I have only found three games of this match.
[Event "Match"]
[Date "1911"]
[Black "Henderson, H."]
[White "D'Orio, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 21-17 9-13 24-20 5-9 25-21 11-15 20-11 7-16 30-25 9-14 27-24 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-12 11-15 32-27 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-9 13-22 26-17 6-22 23-18 8-11 1-0
[Event "Match"]
[Date "1911"]
[Black "Henderson, H."]
[White "D'Orio, J."]
[Result "1-0"]
12-16 21-17 9-13 24-20 11-15 20-11 7-16 25-21 5-9 30-25 9-14 27-24 8-11 24-19 15-24 28-12 11-15 32-27 4-8 22-18 15-22 25-9 13-22 26-17 6-22 23-18 8-11 27-24 11-16 24-20 16-19 18-15 1-6 15-11 10-14 11-8 19-24 8-4 24-28 4-8 28-32 8-11 32-28 31-27 28-24 27-23 6-10 11-8 22-26 29-25 26-31 25-22 31-27 22-18 10-15 18-9 27-18 21-17 15-19 8-11 19-23 9-5 24-19 5-1 19-15 11-8 23-26 1-5 18-22 17-13 22-18 1-0
[Event "Match"]
[Date "1911"]
[Black "Henderson, H."]
[White "D'Orio, J."]
[Result "0-1"]
10-15 21-17 11-16 17-14 9-18 23-14 8-11 22-17 16-20 25-21 4-8 26-23 6-9 29-25 9-18 23-14 11-16 30-26 16-19 25-22 2-6 17-13 12-16 22-17 8-12 14-10 7-14 17-10 5-9 26-22 9-14 22-17 3-8 10-7 8-11 17-10 19-23 27-18 0-1 {1/2-1/2?}