6-2 26-30 25-21 30-26 2-6 26-23 14-9 5-14 10-17 12-16 6-10 16-20 10-14 11-15 14-18 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-16 23-18 7-11 18-15 11-18 22-15 10-19 24-15 9-14 25-22 5-9 22-17 14-18 17-13 9-14 29-25 16-20 26-22 12-16 30-26 16-19 27-24 20-27 32-16 8-12 16-11 6-9 13-6 1-19 22-15 3-7 15-10 7-16 26-22 16-20 22-17 14-18 17-13 4-8 10-6 2-9 13-6 12-16 6-2 8-12 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 22-17 11-15 25-22 8-11 29-25 11-16 23-18 14-23 27-11 16-20 31-27 7-16 17-14 10-17 21-14 3-7 22-18 4-8 26-23 16-19 24-15 6-10 15-6 1-17 18-14 8-11 28-24 2-6 23-19 6-10 32-28 17-21 14-9 5-14 19-16 12-19 24-6 11-16 6-2 7-11 2-7 14-18 7-10 16-19 30-26 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 22-17 11-15 25-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 22-18 8-11 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 27-11 7-16 22-18 1-5 18-9 5-14 26-22 3-7 22-18 6-9 13-6 2-9 31-26 7-11 26-22 10-15 22-17 15-22 17-10 11-15 23-18 15-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 17-14 9-18 22-15 5-9 25-22 9-14 29-25 8-12 22-18 14-23 31-27 3-7 27-18 7-10 25-22 12-16 15-11 10-15 18-14 16-20 32-27 1-5 26-23 19-26 30-23 6-9 14-10 9-14 28-24 5-9 10-6 9-13 23-19 2-9 19-10 14-17 1/2-1/2 {later}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 22-18 7-10 18-15 9-13 27-23 13-22 23-16 10-19 25-18 8-12 32-27 6-10 29-25 1-6 18-15 5-9 16-11 9-14 27-24 19-23 26-19 3-7 31-26 7-23 26-19 14-18 25-22 18-25 30-21 10-14 15-10 6-15 19-10 12-16 24-20 16-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 24-20 5-9 22-18 11-16 20-11 8-22 25-18 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 10-15 27-24 6-10 24-19 15-24 28-19 1-5 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 5-14 31-26 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 7-11 30-25 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 14-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 15-19 26-22 18-23 22-17 23-26 25-21 26-30 17-13 30-25 14-9 25-22 9-6 2-9 13-6 22-18 21-17 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 24-20 5-9 22-18 11-16 20-11 8-22 25-18 4-8 29-25 8-11 25-22 10-15 27-24 7-10 24-20 1-5 28-24 9-13 18-9 5-14 32-28 3-7 24-19 15-24 28-19 11-16 20-11 7-16 19-15 10-19 22-17 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 24-19 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 7-11 25-22 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 15-19 27-23 2-7 22-18 4-8 29-25 19-24 25-22 8-11 16-12 24-28 22-17 10-15 17-10 15-22 26-17 6-15 31-27 9-13 17-14 15-18 23-19 18-22 27-23 1-5 23-18 11-16 19-15 16-20 15-11 7-16 14-10 22-25 10-6 25-29 6-2 29-25 18-14 25-22 14-10 22-18 10-6 16-19 6-1 19-23 1-6 18-15 6-1 20-24 2-6 15-11 6-10 24-27 1-6 11-7 10-14 27-31 6-2 7-11 2-6 31-26 6-10 11-16 10-15 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-14 22-18 5-9 18-15 11-18 21-17 14-21 23-5 8-11 27-23 11-15 25-22 4-8 23-19 8-11 22-17 11-16 31-27 16-23 27-11 7-16 29-25 10-15 24-19 16-23 26-10 6-15 25-22 12-16 17-14 3-7 22-17 16-20 14-10 7-14 17-10 20-24 28-19 15-24 30-26 21-25 26-23 25-30 23-19 30-26 32-28 26-23 19-15 23-18 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 17-14 10-17 21-14 12-16 24-20 6-10 20-11 10-17 25-21 8-15 21-14 4-8 29-25 8-11 28-24 1-6 24-20 6-9 26-22 9-13 30-26 2-6 27-24 3-8 32-27 13-17 22-13 8-12 26-23 18-22 25-18 15-22 23-18 22-26 31-22 6-10 22-17 10-15 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "10"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
11-15 22-17 15-18 23-14 9-18 26-23 6-9 23-14 9-18 30-26 1-6 17-13 10-14 24-19 8-11 19-15 7-10 15-8 4-11 28-24 11-15 26-23 3-7 24-20 12-16 20-11 7-16 32-28 2-7 28-24 7-11 25-22 18-25 29-22 16-20 23-19 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 931
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:20 am
Location: Bozeman, Montana

Re: Games of the 2018 National

Post by jimloy »

Round 11

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Shane McCosker"]
[White "Alex Moiseyev"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 22-18 12-16 24-19 8-12 18-14 10x17 21x14 6-9 28-24 9x18 23x14 16x23 27x18 12-16 25-22 4-8 26-23 16-20 31-27 8-12 29-25 7-10 14x7 3x10 24-19 11-16 18-15 2-7 15x6 1x10 22-18 10-14 18x9 5x14 25-22 14-17 22-18 17-22 19-15 16-19 23x16 12x19 18-14 13-17 32-28 17-21 27-23 19x26 30x23 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Moiseyev"]
[White "Shane McCosker"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 22-18 12-16 24-20 8-12 27-24 4-8 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[White "Rich Beckwith"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 26-23 4-8 24-20 6-10 28-24 14-17 23-14 17-21 31-26 10-17 25-22 11-15 19-10 7-14 27-23 3-7 24-19 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-16 7-10 16-7 2-11 22-18 14-23 26-19 11-15 19-16 15-18 16-11 18-23 11-7 17-22 7-3 1-6 3-7 10-14 20-16 22-26 7-11 26-31 16-12 31-26 12-8 26-22 8-3 22-17 3-8 23-26 30-23 21-25 29-22 17-19 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Rich Beckwith"]
[White "Lubabalo Kondlo"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 23-19 14-18 22-15 11-18 21-17 8-11 17-13 9-14 26-23 11-16 24-20 3-8 20-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 31-26 7-11 26-22 14-17 22-15 11-18 23-14 17-21 13-9 6-13 14-10 13-17 27-24 8-11 24-20 11-15 32-28 15-24 28-19 5-9 20-16 9-14 16-11 1-5 11-8 5-9 8-4 9-13 4-8 14-18 8-11 18-23 10-7 23-26 30-23 21-30 7-3 17-22 23-18 22-26 18-14 26-31 14-9 31-27 9-5 2-6 3-7 6-9 11-15 27-24 5-1 9-14 1-6 14-18 15-22 24-15 7-10 15-19 6-9 12-16 9-14 16-20 14-18 20-24 18-15 19-16 10-14 24-28 14-18 28-32 18-23 32-28 23-18 28-32 18-14 32-28 15-18 16-20 14-10 28-24 10-15 24-28 18-14 28-32 15-18 32-28 18-23 28-32 23-18 32-27 14-17 20-24 17-21 24-28 29-25 28-32 18-15 32-28 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Ron King"]
[White "Vadym Lapin"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-14 24-20 10-15 22-17 7-10 25-22 3-7 29-25 5-9 17-13 11-16 20-11 7-16 22-17 16-19 23-16 12-19 (mostly unreadable from here) 26-23 19-26 30-23 2-7 25-22 7-11 28-24 15-18 22-15 10-28 17-10 6-15 13-6 1-10 27-24 11-16 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Vadym Lapin"]
[White "Ron King"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-14 24-20 10-15 22-18 15-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 7-10 22-17 15-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 2-7 24-15 10-19 17-10 6-15 21-17 8-11 32-27 4-8 17-14 1-6 27-24 8-12 31-27 12-16 26-22 6-10 14-9 10-14 27-23 19-26 30-23 16-19 23-16 14-18 22-17 18-23 9-6 23-26 0-1 (one scoresheet says 1-0)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Michele Borghetti"]
[White "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 11-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 22-18 1-6 27-23 8-11 32-27 16-20 25-21 11-15 18-11 7-16 29-25 9-18 23-14 3-7 26-23 4-8 30-26 8-11 25-22 13-17 22-13 11-15 13-9 6-13 24-19 15-24 28-19 13-17 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 15-10 7-11 26-23 19-26 31-13 11-15 27-23 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Sergio Scarpetta"]
[White "Michele Borghetti"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
9-13 23-18 11-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-9 22-18 1-6 27-23 16-20 32-27 8-11 25-21 13-17 29-25 11-15 18-11 7-16 23-18 3-7 25-22 9-13 26-23 17-26 31-22 6-9 24-19 2-6 19-15 16-19 23-16 12-19 27-23 19-26 30-23 4-8 23-19 8-12 21-17 20-24 15-10 6-15 19-3 24-27 28-24 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jack Francis"]
[White "Anthony Bishop"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-20 11-16 20-11 8-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 12-16 28-24 16-20 29-25 4-8 25-22 6-10 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 5-14 30-26 8-11 26-22 11-15 23-18 14-23 27-11 7-16 22-18 20-27 32-23 3-8 31-27 1-6 17-13 8-11 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-15 14-10 6-9 13-6 2-9 10-7 15-19 23-18 16-20 7-2 9-13 18-14 13-17 2-7 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Anthony Bishop"]
[White "Jack Francis"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-20 11-16 20-11 8-15 22-17 6-10 17-13 1-6 4-8 23-19 15-18 24-20 7-11 26-23 3-7 32-28 14-17 21-14 10-17 23-14 9-18 31-26 6-10 25-22 18-25 11-15 27-23 15-24 28-19 8-11 19-16 12-19 23-16 10-15 16-12 11-16 20-11 7-16 10-8 16-20 8-3 20-24 3-8 24-27 8-11 15-19 11-15 19-24 15-10 27-31 13-9 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Igor Martynov"]
[White "Tim Laverty"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
12-16 22-17 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 11-20 25-22 8-11 22-18 6-10 17-14 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 3-8 26-23 11-15 18-11 8-15 31-26 9-18 23-14 4-8 26-23 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 30-25 8-12 25-22 6-9 22-17 9-18 23-14 15-18 17-13 18-22 13-9 7-10 14-7 5-14 7-2 22-26 2-6 26-30 6-10 14-17 10-14 17-22 27-24 20-27 32-23 1/2-1/2

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tim Laverty"]
[White "Igor Martynov"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
12-16 22-17 16-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 11-20 25-22 8-11 22-18 9-14 17-10 7-23 27-18 4-8 29-25 8-12 21-17 3-7 17-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 26-23 11-16 32-27 6-9 30-25 2-6 28-24 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 9-13 24-19 13-17 18-15 17-22 15-11 5-9 14-5 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Tete Luyanda"]
[White "Alan Millhone"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1-0"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 24-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 27-24 7-10 24-15 10-19 17-14 9-18 22-15 5-9 25-22 9-14 22-18 14-23 31-27 8-12 27-18 12-16 29-25 4-8 25-22 8-12 15-10 6-15 18-11 19-23 26-19 16-23 11-8 12-16 8-4 16-19 22-18 2-6 18-14 1-5 30-25 23-26 25-22 26-31 22-18 31-26 32-27 19-23 27-24 23-27 18-15 26-23 14-10 23-19 10-1 19-10 24-19 27-32 19-16 10-7 1-6 32-27 6-2 7-10 2-7 10-14 7-11 14-18 16-12 5-9 11-16 27-23 4-8 9-14 16-20 18-15 20-16 14-17 16-20 17-22 20-16 22-26 16-11 15-19 11-16 26-30 16-20 19-15 20-24 30-26 24-20 26-22 20-16 22-18 16-20 18-14 20-16 14-9 16-11 15-18 11-16 9-6 8-11 6-2 11-8 18-15 16-11 15-10 11-16 23-18 28-24 18-23 24-20 23-18 8-4 (8-11 on the other scoresheet) 10-7 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alan Millhone"]
[White "Tete Luyanda"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
11-15 21-17 15-19 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 25-21 8-11 30-25 4-8 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 17-10 7-14 27-23 3-7 23-16 11-20 25-22 6-10 26-23 8-12 22-17 7-11 29-25 11-16 31-27 2-7 23-19 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Holmes"]
[White "Jim Morrison"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 26-23 11-16 30-26 16-20 24-19 1-5 22-17 13-22 26-17 9-14 18-9 6-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 2-6 18-14 10-17 21-14 11-16 25-22 6-9 22-18 7-10 14-7 3-10 18-15 10-14 15-11 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Jim Morrison"]
[White "Alex Holmes"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 23-18 5-9 26-23 11-16 30-26 10-14 22-17 13-22 26-10 6-22 25-18 9-13 18-14 8-11 24-19 4-8 29-25 11-15 19-10 16-19 23-16 12-19 31-26 2-6 27-23 6-15 23-16 8-12 16-11 7-16 14-10 15-18 28-24 18-23 26-19 16-23 24-20 23-26 25-22 26-30 22-18 30-26 18-15 26-23 15-11 23-19 11-7 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Clint Olsen"]
[White "John Webster"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1-0"]
9-13 22-18 12-16 25-22 8-12 29-25 16-20 18-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 22-18 13-17 24-19 11-16 28-24 4-8 32-28 7-10 14-7 2-11 26-22 17-26 31-22 6-10 22-17 5-9 30-25 9-13 25-22 3-7 18-14 11-15 14-9 7-11 9-5 10-14 19-10 14-21 10-6 21-25 22-18 25-30 18-15 11-18 23-14 30-26 6-2 8-11 2-7 11-15 7-11 15-18 11-15 26-23 15-22 23-32 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "John Webster"]
[White "Clint Olsen"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
9-13 22-18 12-16 24-20 8-12 28-24 4-8 18-14 10-17 21-14 16-19 24-15 11-18 26-22 7-11 22-15 11-18 23-19 2-7 25-21 6-10 30-25 10-17 21-14 1-6 32-28 6-10 14-9 5-14 19-16 12-19 27-23 18-27 31-6 7-11 6-2 14-17 2-6 17-21 25-22 21-25 22-18 25-30 18-14 11-15 6-10 15-18 28-24 30-26 20-16 18-22 16-12 22-25 29-22 26-17 0-1 (time, the position is a 1/2-1/2)

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "William Docherty"]
[White "Alex Weaver"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1-0"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 22-17 11-15 17-13 2-6 25-22 8-11 29-25 4-8 22-17 14-18 17-14 10-17 19-10 (ambiguous x) 7-14 (only 1-0) 24-19 18-23 27-18 14-23 21-14 9-18 31-27 6-10 26-22 1-6 22-15 11-18 19-15 10-19 27-24 3-7 24-15 7-10 1-0

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Alex Weaver"]
[White "William Docherty"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 23-19 6-10 19-15 10-19 24-15 11-18 22-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 25-22 7-10 28-24 10-15 22-17 14-18 17-13 9-14 26-23 12-16 32-28 16-20 23-19 2-6 19-10 6-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 1-6 19-16 11-15 30-26 3-8 16-11 8-12 11-7 12-16 7-2 15-19 2-9 18-23 9-18 23-32 26-23 19-26 31-22 16-19 18-14 19-23 22-18 23-26 29-25 26-30 25-22 30-26 22-17 26-22 18-15 32-27 0-1 {soon}

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Joe Schwartz"]
[White "Lorne Wells"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "0-1"]
10-14 24-19 6-10 28-24 11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 9-13 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 10-15 18-11 7-23 26-19 8-11 29-25 3-7 25-22 7-10 22-18 11-16 31-26 16-23 26-19 1-6 30-26 6-9 26-23 4-8 18-15 9-14 15-6 2-9 19-15 0-1

[Event "2018 National"]
[Date "2018"]
[Black "Lorne Wells"]
[White "Joe Schwartz"]
[Round "11"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
10-14 24-19 6-10 28-24 9-13 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 3-8 30-25 8-11 22-17 13-22 26-17 5-9 17-13 15-18 13-6 2-9 24-20 4-8 31-26 11-15 19-16 12-19 23-16 15-19 26-22 18-23 27-18 14-23 16-12 8-11 12-8 23-26 8-3 19-23 32-28 26-30 28-24 23-27 24-19 11-15 19-16 27-31 3-8 10-14 22-17 7-10 17-13 1-6 8-3 30-26 3-7 31-27 16-12 27-23 12-8 15-18 8-3 26-22 20-16 23-19 16-12 22-17 7-11 19-24 12-8 24-20 8-4 17-22 3-7 22-17 4-8 17-22 8-12 22-26 12-16 26-23 16-12 23-26 21-17 14-30 7-5 6-10 1/2-1/2
Last edited by jimloy on Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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